[Pkg-octave-devel] Processed (with 3 errors): Retitle octave3.0 bugs

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Mon Dec 24 15:15:07 UTC 2007

Processing commands for control at bugs.debian.org:

> package octave3.0
Ignoring bugs not assigned to: octave3.0

> retitle 420079 octave3.0 needs mkoctfiles
Bug#420079: octave2.9 needs mkoctfiles
Changed Bug title to `octave3.0 needs mkoctfiles' from `octave2.9 needs mkoctfiles'.

> retitle 420080 Merge octave3.0 and octave3.0-headers packages
Bug#420080: Merge octave2.9 and octave2.9-headers packages
Changed Bug title to `Merge octave3.0 and octave3.0-headers packages' from `Merge octave2.9 and octave2.9-headers packages'.

> retitle 457541 octave3.0: multiple assignment to a struct array
Bug#457541: octave2.9: multiple assignment to a struct array
Changed Bug title to `octave3.0: multiple assignment to a struct array' from `octave2.9: multiple assignment to a struct array'.

> retitle 435205 octave2.1: copyright file incorrectly lists GPLv2 only
Bug number 435205 belongs to package octave, skipping.

> retitle 452560 octave3.0: behaviour of clear not entirely documented
Bug#452560: octave2.9: behaviour of clear not entirely documented
Changed Bug title to `octave3.0: behaviour of clear not entirely documented' from `octave2.9: behaviour of clear not entirely documented'.

> retitle 435275 octave3.0-headers depends on gcc-3.4
Bug number 435275 belongs to package octave2.9-headers, skipping.

> retitle 418158 octave3.0: poissinv error
Bug#418158: octave2.9: poissinv error
Changed Bug title to `octave3.0: poissinv error' from `octave2.9: poissinv error'.

> retitle 434415 octave3.0-headers: Changed F77_FUNC_ macro
Bug number 434415 belongs to package octave2.9-headers, skipping.

End of message, stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

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