[Pkg-openssl-devel] Bug#243489: marked as done (openssl: "ca" segfaults )

Debian Bug Tracking System owner at bugs.debian.org
Thu Sep 22 13:34:01 UTC 2005

Your message dated Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:36:36 +0200
with message-id <4332A554.5050804 at uni-mainz.de>
and subject line Bug#243489: openssl: "ca" segfaults
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

Received: (at submit) by bugs.debian.org; 13 Apr 2004 11:08:37 +0000
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Date: Tue, 13 Apr 2004 13:08:04 +0200
From: christophe nowicki <nowick_c at epita.fr>
To: submit at bugs.debian.org
Subject: openssl: "ca" segfaults 
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Package: openssl
Version: 0.9.7d-1
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Hi Christoph,

Using openssl in interactive mode with the following 
command generate a segfault :

OpenSSL> ca
Using configuration from /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
Error opening CA private key ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem
1340:error:0E06D06C:configuration file routines:NCONF_get_string:no
ib.c:329:group=CA_default name=unique_subject
1340:error:02001002:system library:fopen:No such file or
1340:error:20074002:BIO routines:FILE_CTRL:system lib:bss_file.c:278:
unable to load CA private key

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0807b56a in free_index ()

Backtrace information :

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0807b56a in free_index ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0807b56a in free_index ()

You can fix this segfault with this small patch :

diff -dur openssl-0.9.7d/apps/ca.c openssl-0.9.7d-fixed/apps/ca.c
--- openssl-0.9.7d/apps/ca.c    2004-03-08 14:07:07.000000000 +0100
+++ openssl-0.9.7d-fixed/apps/ca.c  2004-04-13 12:35:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -1503,7 +1503,8 @@
    if (free_key && key)
-   free_index(db);
+   if (db)
+     free_index(db);


PJ : openssl-0.9.7d.patch

-- System Information:
Debian Release: testing/unstable
  APT prefers testing
  APT policy: (500, 'testing')
Architecture: i386 (i686)
Kernel: Linux 2.4.24-1-k7

Versions of packages openssl depends on:
ii  libc6                       2.3.2.ds1-11 GNU C Library: Shared libraries an
ii  libssl0.9.7                 0.9.7d-1     SSL shared libraries
ii  perl                        5.8.3-3      Larry Wall's Practical Extraction

-- no debconf information

Meuuuhh elle fait la vache :))                       _(__)_        
Nowicki Christophe                                  '-e e -'__,--.__)
17, rue Saint Exupery                                (o_o)        )
77500 Chelles                                          \. /___.  |
Etudiant EPITECH Promo 2006                             ||| _)/_)/
http://etud.epita.fr/~nowick_c/nowick_c.asc             //_(/_(/_(

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="openssl-0.9.7d.patch"

diff -dur openssl-0.9.7d/apps/ca.c openssl-0.9.7d-fixed/apps/ca.c
--- openssl-0.9.7d/apps/ca.c	2004-03-08 14:07:07.000000000 +0100
+++ openssl-0.9.7d-fixed/apps/ca.c	2004-04-13 12:35:31.000000000 +0200
@@ -1503,7 +1503,8 @@
 	if (free_key && key)
-	free_index(db);
+	if (db)
+	  free_index(db);


Received: (at 243489-done) by bugs.debian.org; 22 Sep 2005 12:37:49 +0000
>From martin at uni-mainz.de Thu Sep 22 05:37:49 2005
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Date: Thu, 22 Sep 2005 14:36:36 +0200
From: Christoph Martin <martin at uni-mainz.de>
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To: christophe nowicki <nowick_c at epita.fr>, 243489-done at bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#243489: openssl: "ca" segfaults
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The problem seems to be fixed somewhere else from upstream. It is not
present in the current versions.

Christoph Martin, Leiter der EDV der Verwaltung, Uni-Mainz, Germany
 Internet-Mail:  Christoph.Martin at Uni-Mainz.DE
  Telefon: +49-6131-3926337
      Fax: +49-6131-3922856

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