[Pkg-openmpi-maintainers] New Debian package version?

Manuel Prinz debian at pinguinkiste.de
Wed Jul 25 11:20:53 UTC 2007

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if we should prepare a new version of our package. I
applied Petr's patch for kFreeBSD to my local repository and could check
it in[1]. This possibly doesn't justify a new upload but I think there
are at least two other issues I'd like to have discussed:

 * QA: The Debcheck page hasn't been update for ages, but the problem
mentioned still remains: libopenmpi1 is optional an depends on
libibverbs1 which is extra. The easiest way to fix that is to make
OpenMPI extra, too. Looking at the Policy definition of optional and
extra, extra fits better to OpenMPI anyway (IMHO).

 * libibverbs: The library is for use of InfiniBand. Our cluster doesn't
use (or better: have) InfiniBand, so OpenMPI throws warnings when an MPI
job is run. My question is whether we really need to depend on that
library or if we can/should provide a seperate package without
libibverbs dependancy or document in README.Debian how to turn it off?
My experience shows that the warnings irritates MPI users and I'd like
to avoid that, if possible.

Best regards
 1. Since it's in upstream's trunk, the patch would not last very long.
But I'm not quite sure when upstream will release the next version.

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