[Pkg-osm-commits] [SCM] website branch, master, updated. e128a1911abaf2d5ddfd93706ef57921f8c58bea

Mònica Ramírez Arceda monica at probeta.net
Sat Apr 30 20:19:26 UTC 2011

The following commit has been merged in the master branch:
commit e128a1911abaf2d5ddfd93706ef57921f8c58bea
Author: Mònica Ramírez Arceda <monica at probeta.net>
Date:   Sat Apr 30 21:56:26 2011 +0200

    Create tables with information of OSM programs that could be in Debian.

diff --git a/input/wnpp.creole b/input/wnpp.creole
index e478b86..c5be5de 100644
--- a/input/wnpp.creole
+++ b/input/wnpp.creole
@@ -2,7 +2,24 @@
 == Packages we would like to work on
+=== Projects related with OSM
-|=  Name  |=  Website  |=  WNPP  |
-| osm2go  | [[https://garage.maemo.org/projects/osm2go/]] | [[515937|http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=515937]] |
+|= Name                                                   |= Debian relation?                    |= Implemented in |= License |=  Keywords         |= Observations          |
+|[BT747](http://bt747.org)                                |[ITP](http://bugs.debian.org/533589)  | Java            | GPL      | logger, editor     | MTK GPS chipsets only! |
+|[GPX Viewer](http://blog.sarine.nl/gpx-viewer/)          |                                      | Vala & GTK+     | GPL      | display, analyse   |                        |
+|[gpxmap](http://www.wirelesscouch.net/labs/gpxmap/)      |                                      | Processing      | GPL      | renderer; analyse  | abandoned?             |
+|[jagme](http://code.google.com/p/jagme/)                 |                                      | Java            | GPL      | display, analyse   | abandoned?             |
+|[mapdiff](http://www.refnum.com/projects/osm//mapdiff/)  |                                      | D               | BSD      | analyse            | abandoned?             |
+|[mapgen.pl]http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapgen.pl()|                                      | Perl            | GPL      | renderer           | [it may be replaced](http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Mapgen.pl/Successor) |
+|[MapOSMatic](http://maposmatic.org/)                     |                                      | Python & Django | AGPL     | renderer           |                        |
+|[Mumpot](http://www.mumpot.org/)                         |[pkg-fso](http://pkg-fso.alioth.debian.org/debian/pool/main/m/mumpot/) | C & GTK+ | GPL | navi, logger, router, editor | freesmartphone.org packaging team is working with it |
+|[osm2go](https://garage.maemo.org/projects/osm2go/)      |[RFP](http://bugs.debian.org/515937)  | C & GTK+        | GPL      | logger, editor     | [abandoned](https://garage.maemo.org/pipermail/osm2go-users/2011-April/000271.html) |
+=== Projects related with OSM with no stable release yet
+|= Name                                            |= Debian relation? |= Implemented in |= License    |=  Keywords |= Observations                 |
+|[Cartagen](http://cartagen.org/)                  |                   | HTML5 & Ruby    | MIT & GLPL3 | renderer   | No stable release (?)         |
+|[Ceyx](https://bitbucket.org/spaetz/ceyx-mapcss)  |                   | Python          | GPL         | renderer   | No stable release             |
+|[Èmerillon](http://projects.gnome.org/emerillon/) |                   | C & GTK+        | GPL         | display    | No stable release, abandoned? |
+|[Kogutowicz](http://code.google.com/p/kogutowicz/)|                   | Java            | Apache      | renderer   | pre-alpha stage, abandoned?   |

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