<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" ><tr><td valign="top" style="font: inherit;"><br><br><b>Hello my good friend.<br> <br>Hope all is well with you and your family?, I want to inform you that<br>This multi-million-dollar business has been concluded with the<br>Assistance of another partner.<br><br>I left a Bank Draft US$4.million cash able any where in the world for<br>your Compensation, Contact the delivery Company with this email<br>( trustcargocouriercompny@live.co.uk ) and provide them your telephone number<br> <br>And address
where to send you the Daft.<br> <br>I have forwarded instruction to them concerning your bank draft, they will<br>Send it immediately. I'm busy here with the investment projects,<br> <br>I Remain Your Friend,<br>Mr Martin smith<br></b><br></td></tr></table>