[Pkg-ofed-commits] r983 - in /trunk/srptools/trunk/debian: control srptools.init

gmpc-guest at alioth.debian.org gmpc-guest at alioth.debian.org
Thu Jan 19 13:11:13 UTC 2012

Author: gmpc-guest
Date: Thu Jan 19 13:11:12 2012
New Revision: 983

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/?sc=1&rev=983
Make  srp_deamon actually a deamon. 


Modified: trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/control
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/control?rev=983&op=diff
--- trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/control (original)
+++ trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/control Thu Jan 19 13:11:12 2012
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
 Package: srptools
 Architecture: i386 ia64 amd64 powerpc
-Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, infiniband-diags
+Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends}, infiniband-diags, daemon
 Description: Tools for Infiniband attached storage (SRP)
  In conjunction with the kernel ib_srp driver, srptools allows you to
  discover and use Infiniband attached storage devices which use the 

Modified: trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/srptools.init
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-ofed/trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/srptools.init?rev=983&op=diff
--- trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/srptools.init (original)
+++ trunk/srptools/trunk/debian/srptools.init Thu Jan 19 13:11:12 2012
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 # Provides:          srptools
-# Required-Start:    $remote_fs $syslog
-# Required-Stop:     $remote_fs $syslog
+# Required-Start:    $syslog
+# Required-Stop:     $syslog
 # Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
 # Default-Stop:      0 1 6
 # Short-Description: Discovers SRP scsi targets.
@@ -45,6 +45,33 @@
+stop_daemon () {
+if [ "$PORTS" = "NONE" ] ; then
+echo "srptools disabled."
+exit 0
+if [ "$PORTS" = "ALL" ]  ; then
+    for HCA_ID in `/bin/ls -1 ${IBDIR}`
+      do
+      for PORT in `/bin/ls -1 ${IBDIR}/${HCA_ID}/ports/`
+        do
+	  kill_daemon
+      done
+    done
+return 0
+for ADAPTER in $PORTS ; do
+    HCA_ID=`echo $ADAPTER | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
+    PORT=`echo $ADAPTER | awk -F:  '{print $2}'`
+    kill_daemon
 run_daemon() {
 # SRP deamon wedges if we start it on a port which is not up
@@ -54,23 +81,14 @@
         if [ "$STATUS" = "State: Active" ] ; then
             echo "Starting srp on $HCA_ID $PORT"
-# srp does not background itself; using the start-stop-daemon background function
-# causes us to lose stdout, which is where it logs to.                        
-            nohup start-stop-daemon --start --quiet -m --pidfile /var/run/srp_daemon.${HCA_ID}.${PORT} \
-            --exec  /usr/sbin/srp_daemon -- -e -c -n -i ${HCA_ID} -p ${PORT} -R ${RETRIES}   >> $LOG 2>&1 &
+            daemon -r --pidfile /var/run/srp_daemon.${HCA_ID}.${PORT} -- /usr/sbin/srp_daemon -e -c -n -i ${HCA_ID} -p ${PORT} -R ${RETRIES}   >> $LOG 
-stop_daemon () {
-     for HCA_ID in `/bin/ls -1 ${IBDIR}`
-      do
-      for PORT in `/bin/ls -1 ${IBDIR}/${HCA_ID}/ports/`
-        do
-        start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --oknodo -m --pidfile /var/run/srp_daemon.${HCA_ID}.${PORT} 
-        RETVAL=$?
-      done
-    done
+kill_daemon () {
+    PID=`cat /var/run/srp_daemon.${HCA_ID}.${PORT}`
+    kill -TERM $PID

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