[Pkg-octave-devel] octave-stk : missing pristine-tar

Julien Bect julien.bect at centralesupelec.fr
Tue Jun 14 07:30:36 UTC 2016

Le 14/06/2016 à 09:00, Rafael Laboissière a écrit :
> * Julien Bect <julien.bect at centralesupelec.fr> [2016-06-12 22:22]:
>> I have updated the octave-stk repository using
>>    gbp import-orig --uscan
>> but I have realized afterwards that probably should have used the 
>> --pristine-tar option.
>> I (hopefully) fixed my mistake as follows:
>>   wget https://qa.debian.org/watch/sf.php/octave/stk-2.3.4.tar.gz
>>   pristine-tar commit octave-stk_2.3.4.orig.tar.gz
>> Now it looks ok but I would feel more confortable if someone could 
>> check what I did ;-)
> The tag upstream/2.3.4 is lacking in the repository.  Without it, I 
> guess that gbp-dch will not work out of the box.

Sorry about that, I simply forgot to push the corresponding tag. This is 
fixed now.

The next step for me, I guess, will be to bring the patches up-to-date 
on master.


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