Hello, <br><br>I don't have emesene but it seems that this bug affects Kmess too (as you can see on this forum : <a href="https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1075949#p1075949">https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=1075949#p1075949</a> ) : Kmess disconnects after few seconds (more or less 1 minute after connection).<br>
This has began with libssl1.0.0 v.1.0.1-2 and it continues with the new version 1.0.1-4<br><br>when it crashes, Kmess says :<br>kmess(8815) MsnNotificationConnection::slotError: MSN Notification Connection error type 16 : "Pas de réponse du service web"<br>
last part can be translated : "No answer from the web service"<br><br>strangely, during the minute of connection, I'm able to discuss with my contacts. Kopete isn't affected by this bug.<br><br>As Kmess don't allow expert configurations of connection, I suppose that I use default port and server for the connection... If it can help, I give you the logs of a whole session below. If you want some more informations, don't hesitate to contact me.<br>
<br>thank you for your work ;)<br><br><br>==============<br>0,000> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (kdelibs): Attempt to use QAction "status" with KXMLGUIFactory! <br>0,019> WARNING: QObject::connect: Incompatible sender/receiver arguments<br>
       ChatMaster::addContact(QString) --> MsnNotificationConnection::addNewContact(QString,QStringList)<br>0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled <br>0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled <br>
0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled <br>0,037> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled <br>0,038> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled <br>
0,038> CRITICAL: kmess(8815)/kdeui (Wallet): The kwalletd service has been disabled <br>11,636> kmess(8815) RoamingService::updateDisplayPicture: Missing profileResourceId, not updating display picture <br>19,552> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '<a href="mailto:messenger@microsoft.com">messenger@microsoft.com</a>' contact! <br>
19,553> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '<a href="mailto:messenger@microsoft.com">messenger@microsoft.com</a>' contact! <br>19,553> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '<a href="mailto:messenger@microsoft.com">messenger@microsoft.com</a>' contact! <br>
19,553> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '<a href="mailto:messenger@microsoft.com">messenger@microsoft.com</a>' contact! <br>19,555> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '<a href="mailto:messenger@microsoft.com">messenger@microsoft.com</a>' contact! <br>
19,555> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '<a href="mailto:messenger@microsoft.com">messenger@microsoft.com</a>' contact! <br>19,558> kmess(8815) AddressBookService::parseAddressBook: Skipped '<a href="mailto:messenger@microsoft.com">messenger@microsoft.com</a>' contact! <br>
19,811> kmess(8815) RoamingService::updateProfile: Missing profileResourceId, not updating profile <br>19,811> kmess(8815) RoamingService::updateProfile: Missing profileResourceId, not updating profile <br>79,572> kmess(8815) MsnNotificationConnection::slotError: MSN Notification Connection error type 16 : "Pas de réponse du service web" <br>