[Pkg-opencl-devel] pocl (0.11)

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Mon Apr 25 22:01:15 UTC 2016

beignet 1.1.2-1 (using LLVM 3.7) is now ready for upload.

>>>> * Pocl needs at least LLVM 3.7, but Debian defaults to LLVM 3.6, so
>> BTW this causes issues when both the mesa and beignet ICDs are
>> installed. (I build my own beignet because of this.)
> Didn't we make some linking changes in beignet that should prevent this?

You're probably thinking of "having two copies of libllvm without 
-Bsymbolic crashes" (mesa-opencl-icd + beignet 
https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=768185 , pocl + 
graphics https://github.com/pocl/pocl/issues/46 ), which I assume is a 
separate problem as it only happens between two copies of the *same* 
LLVM version.

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