[Pkg-octave-devel] indexing expression performance

John W. Eaton jwe at octave.org
Sat Jan 17 19:51:36 UTC 2009

On 17-Jan-2009, Jaroslav Hajek wrote:

| For using them from Fortran, no, you can use the implicit interface
| generated for every call. For using them from C, a header file can be
| written. So far I didn't do it, because it appears that providing it
| is actually inconvenient for C++; in C++, it's more convenient to use
| references than pointers (as in Octave's sources).

You could write a header with some macro goo something like this:

  #if defined __cplusplus && defined (QRUPDATE_USE_REFERENCES)
  #define QRUPDATE_PTR_ARG(T) T&
  #define QRUPDATE_PTR_ARG(T) T*

  #if defined (__cplusplus)
  extern "C" {

  F77_FUNC (qrupdatefcn, QRUPDATEFCN) (const QRUPDATE_PTR_ARG (double),
                                       QRUPDATE_PTR_ARG (double), int)

  #if defined (__cplusplus)

But I'm not sure it is really worth it.


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