[Pkg-octave-devel] Test suite for octaviz [was: rev 905 - octaviz/trunk/debian]

Rafael Laboissiere rafael at debian.org
Wed Apr 18 12:54:02 UTC 2007

* Thomas Weber <weber at num.uni-sb.de> [2007-04-18 10:09]:

> About the upload: the build worked within an amd64 chroot, I'm building
> right now for x86 and will test the package. Shouldn't take that long.

I am just wondering whether we could add a test suite to the octaviz package.
The build daemons could run it without an X-Window server through xvfb.  You
probably know how to do it, but here is an example:

    $ cat test-xvfb.m
    plot (randn(10,1));
    print ("test-xvfb.eps", "-depsc");
    $ (unset DISPLAY ; xvfb-run octave test-xvfb.m)
    $ ls -l test-xvfb.eps
    -rw-r--r-- 1 rafael rafael 15521 2007-04-18 13:23 test-xvfb.eps


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