[Pkg-opt-media-team] Bug#612709: Bug#612709: /usr/bin/growisofs: growisofs failed to burn DVD

Martin Šín martin.sin at zshk.cz
Fri Feb 11 13:11:19 UTC 2011


Dne Thu, 10 Feb 2011 14:39:34 -0200
Rogério Brito <rbrito at ime.usp.br> napsal(a):

> Hi there, Martin.
> On Feb 10 2011, Martin Sin wrote:
> > at the beginning of burning process, growisofs fail with this message:
> > 
> > $ growisofs -dvd-compat -Z /dev/sr0=file.iso
> What kind of medium are you trying to burn here? What does dvd+rw-mediainfo
> say? What burner do you have? How is it connected to your computer? Plain
> IDE? SATA? USB? Firewire? Any other way?

$ dvd+rw-mediainfo /dev/dvd
INQUIRY:                [HL-DT-ST][DVDRAM GH22NS50 ][TN02]
 Mounted Media:         11h, DVD-R Sequential
 Media ID:              MCC 03RG20  
 Current Write Speed:   22.0x1385=30470KB/s
 Write Speed #0:        22.0x1385=30470KB/s
 Write Speed #1:        20.0x1385=27700KB/s
 Write Speed #2:        18.0x1385=24930KB/s
 Write Speed #3:        16.0x1385=22160KB/s
 Write Speed #4:        8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Write Speed #5:        4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Write Performance:     9.1x1385=12664KB/s at 0 -> 22.1x1385=30636KB/s at 2298495
 Speed Descriptor#0:    02/2298495 R at 6.6x1385=9168KB/s W at 22.0x1385=30470KB/s
 Speed Descriptor#1:    02/2298495 R at 6.6x1385=9168KB/s W at 20.0x1385=27700KB/s
 Speed Descriptor#2:    02/2298495 R at 6.6x1385=9168KB/s W at 18.0x1385=24930KB/s
 Speed Descriptor#3:    02/2298495 R at 6.6x1385=9168KB/s W at 16.0x1385=22160KB/s
 Speed Descriptor#4:    02/2298495 R at 6.6x1385=9168KB/s W at 8.0x1385=11080KB/s
 Speed Descriptor#5:    02/2298495 R at 6.6x1385=9168KB/s W at 4.0x1385=5540KB/s
 Media Book Type:       00h, DVD-ROM book [revision 0]
 Legacy lead-out at:    2298496*2KB=4707319808
 Media Book Type:       25h, DVD-R book [revision 5]
 Last border-out at:    2045*2KB=4188160
 Disc status:           blank
 Number of Sessions:    1
 State of Last Session: empty
 "Next" Track:          1
 Number of Tracks:      1
 Track State:           invisible incremental
 Track Start Address:   0*2KB
 Next Writable Address: 0*2KB
 Free Blocks:           2297888*2KB
 Track Size:            2297888*2KB
READ CAPACITY:          0*2048=0

There is 16x write speed on this medium (Verbatim DVD-R). LG DVDRAM
GH22NS50 on SATA.

> > Executing 'builtin_dd if=obraz.iso of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'
> > /dev/sr0: "Current Write Speed" is 22.7x1352KBps.
> Are your writer and medium able to write at the speed of 22.7x1352KB/s?
> That's about 30MB/s.

You are right. I have tried 16x speed with no success:

$ growisofs -dvd-compat -speed=16 -Z /dev/sr0=obraz.iso  
Executing 'builtin_dd if=obraz.iso of=/dev/sr0 obs=32k seek=0'
/dev/sr0: "Current Write Speed" is 16.4x1352KBps.
          0/4653744128 ( 0.0%) @0x, remaining ??:?? RBU 100.0% UBU   0.0%
   14483456/4653744128 ( 0.3%) @3.1x, remaining 42:42 RBU 100.0% UBU   3.1%
:-[ WRITE at LBA=3de0h failed with SK=5h/INVALID ADDRESS FOR WRITE]: Invalid
argument :-( write failed: Invalid argument
/dev/sr0: flushing cache
/dev/sr0: updating RMA
/dev/sr0: closing disc

> > I can reproduce this problem with another blank media..
> And can you write with other programs to the medium? Say, with wodim?

Brasero not working too (maybe the same error), but K3B works fine.

> Regards,

Best regards,
Martin Sin.

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