r851 - in packages: . libuser-identity-perl libuser-identity-perl/branches libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Mail libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t

Gunnar Wolf gwolf at costa.debian.org
Sun Jul 17 08:09:00 UTC 2005

Author: gwolf
Date: 2005-03-30 19:33:08 +0000 (Wed, 30 Mar 2005)
New Revision: 851

[svn-inject] Installing original source of libuser-identity-perl

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+Revision history for module User::Identity.
+All changes are made by Mark Overmeer <userid at overmeer.net> unless
+explicitly stated differently.
+version 0.90: Thu Aug 26 14:30:51 CEST 2004
+	Improvements:
+	- Geography::Countries is not required, but optional so
+	  [Nick Ing-Simmons] has installed too much.
+	- Cleaned the docs on many spots.
+	- new methods
+	     User::Identity::Collection::itemType()
+	     User::Identity::Collection::removeRole()
+	- new methods
+	     User::Identity::Item::removeCollection()
+	- METHODS section Initiation renamed to "Constructors"
+version 0.07: Mon Sep 29 13:34:47 CEST 2003
+	Interface breaking changes:
+	- User::Identity date_of_birth became birth... name was too long.
+	- User::Identity telephone became phone... same reason.
+	- For collections, new(user) was changed into new(parent).
+	Improvements:
+	- All items can now have their collections.  It's to the
+	  user not to make a mess of it.  You can create collections
+	  of collections, if you want to.
+	- User::Identity::Collect::Item is useless when everything is
+	  collectable.
+	- Even collections can be collected.
+	- Added base class for long-term storage: User::Identity::Archive
+	- Added User::Identity::Archive::Plain, which is a very simple
+	  text based way to specify items.
+	- Added User::Identity::Collection::Users, a group of people.
+version 0.06: Wed Aug  6 10:41:23 CEST 2003
+	Released because of version mistake in MailBox
+version 0.05: Mon Jul 28 18:34:49 CEST 2003
+	Interface breaking:
+	- Mail::Identity::email() renamed to Mail::Identity::address(),
+	  otherwise some very confusion options would appear.
+	- Mail::Identity::domainname() renamed to Mail::Identity::domain(),
+	  which feels better.
+	- Mail::Identity::address() defaults to Mail::Identity::name()
+	  if no username or domainname are present.
+	Improvements:
+	- Added charset to Mail::Identity
+	- Moved all modules to the lib sub-directory, which makes the
+	  */Makefile.PL helpers redundant.
+	- Added Mail::Identity->from(Mail::Address or User::Identity)
+	- Added enough options to OODoc::processFiles() to be able
+	  to join multiple distributions into one set of documentation
+	  pages.
+version 0.04: Tue Mar 25 08:19:13 CET 2003
+	Fixes:
+	- [Jorg Krieger] found typo's and saw that the ::System module
+	  was not correctly produced via copy-paste: too many things
+	  refered to e-mail i.s.o. systems.
+version 0.03: Fri Mar  7 23:26:25 CET 2003
+	Improvements:
+	- implemented new classes:
+		User::Identity::Item
+		User::Identity::System
+		User::Identity::Collection
+		User::Identity::Collection::Systems
+	- Everything is now derived from User::Identity::Item
+	- User::Identity requires a name (not nickname).
+version 0.02
+	Improvements:
+	- extended User::Identity with collection handling.
+	- implemented new classes:
+		Mail::Identity
+		User::Identity::Collection
+		User::Identity::Collection::Item
+		User::Identity::Collection::Emails
+version 0.01  Thu Jan 30 17:22:28 CET 2003
+	- original version

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+META.yml                                 Module meta-data (added by MakeMaker)

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/META.yml	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# http://module-build.sourceforge.net/META-spec.html
+#XXXXXXX This is a prototype!!!  It will change in the future!!! XXXXX#
+name:         User-Identity
+version:      0.90
+version_from: lib/User/Identity.pm
+installdirs:  site
+distribution_type: module
+generated_by: ExtUtils::MakeMaker version 6.17

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+use 5.006;
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# The following is needed, because User::Identity does gracefully handle
+# a missing Geography::Countries, but is incompatible with older releases.
+my %prereq;
+my ($gc, $gc_version) = (Geography::Countries => 1.4);
+eval "require $gc";
+if($@ =~ m/^Can't locate/)
+{   # Not installed, but it is optional...
+{   # Other error message
+    warn "Found problems compiling $gc:\n$@";
+    $prereq{$gc} = $gc_version;
+elsif($gc->VERSION < $gc_version)
+{   warn "$gc is too old (",$gc->VERSION,"), and needs to be reinstalled\n";
+    $prereq{$gc} = $gc_version;
+  ( NAME          => 'User::Identity'
+  , VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/User/Identity.pm'
+  , PREREQ_PM     => \%prereq
+  , ABSTRACT      => 'Define a user'
+  , AUTHOR        => 'Mark Overmeer <markov at cpan.org>'

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+User/Identity version 0.01
+The README is used to introduce the module and provide instructions on
+how to install the module, any machine dependencies it may have (for
+example C compilers and installed libraries) and any other information
+that should be provided before the module is installed.
+A README file is required for CPAN modules since CPAN extracts the
+README file from a module distribution so that people browsing the
+archive can use it get an idea of the modules uses. It is usually a
+good idea to provide version information here so that people can
+decide whether fixes for the module are worth downloading.
+To install this module type the following:
+   perl Makefile.PL
+   make
+   make test
+   make install
+This module requires these other modules and libraries:
+  blah blah blah
+Put the correct copyright and licence information here.
+Copyright (C) 2003 Mark Overmeer
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the same terms as Perl itself. 

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Mail/Identity.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Mail/Identity.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Mail/Identity.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+package Mail::Identity;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Item';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use User::Identity;
+use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
+sub type() { "email" }
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $args->{name} ||= '-x-';
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+    exists $args->{$_} && ($self->{'MI_'.$_} = delete $args->{$_})
+        foreach qw/address charset comment domain language
+                   location organization pgp_key phrase signature
+                   username/;
+   $self->{UII_name} = $self->phrase || $self->address
+      if $self->{UII_name} eq '-x-';
+   $self;
+sub from($)
+{   my ($class, $other) = @_;
+    return $other if $other->isa(__PACKAGE__);
+    if($other->isa('Mail::Address'))
+    {   return $class->new
+          ( phrase  => $other->phrase
+          , address => $other->address
+          , comment => $other->comment
+          , @_);
+    }
+    if($other->isa('User::Identity'))
+    {   my $emails = $other->collection('emails') or next;
+        my @roles  = $emails->roles or return ();
+        return $roles[0];      # first Mail::Identity
+    }
+    undef;
+sub comment($)
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_comment} = shift if @_;
+    return $self->{MI_comment} if defined $self->{MI_comment};
+    my $user = $self->user     or return undef;
+    my $full = $user->fullName or return undef;
+    $self->phrase eq $full ? undef : $full;
+sub charset()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_charset} if defined $self->{MI_charset};
+    my $user = $self->user     or return undef;
+    $user->charset;
+sub language()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_language} if defined $self->{MI_language};
+    my $user = $self->user     or return undef;
+    $user->language;
+sub domain()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_domain}
+        if defined $self->{MI_domain};
+    my $address = $self->{MI_address} or return 'localhost';
+    $address =~ s/.*?\@// ? $address : undef;
+sub address()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_address} if defined $self->{MI_address};
+    return $self->username .'@'. $self->domain
+        if $self->{MI_username} || $self->{MI_domain};
+    my $name = $self->name;
+    return $name if index($name, '@') >= 0;
+    my $user = $self->user;
+    defined $user ? $user->nickname : $name;
+sub location()
+{   my $self      = shift;
+    my $location  = $self->{MI_location};
+    if(! defined $location)
+    {   my $user  = $self->user or return;
+        my @locs  = $user->collection('locations');
+        $location =  @locs ? $locs[0] : undef;
+    }
+    elsif(! ref $location)
+    {   my $user  = $self->user or return;
+        $location = $user->find(location => $location);
+    }
+    $location;
+sub organization()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_organization} if defined $self->{MI_organization};
+    my $location = $self->location or return;
+    $location->organization;
+sub phrase()
+{  my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_phrase} if defined $self->{MI_phrase};
+    my $user = $self->user     or return undef;
+    my $full = $user->fullName or return undef;
+    $full;
+sub username()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{MI_username} if defined $self->{MI_username};
+    if(my $address = $self->{MI_address})
+    {   $address =~ s/\@.*$//;   # strip domain part if present
+        return $address;
+    }
+    my $user = $self->user or return;
+    $user->nickname;

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Mail/Identity.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Mail/Identity.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/Mail/Identity.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+=head1 NAME
+Mail::Identity - an e-mail role
+ Mail::Identity
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use User::Identity;
+ use Mail::Identity;
+ my $me   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $addr = Mail::Identity->new(address => 'x at y');
+ $me->add(email => $addr);
+ # Simpler
+ use User::Identity;
+ my $me   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $addr = $me->add(email => 'x at y');
+ my $addr = $me->add( email => 'home'
+                    , address => 'x at y');
+ # Conversion
+ my $ma   = Mail::Address->new(...);
+ my $mi   = Mail::Identity->coerce($ma);
+The C<Mail::Identity> object contains the description of role played by
+a human when sending e-mail.  Most people have more than one role these
+days: for instance, a private and a company role with different e-mail
+An C<Mail::Identity> object combines an e-mail address, user description
+("phrase"), a signature, pgp-key, and so on.  All fields are optional,
+and some fields are smart.  One such set of data represents one role.
+C<Mail::Identity> is therefore the smart cousine of the Mail::Address
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+=over 4
+Convert an OBJECT into a C<Mail::Identity>.  On the moment, you can
+specify Mail::Address and L<User::Identity|User::Identity> objects.  In the
+former case, a new C<Mail::Identity> is created containing the same
+information.  In the latter, the first address of the user is picked
+and returned.
+Mail::Identity-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option        Defined in       Default                                 
+ address                        <username at domain or name>               
+ charset                        <user's charset>                        
+ comment                        <user's fullname if phrase is different>
+ description   L<User::Identity::Item>  undef                                   
+ domain                         <from email or localhost>               
+ language                       <from user>                             
+ location                       <random user's location>                
+ name          L<User::Identity::Item>  <phrase or user's fullName>             
+ organization                   <location's organization>               
+ parent        L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>                                
+ pgp_key                        undef                                   
+ phrase                         <user's fullName>                       
+ signature                      undef                                   
+ username                       <from address or user's nickname>       
+. address STRING
+=over 4
+The e-mail address is constructed from the username/domain, but
+when both do not exist, the name is taken.
+. charset STRING
+. comment STRING
+. description STRING
+. domain STRING
+. language STRING
+. location NAME|OBJECT
+=over 4
+The user's location which relates to this mail identity.  This can be
+specified as location name (which will be looked-up when needed), or
+as L<User::Identity::Location|User::Identity::Location> object.
+. name STRING
+. organization STRING
+=over 4
+Usually defined for e-mail addresses which are used by a company or
+other organization, but less common for personal addresses.  This
+value will be used to fill the C<Organization> header field of messages.
+. parent OBJECT
+. phrase STRING
+. signature STRING
+. username STRING
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+Returns the e-mail address for this role.  If none was specified, it will
+be constructed from the username and domain.  If those are not present
+as well, then the L<name()|User::Identity::Item/"Attributes"> is used when it contains a C<@>, else the
+user's nickname is taken.
+=over 4
+Returns the character set used in comment and phrase.  When set to
+C<undef>, the strings (are already encoded to) contain only ASCII
+characters.  This defaults to the value of the user's charset, if a user
+is defined.
+=over 4
+E-mail address -when included in message MIME headers- can contain a comment.
+The RFCs advice not to store useful information in these comments, but it
+you really want to, you can do it.  The comment defaults to the user's
+fullname if the phrase is not the fullname and there is a user defined.
+Comments will be enclosed in parenthesis when used. Parenthesis (matching)
+or non-matching) which are already in the string will carefully escaped
+when needed.  You do not need to worry.
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+The domain is the part of the e-mail address after the C<@>-sign.
+When this is not defined, it can be deducted from the email address
+(see L<address()|Mail::Identity/"Attributes">).  If nothing is known, C<localhost> is returned.
+=over 4
+Returns the language which is used for the description fields of this
+e-mail address, which defaults to the user's language.
+=over 4
+Returns the object which describes to which location this mail address relates.
+The location may be used to find the name of the organization involved, or
+to create a signature.  If no location is specified, but a user is defined
+which has locations, one of those is randomly chosen.
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+Returns the organization which relates to this e-mail identity.  If not
+explicitly specified, it is tried to be found via the location.
+=over 4
+The phrase is used in an e-mail address to explain who is sending the
+message.  This usually is the fullname (the user's fullname is used by
+default), description of your function (Webmaster), or any other text.
+When an email string is produced, the phase will be quoted if needed.
+Quotes which are within the string will automatically be escaped, so
+you do no need to worry: input cannot break the outcome!
+=over 4
+Returns the username of this e-mail address.  If none is specified, first
+it is tried to extract it from the specified e-mail address.  If there is
+also no username in the e-mail address, the user identity's nickname is
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<find>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive/Plain.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive/Plain.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive/Plain.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+package User::Identity::Archive::Plain;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Archive';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+my %abbreviations =
+ ( user     => 'User::Identity'
+ , email    => 'Mail::Identity'
+ , location => 'User::Identity::Location'
+ , system   => 'User::Identity::System'
+ , list     => 'User::Identity::Collection::Emails'
+ );
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::init($args) or return;
+    # Define the keywords.
+    my %only;
+    if(my $only = delete $args->{only})
+    {   my @only = ref $only ? @$only : $only;
+        $only{$_}++ for @only;
+    }
+    while( my($k,$v) = each %abbreviations)
+    {   $self->abbreviation($k, $v) unless keys %only && !$only{$k};
+    }
+    if(my $abbrevs = delete $args->{abbreviations})
+    {   $abbrevs = { @$abbrevs } if ref $abbrevs eq 'ARRAY';
+        while( my($k,$v) = each %$abbrevs)
+        {   $self->abbreviation($k, $v) unless keys %only && !$only{$k};   
+        }
+    }
+    foreach (keys %only)
+    {   warn "Option 'only' specifies undefined abbreviation '$_'\n"
+            unless defined $self->abbreviation($_);
+    }
+    $self->{UIAP_items}   = {};
+    $self->{UIAP_tabstop} = delete $args->{tabstop} || 8;
+    $self;
+sub from($@)
+{   my ($self, $in, %args) = @_;
+    my $verbose = $args{verbose} || 0;
+    my ($source, @lines);
+    if(ref $in)
+    {   ($source, @lines)
+         = ref $in eq 'ARRAY'     ? ('array', @$in)
+         : ref $in eq 'GLOB'      ? ('GLOB', <$in>)
+         : $in->isa('IO::Handle') ? (ref $in, $in->getlines)
+         : confess "Cannot read from a ", ref $in, "\n";
+    }
+    elsif(open IN, "<", $in)
+    {   $source = "file $in";
+        @lines  = <IN>;
+    }
+    else
+    {   warn "Cannot read archive from file $in: $!\n";
+        return $self;
+    }
+    print "reading data from $source\n" if $verbose;
+    return $self unless @lines;
+    my $tabstop = $args{tabstop} || $self->defaultTabStop;
+    $self->_set_lines($source, \@lines, $tabstop);
+    while(my $starter = $self->_get_line)
+    {   $self->_accept_line;
+        my $indent = $self->_indentation($starter);
+        print "  adding $starter" if $verbose > 1;
+        my $item   = $self->_collectItem($starter, $indent);
+        $self->add($item->type => $item) if defined $item;
+    }
+    $self;
+sub _set_lines($$$)
+{   my ($self, $source, $lines, $tab) = @_;
+    $self->{UIAP_lines}  = $lines;
+    $self->{UIAP_source} = $source;
+    $self->{UIAP_curtab} = $tab;
+    $self->{UIAP_linenr} = 0;
+    $self;
+sub _get_line()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    my ($lines, $linenr, $line) = @$self{ qw/UIAP_lines UIAP_linenr UIAP_line/};
+    # Accept old read line, if it was not accepted.
+    return $line if defined $line;
+    # Need to read a new line;
+    $line = '';
+    while($linenr < @$lines)
+    {   my $reading = $lines->[$linenr];
+        $linenr++, next if $reading =~ m/^\s*\#/;    # skip comments
+        $linenr++, next unless $reading =~ m/\S/;    # skip blanks
+        $line .= $reading;
+        if($line =~ s/\\\s*$//)
+        {   $linenr++;
+            next;
+        }
+        if($line =~ m/^\s*tabstop\s*\=\s*(\d+)/ )
+        {   $self->{UIAP_curtab} = $1;
+            $line = '';
+            next;
+        }
+        last;
+    }
+    return () unless length $line || $linenr < @$lines;
+    $self->{UIAP_linenr} = $linenr;
+    $self->{UIAP_line}   = $line;
+    $line;
+sub _accept_line()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    delete $self->{UIAP_line};
+    $self->{UIAP_linenr}++;
+sub _location()     { @{ (shift) }{ qw/UIAP_source UIAP_linenr/ } }
+sub _indentation($)
+{   my ($self, $line) = @_;
+    return -1 unless defined $line;
+    my ($indent) = $line =~ m/^(\s*)/;
+    return length($indent) unless index($indent, "\t") >= 0;
+    my $column = 0;
+    my $tab    = $self->{UIAP_curtab};
+    my @chars  = split //, $indent;
+    while(my $char = shift @chars)
+    {   $column++, next if $char eq ' ';
+        $column = (int($column/$tab+0.0001)+1)*$tab;
+    }
+    $column;
+sub _collectItem($$)
+{   my ($self, $starter, $indent) = @_;
+    my ($type, $name) = $starter =~ m/(\w+)\s*(.*?)\s*$/;
+    my $class = $abbreviations{$type};
+    my $skip  = ! defined $class;
+#warn "Skipping type $type\n" if $skip;
+    my (@fields, @items);
+    while(1)
+    {   my $line        = $self->_get_line;
+        my $this_indent = $self->_indentation($line);
+        last if $this_indent <= $indent;
+        $self->_accept_line;
+        $line           =~ s/[\r\n]+$//;
+#warn "Skipping line $line\n" if $skip;
+        next if $skip;
+        my $next_line   = $self->_get_line;
+        my $next_indent = $self->_indentation($next_line);
+        if($this_indent < $next_indent)
+        {   # start a collectable item
+#warn "Accepting item $line, $this_indent\n";
+            my $item = $self->_collectItem($line, $this_indent);
+            push @items, $item if defined $item;
+#warn "Item ready $line\n";
+        }
+        elsif(   $this_indent==$next_indent
+              && $line =~ m/^\s*(\w*)\s*(\w+)\s*\=\s*(.*)/ )
+        {   # Lookup!
+            my ($group, $name, $lookup) = ($1,$2,$3);
+#warn "Lookup ($group, $name, $lookup)";
+            my $item;   # not implemented yet
+            push @items, $item if defined $item;
+        }
+        else
+        {   # defined a field
+#warn "Accepting field $line\n";
+            my ($group, $name) = $line =~ m/(\w+)\s*(.*)/;
+            $name =~ s/\s*$//;
+            push @fields, $group => $name;
+            next;
+        }
+    }
+    return () unless @fields || @items;
+#warn "$class NAME=$name";
+    my $warn     = 0;
+    my $warn_sub = $SIG{__WARN__};
+    $SIG{__WARN__} = sub {$warn++; $warn_sub ? $warn_sub->(@_) : print STDERR @_};
+    my $item = $class->new(name => $name, @fields);
+    $SIG{__WARN__} = $warn_sub;
+    if($warn)
+    {   my ($source, $linenr) = $self->_location;
+        $linenr -= 1;
+        warn "  found in $source around line $linenr\n";
+    }
+    $item->add($_->type => $_) foreach @items;
+    $item;
+sub defaultTabStop(;$)
+{   my $self = shift;
+    @_ ? ($self->{UIAP_tabstop} = shift) : $self->{UIAP_tabstop};
+sub abbreviation($;$)
+{   my ($self, $name) = (shift, shift);
+    return $self->{UIAP_abbrev}{$name} unless @_;
+    my $class = shift;
+    return delete $self->{UIAP_abbrev}{$name} unless defined $class;
+    eval "require $class";
+    die "Class $class is not usable, because of errors:\n$@" if $@;
+    $self->{UIAP_abbrev}{$name} = $class;
+sub abbreviations() { sort keys %{shift->{UIAP_abbrev}} }

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive/Plain.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive/Plain.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive/Plain.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Archive::Plain - simple, plain text archiver
+ User::Identity::Archive::Plain
+   is a User::Identity::Archive
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use User::Identity::Archive::Plain;
+ my $friends = User::Identity::Archive::Plain->new('friends');
+ $friends->from(\*FH);
+ $friends->from('.friends');
+This archiver, which extends L<User::Identity::Archive|User::Identity::Archive>, uses a very
+simple plain text file to store the information of users.  The syntax
+is described in the DETAILS section, below.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Archive::Plain-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option         Defined in       Default   
+ abbreviations                   []        
+ description    L<User::Identity::Item>  undef     
+ from           L<User::Identity::Archive>  C<undef>  
+ name           L<User::Identity::Item>  <required>
+ only                            []        
+ parent         L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>  
+ tabstop                         8         
+. abbreviations HASH|ARRAY
+=over 4
+Adds a set of abbreviations for collections to the syntax of the
+plain text archiver.  See section L</Simplified class names> for
+a list of predefined names.
+. description STRING
+. name STRING
+=over 4
+Lists the only information (as (list of) abbreviations) which should be
+read.  Other information is removed before even checking whether it is
+a valid abbreviation or not.
+. parent OBJECT
+. tabstop INTEGER
+=over 4
+Sets the default tab-stop width.
+=head2 Attributes
+$obj-E<gt>B<abbreviation>(NAME, [CLASS])
+=over 4
+Returns the class which is capable of storing information which is
+grouped as NAME.  With CLASS argument, you add (or overrule) the
+definitions of an abbreviation.  The CLASS is automatically loaded.
+If CLASS is C<undef>, then the abbreviation is deleted.  The class
+name which is deleted is returned.
+=over 4
+Returns a sorted list of all names which are known as abbreviations.
+=over 4
+Returns the width of a tab, optionally after setting it.  This must be
+the same as set in your editor.
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<find>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=head2 Access to the archive
+=over 4
+Read the plain text information from the specified FILEHANDLE, FILENAME,
+STRING, or ARRAY of lines.
+ Option   Defined in       Default              
+ tabstop                   <default from object>
+ verbose                   0                    
+. tabstop INTEGER
+. verbose INTEGER
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Warning:> Cannot read archive from $source
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+=head1 DETAILS
+=head2 The Plain Archiver Format
+=head3 Simplified class names
+It is too much work to specify full class named on each spot where you
+want to create a new object with data.  Therefore, abbreviations are
+introduced.  Use L<new(abbreviations)|User::Identity::Archive::Plain/"METHODS"> or L<abbreviations()|User::Identity::Archive::Plain/"Attributes"> to add extra
+abbreviations or to overrule some predefined.
+Predefined names:
+  user         User::Identity
+  email        Mail::Identity
+  location     User::Identity::Location
+  system       User::Identity::System
+  list         User::Identity::Collection::Emails
+It would have been nicer to refer to a I<person> in stead of a I<user>,
+however that would add to the confusion with the name-space.
+=head3 Indentation says all
+The syntax is as simple as possible. An extra indentation on a line
+means that the variable or class is a collection within the class on
+the line before.
+ user markov
+   location home
+      country NL
+   email home
+      address  mark at overmeer.net
+      location home
+   email work
+      address  solutions at overmeer.bet
+ email tux
+    address tux at fish.net
+The above defines two items: one L<User::Identity|User::Identity> named C<markov>, and
+an e-mail address C<tux>.  The user has two collections: one contains
+a single location, and one stores two e-mail addresses.
+To add to the confusion: the C<location> is defined as field in C<email>
+and as collection.  The difference is easily detected: if there are
+indented fields following the line it is a collection.  Mistakes will
+in most cases result in an error message.
+=head3 Long lines
+If you want to continue on the next line, because your content is too
+large, then add a backslash to the end, like this:
+ email home
+    description This is my home address,     \
+                But I sometimes use this for \
+                work as well
+    address tux at fish.aq
+Continuations do not play the game of indentation, so what you also
+can do is:
+ email home
+    description               \
+ This is my home address,     \
+ But I sometimes use this for \
+ work as well
+    address tux at fish.aq
+The fields C<comment> and C<address> must be correctly indented.
+The line terminations are lost, which is useful for most fields.  However,
+if you need them, you have to check the description of the applicable field.
+=head3 Comments
+You may add comments and white spaces.  Comments start with a C<'#'> as
+first non-blank character on the line.  Comments are B<not allowed> on
+the same line as real data, as some languages (like Perl) permit.
+You can insert comments and blank lines on all places where you need
+ user markov
+    # my home address
+    email home
+       # useless comment statement
+       address tux at fish.aq
+       location #mind_the_hash
+is equivalent to:
+ user markov
+    email home
+       address tux at fish.aq
+       location #mind_the_hash
+=head3 References
+Often you will have the need to add the same information to two items,
+for instance, multiple people share the same address.  In this case,
+you can create a reference.  However, this is only permitted for
+whole items: you can refer to someone's location, but not to the person's
+To create a reference to an item of someone else, use
+ user markov
+    location home = user(cleo).location(home)
+    location work
+       organization   MARKOV Solutions
+=head3 Configuration parameters
+You can add some configuration lines as well.  On the moment, the only
+one defined is
+ tabstop = 4
+which can be used to change the meaning of tabs in the file.  The default
+setting is 8, but some people prefer 4 (or other values).
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package User::Identity::Archive;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Item';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+sub type { "archive" }
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::init($args) or return;
+    if(my $from = delete $args->{from})
+    {   $self->from($from) or return;
+    }
+    $self;

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Archive.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Archive - base class for archiving user information
+ User::Identity::Archive
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+ User::Identity::Archive is extended by
+   User::Identity::Archive::Plain
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use User::Identity::Archive::Plain;
+ my $friends = User::Identity::Archive::Plain->new('friends');
+ $friends->from(\*FH);
+ $friends->from('.friends');
+An archive stores collections. It depends on the type of archive how and
+where that is done.  Some archivers may limit the kinds of selections
+which can be stored.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Archive-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option       Defined in       Default   
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef     
+ from                          C<undef>  
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  <required>
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>  
+. description STRING
+. name STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<find>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=head2 Access to the archive
+$obj-E<gt>B<from>(SOURCE, OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+Read definitions from the specified SOURCE, which usually can be a
+filehandle or filename.  The syntax used in the information SOURCE
+is archiver dependent.
+Not all archivers implement C<from()>, so you may want to check with
+C<UNIVERSAL::can()> beforehand.
+ use User::Identity::Archive::Some;
+ my $a = User::Identity::Archive::Some->new('xyz');
+ $a->from(\*STDIN) if $a->can('from');
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Emails.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Emails.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Emails.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+package User::Identity::Collection::Emails;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Collection';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Mail::Identity;
+sub new(@)
+{   my $class = shift;
+    $class->SUPER::new(name => 'emails', @_);
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $args->{item_type} ||= 'Mail::Identity';
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+sub type() { 'mailgroup' }

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Emails.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Emails.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Emails.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Collection::Emails - a collection of email roles
+ User::Identity::Collection::Emails
+   is a User::Identity::Collection
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+The C<User::Identity::Collection::Emails> object maintains a set
+L<Mail::Identity|Mail::Identity> objects, each describing a role which the user has
+in e-mail traffic.
+overload: B<@{}>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+overload: B<stringification>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Collection::Emails-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option       Defined in       Default                         
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef                           
+ item_type    L<User::Identity::Collection>  L<Mail::Identity|Mail::Identity>
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  C<'emails'>                     
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>                        
+ roles        L<User::Identity::Collection>  undef                           
+. description STRING
+. item_type CLASS
+. name STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+. roles ROLE|ARRAY
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=head2 Maintaining roles
+$obj-E<gt>B<addRole>(ROLE| ( [NAME],OPTIONS ) | ARRAY-OF-OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+$obj-E<gt>B<renameRole>(ROLE|OLDNAME, NEWNAME)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=head2 Searching
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Searching">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot create a $type to add this to my collection.
+Some options are specified to create a $type object, which is native to
+this collection.  However, for some reason this failed.
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: already exists
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: doesn't exist
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+I<Error:> Wrong type of role for $collection: requires a $expect but got a $type
+Each $collection groups sets of roles of one specific type ($expect).  You
+cannot add objects of a different $type.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Locations.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Locations.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Locations.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+package User::Identity::Collection::Locations;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Collection';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use User::Identity::Location;
+use Carp qw/croak/;
+sub new(@)
+{   my $class = shift;
+    $class->SUPER::new(locations => @_);
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $args->{item_type} ||= 'User::Identity::Location';
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+    $self;
+sub type() { 'whereabouts' }

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Locations.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Locations.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Locations.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Collection::Locations - a collection of locations
+ User::Identity::Collection::Locations
+   is a User::Identity::Collection
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+The C<User::Identity::Collection::Location> object maintains a set
+L<User::Identity::Location|User::Identity::Location> objects, each describing a physical location.
+overload: B<@{}>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+overload: B<stringification>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Collection::Locations-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option       Defined in       Default                                             
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef                                               
+ item_type    L<User::Identity::Collection>  L<User::Identity::Location|User::Identity::Location>
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  C<'locations'>                                      
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>                                            
+ roles        L<User::Identity::Collection>  undef                                               
+. description STRING
+. item_type CLASS
+. name STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+. roles ROLE|ARRAY
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=head2 Maintaining roles
+$obj-E<gt>B<addRole>(ROLE| ( [NAME],OPTIONS ) | ARRAY-OF-OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+$obj-E<gt>B<renameRole>(ROLE|OLDNAME, NEWNAME)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=head2 Searching
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Searching">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot create a $type to add this to my collection.
+Some options are specified to create a $type object, which is native to
+this collection.  However, for some reason this failed.
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: already exists
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: doesn't exist
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+I<Error:> Wrong type of role for $collection: requires a $expect but got a $type
+Each $collection groups sets of roles of one specific type ($expect).  You
+cannot add objects of a different $type.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Systems.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Systems.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Systems.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package User::Identity::Collection::Systems;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Collection';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use User::Identity::System;
+sub new(@)
+{   my $class = shift;
+    $class->SUPER::new(systems => @_);
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $args->{item_type} ||= 'User::Identity::System';
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+    $self;
+sub type() { 'network' }

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Systems.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Systems.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Systems.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Collection::Systems - a collection of system descriptions
+ User::Identity::Collection::Systems
+   is a User::Identity::Collection
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+The L<User::Identity::Collection::Systems|User::Identity::Collection::Systems> object maintains a set
+L<User::Identity::System|User::Identity::System> objects, each describing a login for the
+user on some system.
+overload: B<@{}>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+overload: B<stringification>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Collection::Systems-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option       Defined in       Default                                         
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef                                           
+ item_type    L<User::Identity::Collection>  L<User::Identity::System|User::Identity::System>
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  C<'systems'>                                    
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>                                        
+ roles        L<User::Identity::Collection>  undef                                           
+. description STRING
+. item_type CLASS
+. name STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+. roles ROLE|ARRAY
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=head2 Maintaining roles
+$obj-E<gt>B<addRole>(ROLE| ( [NAME],OPTIONS ) | ARRAY-OF-OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+$obj-E<gt>B<renameRole>(ROLE|OLDNAME, NEWNAME)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=head2 Searching
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Searching">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot create a $type to add this to my collection.
+Some options are specified to create a $type object, which is native to
+this collection.  However, for some reason this failed.
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: already exists
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: doesn't exist
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+I<Error:> Wrong type of role for $collection: requires a $expect but got a $type
+Each $collection groups sets of roles of one specific type ($expect).  You
+cannot add objects of a different $type.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Users.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Users.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Users.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+package User::Identity::Collection::Users;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Collection';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use User::Identity;
+sub new(@)
+{   my $class = shift;
+    $class->SUPER::new(systems => @_);
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $args->{item_type} ||= 'User::Identity';
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+    $self;
+sub type() { 'people' }

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Users.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Users.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection/Users.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Collection::Users - a collection of users
+ User::Identity::Collection::Users
+   is a User::Identity::Collection
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+The L<User::Identity::Collection::Users|User::Identity::Collection::Users> object maintains a set
+L<User::Identity|User::Identity> objects, each describing a user.
+overload: B<@{}>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+overload: B<stringification>
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"OVERLOADED">
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Collection::Users-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option       Defined in       Default                         
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef                           
+ item_type    L<User::Identity::Collection>  L<User::Identity|User::Identity>
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  C<'people'>                     
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>                        
+ roles        L<User::Identity::Collection>  undef                           
+. description STRING
+. item_type CLASS
+. name STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+. roles ROLE|ARRAY
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Attributes">
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=head2 Maintaining roles
+$obj-E<gt>B<addRole>(ROLE| ( [NAME],OPTIONS ) | ARRAY-OF-OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+$obj-E<gt>B<renameRole>(ROLE|OLDNAME, NEWNAME)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">
+=head2 Searching
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Collection/"Searching">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot create a $type to add this to my collection.
+Some options are specified to create a $type object, which is native to
+this collection.  However, for some reason this failed.
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: already exists
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: doesn't exist
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+I<Error:> Wrong type of role for $collection: requires a $expect but got a $type
+Each $collection groups sets of roles of one specific type ($expect).  You
+cannot add objects of a different $type.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+package User::Identity::Collection;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Item';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use User::Identity;
+use Carp;
+use List::Util   qw/first/;
+use overload '""' => sub {
+   my $self = shift;
+   $self->name . ": " . join(", ", sort map {$_->name} $self->roles);
+use overload '@{}' => sub { [ shift->roles ] };
+sub type { "people" }
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    defined($self->SUPER::init($args)) or return;
+    $self->{UIC_itype} = delete $args->{item_type} or die;
+    $self->{UIC_roles} = { };
+    my $roles = $args->{roles};
+    my @roles
+     = ! defined $roles      ? ()
+     : ref $roles eq 'ARRAY' ? @$roles
+     :                         $roles;
+    $self->addRole($_) foreach @roles;
+    $self;
+sub roles() { values %{shift->{UIC_roles}} }
+sub itemType { shift->{UIC_itype} }
+sub addRole(@)
+{   my $self = shift;
+    my $maintains = $self->itemType;
+    my $role;
+    if(ref $_[0] && ref $_[0] ne 'ARRAY')
+    {   $role = shift;
+        croak "ERROR: Wrong type of role for ".ref($self)
+            . ": requires a $maintains but got a ". ref($role)
+           unless $role->isa($maintains);
+    }
+    else
+    {   $role = $maintains->new(ref $_[0] ? @{$_[0]} :  @_);
+        croak "ERROR: Cannot create a $maintains to add this to my collection."
+            unless defined $role;
+    }
+    $role->parent($self);
+    $self->{UIC_roles}{$role->name} = $role;
+    $role;
+sub removeRole($)
+{   my ($self, $which) = @_;
+    my $name = ref $which ? $which->name : $which;
+    my $role = delete $self->{UIC_roles}{$name} or return ();
+    $role->parent(undef);
+    $role;
+sub renameRole($$$)
+{   my ($self, $which, $newname) = @_;
+    my $name = ref $which ? $which->name : $which;
+    if(exists $self->{UIC_roles}{$newname})
+    {   $self->log(ERROR=>"Cannot rename $name into $newname: already exists");
+        return ();
+    }
+    my $role = delete $self->{UIC_roles}{$name};
+    unless(defined $role)
+    {   $self->log(ERROR => "Cannot rename $name into $newname: doesn't exist");
+        return ();
+    }
+    $role->name($newname);   # may imply change other attributes.
+    $self->{UIC_roles}{$newname} = $role;
+sub sorted() { sort {$a->name cmp $b->name} shift->roles}
+sub find($)
+{   my ($self, $select) = @_;
+      !defined $select ? ($self->roles)[0]
+    : !ref $select     ? $self->{UIC_roles}{$select}
+    : wantarray        ? grep ({ $select->($_, $self) } $self->roles)
+    :                    first { $select->($_, $self) } $self->roles;

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Collection.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Collection - base class for collecting roles of a user
+ User::Identity::Collection
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+ User::Identity::Collection is extended by
+   User::Identity::Collection::Emails
+   User::Identity::Collection::Locations
+   User::Identity::Collection::Systems
+   User::Identity::Collection::Users
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use User::Identity;
+ use User::Identity::Collection;
+ my $me    = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $set   = User::Identity::Collection::Emails->new(...);
+ $me->addCollection($set);
+ # Simpler
+ use User::Identity;
+ my $me    = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $set   = $me->addCollection(type => 'email', ...)
+ my $set   = $me->addCollection('email', ...)
+ my @roles = $me->collection('email');  # list of collected items
+ my $coll  = $me->collection('email');  # a User::Identity::Collection
+ my @roles = $coll->roles;
+ my @roles = @$coll;                    # same, by overloading
+ my $role  = $me->collection('email')->find($coderef);
+ my $role  = $me->collection('location')->find('work');
+ my $role  = $me->find(location => 'work');
+The C<User::Identity::Collection> object maintains a set user related
+objects.  It helps selecting these objects, which is partially common to
+all collections (for instance, each object has a name so you can search
+on names), and sometimes specific to the extension of this collection.
+Currently imlemented extensions are
+=over 4
+=item * I<people> is a L<collection of users|User::Identity::Collection::Users>
+=item * I<whereabouts> are L<locations|User::Identity::Collection::Locations>
+=item * a I<mailinglist> is a
+L<collection of email addresses|User::Identity::Collection::Emails>
+=item * a I<network> contains
+L<groups of systems|User::Identity::Collection::Systems>
+overload: B<@{}>
+=over 4
+When the reference to a collection object is used as array-reference, it
+will be shown as list of roles.
+ my $locations = $ui->collection('location');
+ foreach my $loc (@$location) ...
+ print $location->[0];
+overload: B<stringification>
+=over 4
+Returns the name of the collection and a sorted list of defined items.
+ print "$collection\n";  #   location: home, work
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Collection-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option       Defined in       Default   
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef     
+ item_type                     <required>
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  <required>
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>  
+ roles                         undef     
+. description STRING
+. item_type CLASS
+=over 4
+The CLASS which is used to store the information for each of the maintained
+objects within this collection.
+. name STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+. roles ROLE|ARRAY
+=over 4
+Immediately add some roles to this collection.  In case of an ARRAY,
+each element of the array is passed separately to L<addRole()|User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles">. So,
+you may end-up with an ARRAY of arrays each grouping a set of options
+to create a role.
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+Returns the type of the items collected.
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+Returns all defined roles within this collection.  Be warned: the rules
+are returned in random (hash) order.
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=head2 Maintaining roles
+$obj-E<gt>B<addRole>(ROLE| ( [NAME],OPTIONS ) | ARRAY-OF-OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+Adds a new role to this collection.  ROLE is an object of the right type
+(depends on the extension of this module which type that is) or a list
+of OPTIONS which are used to create such role.  The options can also be
+passed as reference to an array.  The added role is returned.
+ my $uicl = User::Identity::Collection::Locations->new;
+ my $uil  = User::Identity::Location->new(home => ...);
+ $uicl->addRole($uil);
+ $uicl->addRole( home => address => 'street 32' );
+ $uicl->addRole( [home => address => 'street 32'] );
+ $ui      = User::Identity;
+ $ui->add(location => 'home', address => 'street 32' );
+ $ui->add(location => [ 'home', address => 'street 32' ] );
+=over 4
+The deleted role is returned (if it existed).
+$obj-E<gt>B<renameRole>(ROLE|OLDNAME, NEWNAME)
+=over 4
+Give the role a different name, and move it in the collection.
+=over 4
+Returns the roles sorted by name, alphabetically and case-sensitive.
+=head2 Searching
+=over 4
+Find the object with the specified NAME in this collection.  With C<undef>,
+a randomly selected role is returned.
+When a code reference is specified, all collected roles are scanned one
+after the other (in unknown order).  For each role,
+ CODE->($object, $collection)
+is called.  When the CODE returns true, the role is selected.  In list context,
+all selected roles are returned.  In scalar context, the first match is
+returned and the scan is aborted immediately.
+ my $emails = $ui->collection('emails');
+ $emails->find('work');
+ sub find_work($$) {
+    my ($mail, $emails) = @_;
+    $mail->location->name eq 'work';
+ }
+ my @at_work = $emails->find(\&find_work);
+ my @at_work = $ui->find(location => \&find_work);
+ my $any     = $ui->find(location => undef );
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot create a $type to add this to my collection.
+Some options are specified to create a $type object, which is native to
+this collection.  However, for some reason this failed.
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: already exists
+I<Error:> Cannot rename $name into $newname: doesn't exist
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+I<Error:> Wrong type of role for $collection: requires a $expect but got a $type
+Each $collection groups sets of roles of one specific type ($expect).  You
+cannot add objects of a different $type.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Item.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Item.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Item.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+package User::Identity::Item;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/;
+use Carp;
+sub new(@)
+{   my $class = shift;
+    return undef unless @_;       # no empty users.
+    unshift @_, 'name' if @_ %2;  # odd-length list: starts with nick
+    my %args = @_;
+    my $self = (bless {}, $class)->init(\%args);
+    if(my @missing = keys %args)
+    {   local $" = '", "';
+        warn "WARNING: Unknown ".(@missing==1? 'option' : 'options' )
+           . " \"@missing\" for a $class\n";
+    }
+    $self;
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    unless(defined($self->{UII_name} = delete $args->{name}))
+    {   croak "ERROR: Each item requires a name";
+    }
+    $self->{UII_description} = delete $args->{description};
+    $self;
+sub name(;$)
+{   my $self = shift;
+    @_ ? ($self->{UII_name} = shift) : $self->{UII_name};
+sub description() {shift->{UII_description}}
+our %collectors =
+ ( emails      => 'User::Identity::Collection::Emails'
+ , locations   => 'User::Identity::Collection::Locations'
+ , systems     => 'User::Identity::Collection::Systems'
+ , users       => 'User::Identity::Collection::Users'
+ );  # *s is tried as well, so email, system, and location will work
+sub addCollection(@)
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return unless @_;
+    my $object;
+    if(ref $_[0])
+    {   $object = shift;
+        croak "ERROR: $object is not a collection"
+           unless $object->isa('User::Identity::Collection');
+    }
+    else
+    {   unshift @_, 'type' if @_ % 2;
+        my %args  = @_;
+        my $type  = delete $args{type};
+        croak "ERROR: Don't know what type of collection you want to add"
+           unless $type;
+        my $class = $collectors{$type} || $collectors{$type.'s'} || $type;
+        eval "require $class";
+        croak "ERROR: Cannot load collection module $type ($class); $@\n"
+           if $@;
+        $object = $class->new(%args);
+        croak "ERROR: Creation of a collection via $class failed\n"
+           unless defined $object;
+    }
+    $object->parent($self);
+    $self->{UI_col}{$object->name} = $object;
+sub removeCollection($)
+{   my $self = shift;
+    my $name = ref $_[0] ? $_[0]->name : $_[0];
+       delete $self->{UI_col}{$name}
+    || delete $self->{UI_col}{$name.'s'};
+sub collection($;$)
+{   my $self       = shift;
+    my $collname   = shift;
+    my $collection
+      = $self->{UI_col}{$collname} || $self->{UI_col}{$collname.'s'} || return;
+    wantarray ? $collection->roles : $collection;
+sub add($$)
+{   my ($self, $collname) = (shift, shift);
+    my $collection
+     = ref $collname && $collname->isa('User::Identity::Collection')
+     ? $collname
+     : ($self->collection($collname) || $self->addCollection($collname));
+    unless($collection)
+    {   carp "No collection $collname";
+        return;
+    }
+    $collection->addRole(@_);
+sub find($$)
+{   my $all        = shift->{UI_col};
+    my $collname   = shift;
+    my $collection
+     = ref $collname && $collname->isa('User::Identity::Collect') ? $collname
+     : ($all->{$collname} || $all->{$collname.'s'});
+    return () unless defined $collection;
+    $collection->find(shift);
+sub type { "item" }
+sub parent(;$)
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{UII_parent} unless @_;
+    $self->{UII_parent} = shift;
+    weaken($self->{UII_parent});
+    $self->{UII_parent};
+sub user()
+{   my $self   = shift;
+    my $parent = $self->parent;
+    defined $parent ? $parent->user : undef;

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Item.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Item.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Item.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Item - general base class for User::Identity
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+The C<User::Identity::Item> base class is extended into useful modules: it
+has no use by its own.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Item-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+ Option       Defined in       Default   
+ description                   undef     
+ name                          <required>
+ parent                        C<undef>  
+. description STRING
+=over 4
+Free format description on the collected item.
+. name STRING
+=over 4
+A simple name for this item.  Try to give a useful name in the context of
+the item time.  Each time when you lookup items, you need to specify
+this name, so it should be unique and not to hard to handle in your program.
+For instance, when a person is addressed, you usually will give him/her
+this a nickname.
+. parent OBJECT
+=over 4
+The encapsulating object: the object which collects this one.
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+Free format description on this item.  Please do not add
+any significance to the content of this field: if you are in need
+for an extra attribute, please contact the author of the module to
+implement it, or extend the object to suit your needs.
+=over 4
+The name of this item.  Names are unique within a collection... a second
+object with the same name within any collection will destroy the already
+existing object with that name.
+Changing the name of an item is quite dangerous.  You probably want to
+call L<User::Identity::Collection::renameRole()|User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles"> instead.
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+The ROLE is added to the COLLECTION.  The COLLECTION is the name of a
+collection, which will be created automatically with L<addCollection()|User::Identity::Item/"Collections"> if
+needed.  The COLLECTION can also be specified as existing collection object.
+The ROLE is anything what is acceptable to
+L<User::Identity::Collection::addRole()|User::Identity::Collection/"Maintaining roles"> of the
+collection at hand, and is returned.  ROLE typically is a list of
+parameters for one role, or a reference to an array containing these
+ my $ui   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $home = $ui->add(location => [home => street => '27 Roadstreet', ...] );
+ my $work = $ui->add(location => work, tel => '+31-2231-342-13', ... );
+ my $travel = User::Identity::Location->new(travel => ...);
+ $ui->add(location => $travel);
+ my $system = User::Identity::Collection::System->new(...);
+ $ui->add($system => 'localhost');
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+Add a new collection of roles to an item.  This can be achieved in two ways:
+either create an L<User::Identity::Collection|User::Identity::Collection> OBJECT yourself and then
+pass that to this method, or supply all the OPTIONS needed to create such
+an object and it will be created for you.  The object which is added is
+returned, and can be used for many methods directly.
+For OPTIONS, see the specific type of collection.  Additional options are
+listed below.
+ Option  Defined in  Default   
+ type                <required>
+=over 4
+The nickname of a collection class or the CLASS name itself of the
+object to be created.  Required if an object has to be created.
+Predefined type nicknames are C<email>, C<system>, and C<location>.
+ my $me   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $locs = User::Identity::Collection::Locations->new();
+ $me->addCollection($locs);
+ my $email = $me->addCollection(type => 'email');
+ my $email = $me->addCollection('email');
+=over 4
+In scalar context the collection object with the NAME is returned.
+In list context, all the roles within the collection are returned.
+ my @roles = $me->collection('email');        # list of collected items
+ my @roles = $me->collection('email')->roles; # same of collected items
+ my $coll  = $me->collection('email');        # a User::Identity::Collection
+$obj-E<gt>B<find>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+Returns the object with the specified ROLE within the named collection.
+The collection can be specified as name or object.
+ my $role  = $me->find(location => 'work');       # one location
+ my $role  = $me->collection('location')->find('work'); # same
+ my $email = $me->addCollection('email');
+ $me->find($email => 'work');
+ $email->find('work');   # same
+=over 4
+Returns the parent of an Item (the enclosing item).  This may return C<undef>
+if the object is stand-alone.
+=over 4
+=over 4
+Returns a nice symbolic name for the type.
+=over 4
+Go from this object to its parent, to its parent, and so on, until a
+L<User::Identity|User::Identity> is found or the top of the object tree has been
+ print $email->user->fullName;
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Error:> Each item requires a name
+You have to specify a name for each item.  These names need to be
+unique within one collection, but feel free to give the same name
+to an e-mail address and a location.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+I<Warning:> Unknown option $name for a $class
+One used option is not defined.  Check the manual page of the class to
+see which options are accepted.
+I<Warning:> Unknown options @names for a $class
+More than one option is not defined.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Location.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Location.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Location.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+package User::Identity::Location;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Item';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use User::Identity;
+use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
+sub type { "location" }
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $args->{postal_code} ||= delete $args->{pc};
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+    exists $args->{$_} && ($self->{'UIL_'.$_} = delete $args->{$_})
+        foreach qw/city country country_code fax organization
+                   pobox pobox_pc postal_code state street phone/;
+    $self;
+sub street() { shift->{UIL_street} }
+sub postalCode() { shift->{UIL_postal_code} }
+sub pobox() { shift->{UIL_pobox} }
+sub poboxPostalCode() { shift->{UIL_pobox_pc} }
+sub city() { shift->{UIL_city} }
+sub state() { shift->{UIL_state} }
+sub country()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{UIL_country}
+        if defined $self->{UIL_country};
+    my $cc = $self->countryCode or return;
+    eval 'require Geography::Countries';
+    return if $@;
+    scalar Geography::Countries::country($cc);
+sub countryCode() { shift->{UIL_country_code} }
+sub organization() { shift->{UIL_organization} }
+sub phone()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    my $phone = $self->{UIL_phone} or return ();
+    my @phone = ref $phone ? @$phone : $phone;
+    wantarray ? @phone : $phone[0];
+sub fax()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    my $fax = $self->{UIL_fax} or return ();
+    my @fax = ref $fax ? @$fax : $fax;
+    wantarray ? @fax : $fax[0];
+sub fullAddress()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    my $cc   = $self->countryCode || 'en';
+    my ($address, $pc);
+    if($address = $self->pobox) { $pc = $self->poboxPostalCode }
+    else { $address = $self->street; $pc = $self->postalCode }
+    my ($org, $city, $state) = @$self{ qw/UIL_organization UIL_city UIL_state/ };
+    return unless defined $city && defined $address;
+    my $country = $self->country;
+    $country
+      = defined $country ? "\n$country"
+      : defined $cc      ? "\n".uc($cc)
+      : '';
+    if(defined $org) {$org .= "\n"} else {$org = ''};
+    if($cc eq 'nl')
+    {   $pc = "$1 ".uc($2)."  " if defined $pc && $pc =~ m/(\d{4})\s*([a-zA-Z]{2})/;
+        return "$org$address\n$pc$city$country\n";
+    }
+    else
+    {   $state ||= '';
+        return "$org$address\n$city$state$country\n$pc";
+    }

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Location.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Location.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/Location.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::Location - physical location of a person
+ User::Identity::Location
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use User::Identity;
+ use User::Identity::Location;
+ my $me   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $addr = User::Identity::Location->new(...);
+ $me->add(location => $addr);
+ # Simpler
+ use User::Identity;
+ my $me   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $addr = $me->add(location => ...);
+The C<User::Identity::Location> object contains the description of a physical
+location of a person: home, work, travel.  The locations are collected
+by a L<User::Identity::Collection::Locations|User::Identity::Collection::Locations> object.
+Nearly all methods can return C<undef>.  Some methods produce language or
+country specific output.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::Location-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+Create a new location.  You can specify a name as first argument, or
+in the OPTION list.  Without a specific name, the organization is used as name.
+ Option        Defined in       Default             
+ country                        undef               
+ country_code                   undef               
+ description   L<User::Identity::Item>  undef               
+ fax                            undef               
+ name          L<User::Identity::Item>  <required>          
+ organization                   undef               
+ parent        L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>            
+ pc                             C<undef>            
+ phone                          undef               
+ pobox                          undef               
+ pobox_pc                       undef               
+ postal_code                    <value of option pc>
+ state                          undef               
+ street                         undef               
+. country STRING
+. country_code STRING
+. description STRING
+. name STRING
+. organization STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+. pc STRING
+=over 4
+Short name for C<postal_code>.
+. pobox STRING
+. pobox_pc STRING
+. postal_code STRING
+. state STRING
+. street STRING
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+The city where the address is located.
+=over 4
+The country where the address is located.  If the name of the country is
+not known but a country code is defined, the name will be looked-up
+using Geography::Countries (if installed).
+=over 4
+Each country has an ISO standard abbreviation.  Specify the country or the
+country code, and the other will be filled in automatically.
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+One or more fax numbers, like L<phone()|User::Identity::Location/"Attributes">.
+=over 4
+Create an address to put on a postal mailing, in the format as normal in
+the country where it must go to.  To be able to achieve that, the country
+code must be known.  If the city is not specified or no street or pobox is
+given, undef will be returned: an incomplete address.
+ print $uil->fullAddress;
+ print $user->find(location => 'home')->fullAddress;
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+The organization (for instance company) which is related to this location.
+=over 4
+One or more phone numbers.  Please use the internation notation, which
+starts with C<'+'>, for instance C<+31-26-12131>.  In scalar context,
+only the first number is produced.  In list context, all numbers are
+=over 4
+Post Office mail box specification.  Use C<"P.O.Box 314">, not simple C<314>.
+=over 4
+The postal code related to the Post-Office mail box.  Defined by new() option
+=over 4
+The postal code is very country dependent.  Also, the location of the
+code within the formatted string is country dependent.
+=over 4
+The state, which is important for some contries but certainly not for
+the smaller ones.  Only set this value when you state has to appear on
+printed addresses.
+=over 4
+Returns the address of this location.  Since Perl 5.7.3, you can use
+unicode in strings, so why not format the address nicely?
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<find>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/System.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/System.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/System.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+package User::Identity::System;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Item';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use User::Identity;
+use Scalar::Util 'weaken';
+sub type { "network" }
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+    exists $args->{$_} && ($self->{'UIS_'.$_} = delete $args->{$_})
+        foreach qw/hostname location os password username/;
+   $self->{UIS_hostname} ||= 'localhost';
+   $self;
+sub hostname() { shift->{UIS_hostname} }
+sub username() { shift->{UIS_username} }
+sub os() { shift->{UIS_os} }
+sub password() { shift->{UIS_password} }
+sub location()
+{   my $self      = shift;
+    my $location  = $self->{MI_location} or return;
+    unless(ref $location)
+    {   my $user  = $self->user or return;
+        $location = $user->find(location => $location);
+    }
+    $location;

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/System.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/System.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity/System.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,289 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity::System - physical system of a person
+ User::Identity::System
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use User::Identity;
+ use User::Identity::System;
+ my $me   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $server = User::Identity::System->new(...);
+ $me->add(system => $server);
+ # Simpler
+ use User::Identity;
+ my $me   = User::Identity->new(...);
+ my $addr = $me->add(system => ...);
+The C<User::Identity::System> object contains the description of the
+user's presence on a system.  The systems are collected
+by an L<User::Identity::Collection::Systems|User::Identity::Collection::Systems> object.
+Nearly all methods can return undef.
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity::System-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+Create a new system.  You can specify a name as first argument, or
+in the OPTION list.  Without a specific name, the organization is used as name.
+ Option       Defined in       Default       
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef         
+ hostname                      C<'localhost'>
+ location                      undef         
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  <required>    
+ os                            undef         
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>      
+ password                      undef         
+ username                      undef         
+. description STRING
+. hostname DOMAIN
+=over 4
+The hostname of the described system.  It is prefered to use full
+system names, not abbreviations.  For instance, you can better use
+C<www.tux.aq> than C<www> to avoid confusion.
+=over 4
+The NICKNAME of a location which is defined for the same user.  You can
+also specify a L<User::Identity::Location|User::Identity::Location> OBJECT.
+. name STRING
+. os STRING
+=over 4
+The name of the operating system which is run on the server.  It is
+adviced to use the names as used by Perl's C<$^O> variable.  See the
+perlvar man-page for this variable, and perlport for the possible
+. parent OBJECT
+. password STRING
+=over 4
+The password to be used to login.  This password must be un-encoded:
+directly usable.  Be warned that storing un-encoded passwords is a
+high security list.
+. username STRING
+=over 4
+The username to be used to login to this host.
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+=over 4
+Returns the object which describes to which location this system relates.
+The location may be used to find the name of the organization involved, or
+to create a signature.  If no location is specified, undef is returned.
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+=over 4
+=over 4
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<find>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity.pm
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity.pm	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity.pm	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+package User::Identity;
+use vars '$VERSION';
+$VERSION = '0.90';
+use base 'User::Identity::Item';
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Carp;
+use overload '""' => 'fullName';
+my @attributes = qw/charset courtesy birth full_name formal_name
+firstname gender initials language nickname prefix surname titles /;
+sub init($)
+{   my ($self, $args) = @_;
+    exists $args->{$_} && ($self->{'UI_'.$_} = delete $args->{$_})
+        foreach @attributes;
+    $self->SUPER::init($args);
+sub type() { 'user' }
+sub user() { shift }
+sub charset() { shift->{UI_charset} || $ENV{LC_CTYPE} }
+sub nickname()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    $self->{UI_nickname} || $self->name;
+    # TBI: If OS-specific info exists, then username
+sub firstname()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    $self->{UI_firstname} || ucfirst $self->nickname;
+sub initials()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{UI_initials}
+        if defined $self->{UI_initials};
+    if(my $firstname = $self->firstname)
+    {   my $i = '';
+        while( $firstname =~ m/(\w+)(\-)?/g )
+        {   my ($part, $connect) = ($1,$2);
+            $connect ||= '.';
+            $part =~ m/^(chr|th|\w)/i;
+            $i .= ucfirst(lc $1).$connect;
+        }
+        return $i;
+    }
+sub prefix() { shift->{UI_prefix} }
+sub surname() { shift->{UI_surname} }
+sub fullName()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{UI_full_name}
+       if defined $self->{UI_full_name};
+    my ($first, $prefix, $surname)
+       = @$self{ qw/UI_firstname UI_prefix UI_surname/};
+    $surname = ucfirst $self->nickname if  defined $first && ! defined $surname;
+    $first   = $self->firstname        if !defined $first &&   defined $surname;
+    my $full = join ' ', grep {defined $_} ($first,$prefix,$surname);
+    $full = $self->firstname unless length $full;
+    # TBI: if OS-specific knowledge, then unix GCOS?
+    $full;
+sub formalName()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{UI_formal_name}
+       if defined $self->{UI_formal_name};
+    my $initials = $self->initials;
+    my $firstname = $self->{UI_firstname};
+    $firstname = "($firstname)" if defined $firstname;
+    my $full = join ' ', grep {defined $_}
+       $self->courtesy, $initials
+       , @$self{ qw/UI_prefix UI_surname UI_titles/ };
+my %male_courtesy
+ = ( mister    => 'en'
+   , mr        => 'en'
+   , sir       => 'en'
+   , 'de heer' => 'nl'
+   , mijnheer  => 'nl'
+   , dhr       => 'nl'
+   , herr      => 'de'
+   );
+my %male_courtesy_default
+ = ( en        => 'Mr.'
+   , nl        => 'De heer'
+   , de        => 'Herr'
+   );
+my %female_courtesy
+ = ( miss      => 'en'
+   , ms        => 'en'
+   , mrs       => 'en'
+   , madam     => 'en'
+   , mevr      => 'nl'
+   , mevrouw   => 'nl'
+   , frau      => 'de'
+   );
+my %female_courtesy_default
+ = ( en        => 'Madam'
+   , nl        => 'Mevrouw'
+   , de        => 'Frau'
+   );
+sub courtesy()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{UI_courtesy}
+       if defined $self->{UI_courtesy};
+    my $table
+      = $self->isMale   ? \%male_courtesy_default
+      : $self->isFemale ? \%female_courtesy_default
+      : return undef;
+    my $lang = lc $self->language;
+    return $table->{$lang} if exists $table->{$lang};
+    $lang =~ s/\..*//;     # "en_GB.utf8" --> "en-GB"  and retry
+    return $table->{$lang} if exists $table->{$lang};
+    $lang =~ s/[-_].*//;   # "en_GB.utf8" --> "en"  and retry
+    $table->{$lang};
+# TBI: if we have a courtesy, we may detect the language.
+# TBI: when we have a postal address, we may derive the language from
+#      the country.
+# TBI: if we have an e-mail addres, we may derive the language from
+#      that.
+sub language() { shift->{UI_language} || 'en' }
+sub gender() { shift->{UI_gender} }
+sub isMale()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    if(my $gender = $self->{UI_gender})
+    {   return $gender =~ m/^[mh]/i;
+    }
+    if(my $courtesy = $self->{UI_courtesy})
+    {   $courtesy = lc $courtesy;
+        $courtesy =~ s/[^\s\w]//g;
+        return 1 if exists $male_courtesy{$courtesy};
+    }
+    undef;
+sub isFemale()
+{   my $self = shift;
+    if(my $gender = $self->{UI_gender})
+    {   return $gender =~ m/^[vf]/i;
+    }
+    if(my $courtesy = $self->{UI_courtesy})
+    {   $courtesy = lc $courtesy;
+        $courtesy =~ s/[^\s\w]//g;
+        return 1 if exists $female_courtesy{$courtesy};
+    }
+    undef;
+sub dateOfBirth() { shift->{UI_birth} }
+sub birth()
+{   my $birth = shift->dateOfBirth;
+    my $time;
+    if($birth =~ m/^\s*(\d{4})[-\s]*(\d{2})[-\s]*(\d{2})\s*$/)
+    {   # Pre-formatted.
+        return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d", $1, $2, $3;
+    }
+    eval "require Date::Parse";
+    unless($@)
+    {   my ($day,$month,$year) = (Date::Parse::strptime($birth))[3,4,5];
+        if(defined $year)
+        {   return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d"
+              , ($year + 1900)
+              , (defined $month ? $month+1 : 0)
+              , ($day || 0);
+        }
+    }
+    # TBI: Other date parsers
+    undef;
+sub age()
+{   my $birth = shift->birth or return;
+    my ($year, $month, $day) = $birth =~ m/^(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)$/;
+    my ($today, $tomonth, $toyear) = (localtime)[3,4,5];
+    $tomonth++;
+    my $age = $toyear+1900 - $year;
+    $age-- if $month > $tomonth || ($month == $tomonth && $day >= $today);
+    $age;
+sub titles() { shift->{UI_titles} }

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity.pod
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity.pod	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/User/Identity.pod	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
+=head1 NAME
+User::Identity - maintains info about a physical person
+ User::Identity
+   is a User::Identity::Item
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use User::Identity;
+ my $me = User::Identity->new
+  ( 'john'
+  , firstname => 'John'
+  , surname   => 'Doe'
+  );
+ print $me->fullName  # prints "John Doe"
+ print $me;           # same
+The C<User::Identity> object is created to maintain a set of informational
+objects which are related to one user.  The C<User::Identity> module tries to
+be smart providing defaults, conversions and often required combinations.
+The identities are not implementing any kind of storage, and can therefore
+be created by any simple or complex Perl program.  This way, it is more
+flexible than an XML file to store the data.  For instance, you can decide
+to store the data with Data::Dumper, Storable, DBI, AddressBook
+or whatever.  Extension to simplify this task are still to be developed.
+If you need more kinds of user information, then please contact the
+module author.
+=over 4
+When an C<User::Identity> is used as string, it is automatically
+translated into the fullName() of the user involved.
+ my $me = User::Identity->new(...)
+ print $me;          # same as  print $me->fullName
+ print "I am $me\n"; # also stringification
+=head1 METHODS
+=head2 Constructors
+User::Identity-E<gt>B<new>([NAME], OPTIONS)
+=over 4
+Create a new user identity, which will contain all data related 
+to a single physical human being.  Most user data can only be
+specified at object construction, because they should never
+change.  A NAME may be specified as first argument, but also
+as option, one way or the other is required.
+ Option       Defined in       Default       
+ birth                         undef         
+ charset                       $ENV{LC_CTYPE}
+ courtesy                      undef         
+ description  L<User::Identity::Item>  undef         
+ firstname                     undef         
+ formal_name                   undef         
+ full_name                     undef         
+ gender                        undef         
+ initials                      undef         
+ language                      'en'          
+ name         L<User::Identity::Item>  <required>    
+ nickname                      undef         
+ parent       L<User::Identity::Item>  C<undef>      
+ prefix                        undef         
+ surname                       undef         
+ titles                        undef         
+. birth DATE
+. charset STRING
+. courtesy STRING
+. description STRING
+. firstname STRING
+. formal_name STRING
+. full_name STRING
+. gender STRING
+. initials STRING
+. language STRING
+. name STRING
+. nickname STRING
+. parent OBJECT
+. prefix STRING
+. surname STRING
+. titles STRING
+=head2 Attributes
+=over 4
+Calcuted from the datge of birth to the current moment, as integer.  On the
+birthday, the number is incremented already.
+=over 4
+Returns the date in standardized format: YYYYMMDD, easy to sort and
+select.  This may return C<undef>, even if the L<dateOfBirth()|User::Identity/"Attributes"> contains
+a value, simply because the format is not understood. Month or day may
+contain C<'00'> to indicate that those values are not known.
+=over 4
+The user's prefered character set, which defaults to the value of
+LC_CTYPE environment variable.
+=over 4
+The courtesy is used to address people in a very formal way.  Values
+are like "Mr.", "Mrs.", "Sir", "Frau", "Heer", "de heer", "mevrouw".
+This often provides a way to find the gender of someone addressed.
+=over 4
+Returns the date of birth, as specified during instantiation.
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+Returns the first name of the user.  If it is not defined explicitly, it
+is derived from the nickname, and than capitalized if needed.
+=over 4
+Returns a formal name for the user.  If not defined as instantiation
+parameter (see new()), it is constructed from other available information,
+which may result in an incorrect or an incomplete name.  The result is
+built from "courtesy initials prefix surname title".
+=over 4
+If this is not specified as value during object construction, it is
+guessed based on other known values like "firstname prefix surname". 
+If a surname is provided without firstname, the nickname is taken
+as firstname.  When a firstname is provided without surname, the
+nickname is taken as surname.  If both are not provided, then
+the nickname is used as fullname.
+=over 4
+Returns the specified gender of the person, as specified during
+instantiation, which could be like 'Male', 'm', 'homme', 'man'.
+There is no smart behavior on this: the exact specified value is
+returned. Methods isMale(), isFemale(), and courtesy() are smart.
+=over 4
+The initials, which may be derived from the first letters of the
+=over 4
+See isMale(): return true if we are sure the user is a woman.
+=over 4
+Returns true if we are sure that the user is male.  This is specified as
+gender at instantiation, or derived from the courtesy value.  Methods
+isMale and isFemale are not complementatory: they can both return false
+for the same user, in which case the gender is undertermined.
+=over 4
+Can contain a list or a single language name, as defined by the RFC
+Examples are 'en', 'en-GB', 'nl-BE'.  The default language  is 'en'
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Attributes">
+=over 4
+Returns the user's nickname, which could be used as username, e-mail
+alias, or such.  When no nickname was explicitly specified, the name is
+=over 4
+The words which are between the firstname (or initials) and the surname.
+=over 4
+Returns the surname of person, or C<undef> if that is not known.
+=over 4
+The titles, degrees in education or of other kind.  If these are complex,
+you may need to specify the formal name of the users as well, because
+smart formatting probably failes.
+=head2 Collections
+$obj-E<gt>B<add>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<addCollection>(OBJECT | ([TYPE], OPTIONS))
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+$obj-E<gt>B<find>(COLLECTION, ROLE)
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+=over 4
+See L<User::Identity::Item/"Collections">
+I<Error:> $object is not a collection.
+The first argument is an object, but not of a class which extends
+I<Error:> Cannot load collection module for $type ($class).
+Either the specified $type does not exist, or that module named $class returns
+compilation errors.  If the type as specified in the warning is not
+the name of a package, you specified a nickname which was not defined.
+Maybe you forgot the 'require' the package which defines the nickname.
+I<Error:> Creation of a collection via $class failed.
+The $class did compile, but it was not possible to create an object
+of that class using the options you specified.
+I<Error:> Don't know what type of collection you want to add.
+If you add a collection, it must either by a collection object or a
+list of options which can be used to create a collection object.  In
+the latter case, the type of collection must be specified.
+I<Warning:> No collection $name
+The collection with $name does not exist and can not be created.
+See the User::Identity website at L<http://perl.overmeer.net/userid/> for more details.
+User::Identity version 0.90.
+Written by Mark Overmeer (mark at overmeer.net).  See the ChangeLog for
+other contributors.
+Copyright (c) 2003 by the author(s). All rights reserved.  This program
+is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
+same terms as Perl itself.

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/10userid.t
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/10userid.t	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/10userid.t	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+use Test::More tests => 40;
+BEGIN { use_ok('User::Identity') };
+my $ui = 'User::Identity';
+# Empty user
+my $a = $ui->new();
+ok(! defined $a,                             "No empty users");
+# Test names
+my $b = $ui->new('mark');
+ok(defined $b,                               "Create b");
+isa_ok($b, $ui);
+is($b->name, 'mark',                         "Check b nick");
+is($b->fullName, 'Mark',                     "Check b fullname");
+my $c = $ui->new(name => 'mark');
+ok(defined $c,                               "Create c");
+isa_ok($c, $ui);
+is($c->nickname, 'mark',                     "Check c nick");
+is($c->fullName, 'Mark',                     "Check c fullname");
+ok(!defined $c->gender);
+my $d = $ui->new('mark', firstname => 'Mark', surname => 'Overmeer',
+   gender => 'male');
+ok(defined $d,                               "Create d");
+is($d->gender, 'male',                       "Check d gender");
+is($d->nickname, 'mark',                     "Check d nick");
+is($d->firstname, 'Mark',                    "Check d first");
+is($d->fullName, 'Mark Overmeer',            "Check d full");
+is($d->formalName, 'Mr. M. Overmeer',        "Check d formal");
+is($d->initials, 'M.',                       "Check d initials");
+my $e = $ui->new('markov'
+ , firstname => 'Mark', surname => 'Overmeer'
+ , titles => 'drs.',    initials => 'M.A.C.J.'
+ , language => 'nl-NL', charset => 'iso-8859-15'
+ , gender => 'male',    birth => 'April 5, 1966'
+ );
+ok(defined $e,                               "Create e");
+is($e->nickname, 'markov',                   "Check e nick");
+is($e->firstname, 'Mark',                    "Check e first");
+is($e->initials, 'M.A.C.J.',                 "Check e initials");
+is($e->charset, 'iso-8859-15',               "Check e charset");
+is($e->fullName, 'Mark Overmeer',            "Check e full");
+is($e->formalName, 'De heer M.A.C.J. Overmeer drs.',  "Check e fullname");
+is($e->dateOfBirth, 'April 5, 1966',         "check e birthday");
+eval "require Date::Parse";
+if($@) {ok(1);ok(1)}
+{  is($e->birth, "19660405",                    "check e birth");
+   cmp_ok($e->age, '>=', 36,                    "check e age");
+my $f = $ui->new('am'
+ , firstname => 'Anne-Marie Christina Theodora Pluk'
+ , prefix => 'van', surname => 'Voorst tot Voorst'
+ , gender => 'vrouw'
+ );
+ok(defined $e,                               "Create e");
+is($f->initials, 'A-M.Chr.Th.P.');
+is($f->gender, 'vrouw',                      "Check gender");
+is($f->prefix, 'van',                        "Check prefix");
+is($f->surname, 'Voorst tot Voorst',         "Check surname");
+is($f->formalName, "Madam A-M.Chr.Th.P. van Voorst tot Voorst");

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/20loc.t
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/20loc.t	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/20loc.t	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+# Test User::Identity::Location
+use Test::More tests => 30;
+BEGIN { use_ok('User::Identity::Location') };
+my $ui  = 'User::Identity';
+my $uil = 'User::Identity::Location';
+# We need a user to test with
+my $a   = $ui->new('markov'
+ , firstname => 'Mark', surname => 'Overmeer'
+ , titles => 'drs.',    initials => 'M.A.C.J.'
+ , language => 'nl-NL', charset => 'iso-8859-15'
+ , gender => 'male',    birth   => 'April 5, 1966'
+ );
+ok(defined $a,                               "Create a");
+# Now an location
+my $b = $uil->new
+ ( 'home'
+ , street       => 'Pad 12'
+ , postal_code  => '66341 XA'
+ , city         => 'Arnhem'
+ , country      => 'Nederland'
+ , country_code => 'nl'
+ , phone        => '+18-12-2344556'
+ , fax          => '+11-11-2344556'
+ );
+ok(defined $b);
+isa_ok($b, $uil,                             "Create b");
+is($b->street, 'Pad 12');
+is($b->postalCode, '66341 XA');
+is($b->city, 'Arnhem');
+is($b->country, 'Nederland');
+is($b->countryCode, 'nl');
+is($b->phone, '+18-12-2344556');
+is($b->fax, '+11-11-2344556');
+ok(defined $b->parent($a),                   "Add location to user");
+isa_ok($b->parent, $ui);
+is($b->user->firstname, 'Mark');
+is($b->fullAddress, <<'NL');
+Pad 12
+6341 XA  Arnhem
+# more complex situations
+my $c = $uil->new
+ ( 'work'
+ , organization => 'MARKOV Solutions'
+ , pobox        => 'Postbus 12'
+ , pobox_pc     => '3412YY'
+ , city         => 'XYZ'
+ , country_code => 'nl'
+ , phone        => [ '1', '2' ]
+ , fax          => [ '3', '4', '5', '6' ]
+ );
+ok(defined $c,                                  "Created c");
+is($c->countryCode, 'nl');
+is($c->organization, 'MARKOV Solutions');
+is($c->pobox, 'Postbus 12');
+is($c->poboxPostalCode, '3412YY');
+is($c->city, 'XYZ');
+is(scalar $c->phone, '1');
+my @ct = $c->phone;
+cmp_ok(scalar @ct, '==', 2);
+is($ct[0], '1');
+is($ct[1], '2');
+is(scalar $c->fax, '3');
+my @cf = $c->fax;
+cmp_ok(scalar @cf, '==', 4);
+is($cf[0], '3');
+is($cf[3], '6');
+eval 'require Geography::Countries';
+my $country = $@ ? 'NL' : 'Netherlands';
+is($c->fullAddress, <<NL);
+MARKOV Solutions
+Postbus 12
+3412 YY  XYZ

Added: packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/30col.t
--- packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/30col.t	2005-03-30 19:06:28 UTC (rev 850)
+++ packages/libuser-identity-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/30col.t	2005-03-30 19:33:08 UTC (rev 851)
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+use warnings;
+use strict;
+# Test User::Identity::Collection
+use lib qw/. ../;
+use Test::More tests => 44;
+   use_ok('User::Identity::Collection::Locations');
+   use_ok('User::Identity');
+my $ui   = 'User::Identity';
+my $uil  = 'User::Identity::Location';
+my $uic  = 'User::Identity::Collection';
+my $uicl = 'User::Identity::Collection::Locations';
+sub same_obj($$$)
+{  my ($l, $r, $msg) = @_;
+   is("$l", "$r", $msg);
+# We need a user to test with
+my $user = $ui->new('markov'
+ , firstname => 'Mark', surname => 'Overmeer'
+ , titles => 'drs.',    initials => 'M.A.C.J.'
+ , language => 'nl-NL', charset => 'iso-8859-15'
+ );
+ok(defined $user,                              "Created a user");
+# Now an location
+my $loc = $uil->new
+ ( 'home'
+ , street       => 'Pad 12'
+ , postal_code  => '66341 XA'
+ , city         => 'Arnhem'
+ , country      => 'Nederland'
+ , country_code => 'nl'
+ , phone        => '+18-12-2344556'
+ , fax          => '+11-11-2344556'
+ );
+ok(defined $loc,                              "Created a location");
+ok(!defined $loc->user,                       "User-less location");
+# Now a location collection
+my $col = $uicl->new;
+ok(defined $col,                              "Created a location collection");
+isa_ok($col, $uic,                            "Is a collection");
+isa_ok($col, $uicl,                           "Correct collection");
+cmp_ok($col->roles, '==', 0,                  "No roles yet");
+cmp_ok(scalar @$col, '==', 0,                 "No overloaded roles yet");
+ok(! defined $loc->parent,                    "Role has no parent yet");
+same_obj($loc, $col->addRole($loc),           "Add prepared role");
+cmp_ok($col->roles, '==', 1,                  "First role in collection");
+same_obj($loc->parent, $col,                  "Role's parent is collection");
+cmp_ok(scalar @$col, '==', 1,                 "One overloaded role");
+same_obj($col->[0], $loc,                     "The role is there");
+is("$col", "locations: home");
+ok(!defined $loc->user,                       "User-less location");
+same_obj($user->addCollection($col), $col,    "Adding collection to a user");
+same_obj($col->user, $user,                   "User of collection");
+same_obj($col->[0]->user, $user,              "User of collection item");
+# find collection in ui
+my $l = $user->collection('locations');
+ok(defined $l,                                "Find locations");
+isa_ok($l, $uicl);
+my $l2 = $user->collection('location');
+ok(defined $l,                                "Find location");
+same_obj($l, $l2,                             "location==locations");
+my $e = $user->collection('email');
+ok(! defined $e,                              "Not available email");
+# Fast forward location
+my $w = $user->add(location => [ work => street => 'at home' ]);
+ok(defined $w,                                "Work location created");
+isa_ok($w, $uil);
+same_obj($w->user, $user,                     "Knows about user");
+cmp_ok(scalar $col->roles, '==', 2,           "Found pre-defined collection");
+cmp_ok(@$col, '==', 2,                        "Visible in overload as well");
+is("$col", "locations: home, work",           "Stringification");
+# Find
+my $f = $user->find(location => 'work');
+ok(defined $f,                                 "Found anything");
+same_obj($w, $f,                               "Found work back");
+$f = $user->find(location => 'unknown');
+ok(! defined $f,                               "Unknown role");
+$f = $user->find(unknown => 'work');
+ok(! defined $f,                               "Unknown collection");
+# Add a whole new group at once
+ok(! $user->find(email => 'private'));
+$w = $user->add(email => [ private => address => 'markov at cpan.org' ]);
+ok(defined $w,                                  "Private email created");
+$col = $user->collection('email');
+ok(defined $col,                                "Email collection created");
+isa_ok($col, $uic);
+isa_ok($col, "${uic}::Emails");
+$f = $user->find(email => 'private');
+ok(defined $f,                                  "Found anything");
+isa_ok($f, "${ui}::Item");
+isa_ok($f, "Mail::Identity");

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