[Pkg-owncloud-maintainers] Bug#1065477: Bug#1065477: owncloud-client: Uploads to unstable must have a higher version than present in unstable.

Pierre-Elliott Bécue peb at debian.org
Tue Mar 5 14:42:49 GMT 2024


Sebastian Ramacher <sramacher at debian.org> wrote on 05/03/2024 at 09:38:13+0100:

> Source: owncloud-client
> Version:
> Severity: serious
> Tags: ftbfs
> X-Debbugs-Cc: sramacher at debian.org
> Version check failed:
> Your upload included the binary package dolphin-owncloud, version, for amd64,
> however unstable already has version 5.0.0-1+b1.
> Uploads to unstable must have a higher version than present in unstable.
> Cheers

owncloud-client has been uploaded far before in the past, and was
shipping dolphin-owncloud, nautilus-owncloud, et al.

In client v5, upstream removed these packages from the owncloud-client
source, and therefore they're now packaged through dedicated source

These ones are the latest uploads.

I'll upload the v5 version of owncloud-client source package which won't
ship dolphin-owncloud et al anymore.

It's what's been suggested to me, and therefore I can't see a bug here.

Could you give me a bit more intel aobut why this would be a serious
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