[Pkg-octave-devel] New here

Jan Vermeulen s23137216 at tuks.co.za
Tue Jun 27 11:24:56 UTC 2006


I'm new here and thought it prudent to introduce myself. The reason I 
subscribed to this list is because I discovered a bug in the etime() 
function (in etime.m) in my build of Debian. I figured that it would 
only be nice to say hi before reporting a bug :P

I'm a student at the University of Pretoria in South Africa -- I 
discovered the bug while trying to get the neural network toolbox 
(ported) by Michael Schmidt, hosted at SourceForge 
(http://sourceforge.net/projects/octnnettb/), to work. I think that's 
more than enough to get started, I don't know how friendly the list is, 
so I'm not going to delve too deeply into the nature of the work I'm 
doing with neural nets :-).


Jan Vermeulen
The Extremist

"God has such a deep reverence for our freedom that he'd much rather have us freely go to Hell, 
than be compelled to go to Heaven"
                                                ----------Desmond Tutu
                        Beyers Naude Memorial Lecture 2003 (15 August)

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