[Pkg-opencl-devel] mesa-opencl-icd/libclc: ! does not accept pointers

Rebecca N. Palmer rebecca_palmer at zoho.com
Mon Mar 13 07:52:17 UTC 2017

Control: retitle -1 mesa-opencl-icd/libclc: ! does not accept pointers

There appear to be two separate bugs here:

-get_global_id() does not work (the clinfo problem).  This has also been 
reported as #857591 and upstream, where it has a patch: 

Please use #857591 for further discussion of this issue.

-the ! operator does not accept pointer-to-struct, and possibly any 
pointers (the 3 errors, as opposed to warnings, in the blender compile 

I attach a simple test case for that (works in beignet, my hardware 
doesn't support mesa-opencl-icd).  Please try both with and without the 
#define NULL 0 - blender has that, but possibly shouldn't.
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