[Pkg-parrot-devel] Parrot and rakudo packages (was Re: New version of parrot package is in mentors)

Dominique Dumont domi.dumont at free.fr
Mon Apr 18 18:58:38 UTC 2011

Le vendredi 15 avril 2011 18:43:30, Alessandro Ghedini a écrit :
> I've been interested in collaborating with rakudo packaging for some time 
> since it's quite unusable right now (mainly due to #585762), and offered
> my  help to Ryan Niebur (the current maintainer of the rakudo package)
> many times (via #601862, and some private emails) but I've never received
> a response. 

Ryan gave me the permission to take over rakudo. I plan to package rakudo as 
soon as parrot package is in good shape. And I'll resume working on parrot, as 
soon as lcdproc is done :-p .

> Then I gave up due to other, more "urgent" Debian work I had
> to do. If any help is needed (for both parrot and rakudo) that do not
> require DD status I would be happy to contribute.

Yes. I definitely could use some help. I'm not a DD but I'm working on it ...

May be the next step would be to create a project on Alioth to host rakudo 
packaging... Alessandro, could you handle that ?

Going back to parrot: Allison, could you configure a git repository on alioth 
for parrot ?

All the best

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