Bug#408188: [Pkg-octave-devel] Bug#408188: octave2.1-forge: legend doesn't wait long enough for gnuplot

Reuben Thomas rrt at sc3d.org
Wed Jan 24 15:48:53 CET 2007

On Wed, 24 Jan 2007, Thomas Weber wrote:

> Can you try the octave2.9-forge package? It can be installed in parallel
> to octave2.1-forge. You must call "octave2.9" afterwards.

I tried it, but my script wouldn't run because of some problem with 
wavwrite, so I didn't investigate further. I now have. My initial problem 
was that wavwrite's argument order had changed, but now I still can't get to 
using the plot facilities because wavwrite seems to be writing invalid .wav 
files. I guess I'll file another bug report...

So, back to this bug. I have cut down the script as follows:

x = randn(65536, 1);
x = x / max(abs(x));
XR = 20*log10(abs(fft(2*hanning(65536).*x(1:65536), 65536)));
XP = 20*log10(abs(fft(2*hanning(65536).*x(1:65536), 65536)));
XS = 20*log10(abs(fft(2*hanning(65536).*x(1:65536), 65536)));
w = [0:65535]/65536 * 44100;
plot(w, XR, w, XP, w, XS)
hold on
axis([0 22050 -100 80])
text(5000, -50, '4 kHz: Upper Limit of Data');
plot([4000 4000], [-100 80], 'g')
plot([44100 - 4000 44100 - 4000], [-100 80], 'g');
title('Rate Convert From 8 kHz to 44.1 kHz Of Random Noise');
ylabel('Magnitude of Spectrum in dB')
xlabel('Frequency in kHz');
xlabel('Frequency in Hz');
hold off
print RandomNoiseUpsample.pbm

and I still get the error "gnuplot not responding", presumably because of 
the same problem with timing out.

I should add that there seems to be an oddity with gnuplot on my system: I 
use ion3 as my WM, and whenever gnuplot opens a window (which is always 
forced to the same size by the WM, nearly full screen) CPU usage rises to 
about 100%. I'm guessing there's some fighting going on between gnuplot and 
ion3 about the size of the window. If I float the window, it takes even 
longer: gnuplot reduces the window from full-screen to about one quarter of 
the screen, but very slowly.

This doesn't change the status of the bug, however, it just explains why my 
computer is taking much longer than might be expected to complete the plot. 
Old machines may well take a long time to complete the plot.

http://rrt.sc3d.org/ | author, n.  one who parades ignorance in public

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