r2553 - in packages: . libxml-mini-perl libxml-mini-perl/branches libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/sample

Raphaël Hertzog hertzog at costa.debian.org
Thu Apr 13 21:19:07 UTC 2006

Author: hertzog
Date: 2006-04-13 21:19:04 +0000 (Thu, 13 Apr 2006)
New Revision: 2553

[svn-inject] Installing original source of libxml-mini-perl

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/Changes	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension XML::Mini
+XML-Mini-1.28, 2003.03.31
+- New XML::Mini::Document methods, toHash() and fromHash(), allow for wickedly easy XML generation and manipulation.  
+See the XML::Mini::Document::fromHash() and XML::Mini::Document::toHash() pod for details.
+- Bug in the parsing algorithm when dealing with multiple elements of the same name, some of which have sub-elements, eg
+ <a />
+ <a />
+ <a> <b>...</b> </a>
+ <a />
+ Now fixed.
+XML-Mini-1.27, 2003.02.01
+- Problem for users of Perl < 5.8.0 - The module was coded as if Text::Balanced was optional but was 'use'ing it and failing the make test.
+- Made some changes to the parameters for getElement() and getElementByPath(), adding optional positions in order to allow extraction of the nth matching element instead of only the 1st.
+XML-Mini-1.26, 2003.01.27
+- Big bug found when using Text::Balanced (problem in parsing <tag>...</tag> whenever ... contains
+something like <unary /> tags or anything but <tag>..</tag> and text).  Fixed and tests adjusted.
+XML-Mini-1.25, 2003.01.26
+- Major changes to the parsing algorithm which, if Text::Balanced is available, allow "cross-nested" tags
+  (such as <a><b><a>..</a></b></a>) to be parsed successfully.
+- <? tags ?> are now represented as XML::Mini::Element::Header elements
+- Added the XML::Mini::Document::header() method to create the new XML::Mini::Element::Header elements 
+  which represent <? tags ?>.
+- Added the XML::Mini::Document::parse() method which accepts strings, filenames, open file handles and
+  opened FileHandle objects
+- Currently beta-testing an XML::Mini replacement parser for the RPC::XML package
+XML-Mini-1.24, 2002.12.16
+- Included Nigel Wetters (rivalsdm.com) changes/bug fixes to XML::Mini 
+  in order to make it more compatible with older Perl installs
+- Fixes to getElement (inability to fetch nested tags of same name)
+- Added the ability to removeChild() and removeAllChildren() for Element objects
+- Added the ability to prependChild() and insertChild(CHILD, INDEX)
+XML-Mini-1.24, 2002.11.25
+- Made compatible with early Perls.
+- test added to check whether modules parse correctly
+- some rearrangement of PODs
+XML-Mini-1.2,  2002.09.15
+- Perl implementation of MiniXML API finalised and Makefile.PL created

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/INSTALL
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/INSTALL	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/INSTALL	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+#   XML::Mini 
+#    XML::Mini perl extension, XML parser/generator package.
+#    Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Patrick Deegan, Psychogenic INC
+#    All rights reserved
+#    http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+#    See the LICENSE file for details on terms/conditions of use.
+# Installation.  The usual procedure will function nicely :
+perl Makefile.PL
+make test
+make install
+#   but note that, since XML::Mini is 100% perl, you could probably just:
+#   - Select a location and create an XML directory:
+#   	$ mkdir /path/to/install/XML
+#   - Move the modules to the install location
+#   	$ mv Mini  Mini.pm /path/to/install/XML
+#   - Then specify the location of the library in your code
+#   	#!/usr/bin/perl
+#   	use lib '/path/to/install';
+#   	use XML::Mini;
+#   	# ...
+#   Regards,
+#   Pat Deegan

Property changes on: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/INSTALL
Name: svn:executable

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/LICENSE
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/LICENSE	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/LICENSE	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+This license is included in, and applies to, the MiniXML package, including all
+elements of both the PHP version and the XML::Mini perl extension, which are 
+Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Patrick Deegan, Psychogenic Inc.
+All rights reserved.
+Programs that use this code are bound to these terms and conditions - if you wish
+to include these modules in non-GPL code, you need prior written authorisation from
+the authors.
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                       Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                       59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                            Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                    GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                            NO WARRANTY
+                     END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
+            How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+  If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
+  To do so, attach the following notices to the program.  It is safest
+to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
+convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
+the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+    <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+    Copyright (C) 19yy  <name of author>
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+    Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19yy name of author
+    Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+    This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+    under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
+parts of the General Public License.  Of course, the commands you use may
+be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
+mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary.  Here is a sample; alter the names:
+  Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
+  `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
+  <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+  Ty Coon, President of Vice
+This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
+proprietary programs.  If your program is a subroutine library, you may
+consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
+library.  If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Library General
+Public License instead of this License.

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/MANIFEST	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/Makefile.PL	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+my $PACKAGE = 'XML::Mini';
+(my $PACKAGE_FILE = $PACKAGE) =~ s|::|/|g;
+	      NAME            => $PACKAGE,
+	      VERSION_FROM    => "lib/$PACKAGE_FILE.pm", # finds $VERSION
+	      PREREQ_PM       => {
+		  'FileHandle'   => 2.0,
+		  'Data::Dumper' => 2.1
+	      }
+	      );

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/README
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/README	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+XML::Mini Perl Module - Homepage and latest version:
+	http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+3 Methods are available:
+	# perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::Mini'
+- Local
+	perl Makefile.PL
+	make
+	make test
+	su ; make install
+- Simple (no need for root priv)
+   Since XML::Mini is a pure Perl implementation, you can simply
+   tar zxvf XML-Mini-XXX.tar.gz
+   mv lib/XML /path/to/destination
+   and then, in your code, use:
+   #!/usr/bin/perl
+   use lib '/path/to/destination';
+   use XML::Mini::Document;
+   # ... create and parse XML!
+    XML::Mini - Stand-alone, pure Perl implementation of the MiniXML 
+	XML generator and parser interface (http://minixml.psychogenic.com).
+      use XML::Mini::Document;
+      ############# Generate XML ###############
+	# Create a new XML::Mini::Document
+	my $newDoc = XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	# Creating XML can be done easily by using a hash ref:
+	my $h = {	
+	 'spy'	=> {
+		'id'	=> '007',
+		'type'	=> 'SuperSpy',
+		'name'	=> 'James Bond',
+		'email'	=> 'mi5 at london.uk',
+		'address'	=> 'Wherever he is needed most',
+		},
+	};
+	$newDoc->fromHash($h);
+ 	# output the XML
+ 	print $newDoc->toString(); 
+	# Or new XML can also be created by manipulating 
+	# elements directly:
+	my $newDocRoot = $newDoc->getRoot();
+	# create the <? xml ?> header
+	my $xmlHeader = $newDocRoot->header('xml');
+	# add the version 
+	$xmlHeader->attribute('version', '1.0');
+	my $person = $newDocRoot->createChild('person');
+	my $name = $person->createChild('name');
+	$name->createChild('first')->text('John');
+	$name->createChild('last')->text('Doe');
+	my $eyes = $person->createChild('eyes');
+	$eyes->attribute('color', 'blue');
+	$eyes->attribute('number', 2);
+	# output the document
+	print $newDoc->toString();
+      # ...
+      ############# Parse XML ###############
+      # Parse existing XML string
+      my $xmlDoc = XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	  $xmlDoc->parse($XMLString);
+	  # or
+	  $xmlDoc->parse('/path/to/file.xml');
+	  # or
+	  $xmlDoc->parse(*INPUTFILEHANDLE);
+      # Now we can fetch elements:
+      my $part = $xmlDoc->getElementByPath('partsRateReply/part');
+      my $partId = $part->attribute('id');
+      my $price = $partList->getElement('price');
+      print "Part $partId costs: " . $price->getValue() . "\n";
+    XML::Mini is a set of Perl (and PHP) classes that allow you to access
+    XML data and create valid XML output with a tree-based hierarchy of
+    elements.
+    It provides an easy, object-oriented interface for manipulating XML
+    documents and their elements. It is currently being used to send
+    requests and understand responses from remote servers in Perl or PHP
+    applications.
+    XML::Mini does not require any external libraries or modules.
+    The XML::Mini.pm module includes a number of variable you may use to
+    tweak XML::Mini's behavior. These include:
+    $XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities - when greater than 0, the values set for
+    nodes are automatically escaped, thus $element->text('4 is > 3') will
+    set the contents of the appended node to '4 is &gt; 3'. Default setting
+    is 1.
+    $XML::Mini::IgnoreWhitespaces - when greater than 0, extraneous
+    whitespaces will be ignored (maily useful when parsing). Thus <mytag>
+    Hello There </mytag> will be parsed as containing a text node with
+    contents 'Hello There' instead of ' Hello There '. Default setting is 1.
+    $XML::Mini::CaseSensitive - when greater than 0, element names are
+    treated as case sensitive. Thus, $element->getElement('subelement') and
+    $element->getElement('SubElement') will be equivalent. Defaults to 0.
+Class methods
+  escapeEntites TOENCODE
+    This method returns ToENCODE with HTML sensitive values (eg '<', '>',
+    '"', etc) HTML encoded.
+    Logs the message to STDERR
+  Error MESSAGE
+    Logs MESSAGE and exits the program, calling exit()
+Programs that use this code are bound to the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL (see the LICENSE file). 
+If you wish to include these modules in non-GPL code, you need prior written authorisation 
+from the authors.
+        XML::Mini module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+        Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Patrick Deegan,  Psychogenic.com
+        All rights reserved
+        This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+        it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+        the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+        (at your option) any later version.
+        This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+        but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+        GNU General Public License for more details.
+        You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+        along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+        Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+    Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+    Contact page for author available at
+    http://www.psychogenic.com/
+    XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element
+    http://minixml.psychogenic.com

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Document.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Document.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Document.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,1341 @@
+package XML::Mini::Document;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use FileHandle;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::Element;
+use XML::Mini::Element::Comment;
+use XML::Mini::Element::Header;
+use XML::Mini::Element::CData;
+use XML::Mini::Element::DocType;
+use XML::Mini::Element::Entity;
+use XML::Mini::Node;
+use vars qw ( 	$VERSION
+		$TextBalancedAvailable
+	 );
+eval "use Text::Balanced qw(extract_tagged)";
+if ($@)
+	$TextBalancedAvailable = 0;
+} else {
+	$TextBalancedAvailable = 1;
+$VERSION = '1.28';
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $string = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    $self->init();
+    if (defined $string)
+    {
+	$self->fromString($string);
+    }
+    return $self;
+sub init {
+	my $self = shift;
+	delete $self->{'_xmlDoc'};
+	$self->{'_xmlDoc'} = XML::Mini::Element->new("PSYCHOGENIC_ROOT_ELEMENT");
+sub getRoot
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{'_xmlDoc'};
+sub setRoot
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $root = shift;
+    return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::setRoot(): Trying to set non-XML::Mini::Element as root")
+	unless ($self->isElement($root));
+    $self->{'_xmlDoc'} = $root;
+sub isElement
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $element = shift || return undef;
+    my $type = ref $element;
+    return undef unless $type;
+    return 0 unless ($type =~ /^XML::Mini::Element/);
+    return 1;
+sub isNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $element = shift || return undef;
+    my $type = ref $element;
+    return undef unless $type;
+    return 0 unless ($type =~ /^XML::Mini::Node/);
+    return 1;
+sub createElement
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $value = shift; # optional
+    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element->new($name);
+    return XML::Mini->Error("Could not create new element named '$name'")
+	unless ($newElement);
+    if (defined $value)
+    {
+	$newElement->text($value);
+    }
+    return $newElement;
+sub getElementByPath
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $path = shift;
+    my @elementNumbers = @_;
+    my $element = $self->{'_xmlDoc'}->getElementByPath($path, @elementNumbers);
+    if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+    {
+	if ($element)
+	{
+	    XML::Mini->Log("XML::Mini::Document::getElementByPath(): element at $path found.");
+	  } else {
+	      XML::Mini->Log("XML::Mini::Document::getElement(): element at $path NOT found.");
+	    }
+    }
+    return $element;
+sub getElement
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $elementNumber = shift; # optionally get only the ith element
+    my $element = $self->{'_xmlDoc'}->getElement($name, $elementNumber);
+    if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+    {
+	if ($element)
+	{
+		XML::Mini->Log("XML::Mini::Document::getElement(): element named $name found.");
+	} else {
+		XML::Mini->Log("XML::Mini::Document::getElement(): element named $name NOT found.");
+	}
+    }
+    return $element;
+sub fromString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $string = shift;
+    $self->fromSubString($self->{'_xmlDoc'}, $string);
+    return $self->{'_xmlDoc'}->numChildren();
+sub fromFile
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $filename = shift;
+    my $fRef = \$filename;
+    my $contents;
+    if (ref($filename) && UNIVERSAL::isa($filename, 'IO::Handle'))
+    {
+	$contents = join("", $filename->getlines());
+	$filename->close();
+    } elsif (ref $fRef eq 'GLOB') {
+    	$contents = join('', $fRef->getlines());
+	$fRef->close();
+    } elsif (ref $fRef eq 'SCALAR') {
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::fromFile() Can't find file $filename")
+		unless (-e $filename);
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::fromFile() Can't read file $filename")
+		unless (-r $filename);
+	my $infile = FileHandle->new();
+	$infile->open( "<$filename")
+		|| return  XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::fromFile()  Could not open $filename for read: $!");
+	$contents = join("", $infile->getlines());
+	$infile->close();
+    }
+    return $self->fromString($contents);
+sub parse 
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $input = shift;
+	my $inRef = \$input;
+	my $type = ref($inRef);
+	if ($type eq 'SCALAR' && $input =~ m|<[^>]+>|sm)
+	{
+		# we have some XML
+		return $self->fromString($input);
+	} else {
+		# hope it's a file name or handle
+		return $self->fromFile($input);
+	}
+sub fromHash {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $href = shift ||  return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::fromHash - must pass a hash reference");
+	my $params = shift || {};
+	$self->init();
+	if ($params->{'attributes'})
+	{
+		my %attribs;
+		while (my ($attribName, $value) = each %{$params->{'attributes'}})
+		{
+			my $vType = ref $value || "";
+			if ($vType)
+			{
+				if ($vType eq 'ARRAY')
+				{
+					foreach my $v (@{$value})
+					{
+						$attribs{$attribName}->{$v}++;
+					}
+				}
+			} else {
+				$attribs{$attribName}->{$value}++;
+			}
+		}
+		$params->{'attributes'} = \%attribs;
+	}
+	while (my ($keyname, $value) = each %{$href})
+	{
+		my $sub = $self->_fromHash_getExtractSub(ref $value);
+		$self->$sub($keyname, $value, $self->{'_xmlDoc'}, $params);
+	}
+	return $self->{'_xmlDoc'}->numChildren();
+sub _fromHash_getExtractSub {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $valType = shift || 'STRING';
+	my $sub = "_fromHash_extract$valType";
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::fromHash Don't know how to interpret '$valType' values")
+		unless ($self->can($sub));
+	return $sub;
+sub _fromHash_extractHASH {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $value = shift || return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractHASHref No value passed!");
+	my $parent = shift || return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractHASHref No parent element passed!");
+	my $params = shift || {};
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractHASHref No element name passed!")
+		unless (defined $name);
+	my $thisElement = $parent->createChild($name);
+	while (my ($key, $val) = each %{$value})
+	{
+		my $sub = $self->_fromHash_getExtractSub(ref $val);
+		$self->$sub($key, $val, $thisElement, $params);
+	}
+	return ;
+sub _fromHash_extractARRAY {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $values = shift || return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractARRAYref No value passed!");
+	my $parent = shift || return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractARRAYref No parent element passed!");
+	my $params = shift || {};
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractARRAYref No element name passed!")
+		unless (defined $name);
+	# every element in an array ref is a child element of the parent
+	foreach my $val (@{$values})
+	{
+		my $valRef = ref $val;
+		if ($valRef)
+		{
+			# this is a complex element
+			#my $childElement = $parent->createChild($name);
+			# process sub elements
+			my $sub = $self->_fromHash_getExtractSub($valRef);
+			$self->$sub($name, $val, $parent, $params);
+		} else {
+			# simple string
+			$self->_fromHash_extractSTRING($name, $val, $parent, $params);
+		}
+	}
+	return;
+sub _fromHash_extractSTRING {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $val = shift ;
+	my $parent = shift || return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractSTRING No parent element passed!");
+	my $params = shift || {};
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractSTRING No element name passed!")
+		unless (defined $name);
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::extractSTRING No value passed!")
+		unless (defined $val);
+	my $pname = $parent->name();
+	if ($params->{'attributes'}->{$pname}->{$name} || $params->{'attributes'}->{'-all'}->{$name})
+	{
+		$parent->attribute($name, $val);
+	} elsif ($name eq '-content') {
+		$parent->text($val);
+	} else {
+		$parent->createChild($name, $val);
+	}
+	return ;
+sub toHash {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $retVal = $self->{'_xmlDoc'}->toStructure();
+	my $type = ref $retVal;
+	if ($type && $type eq 'HASH')
+	{
+		return $retVal;
+	}
+	my $retHash = {
+			'-content'	=> $retVal,
+		};
+	return $retHash;
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift || 0;
+    my $retString = $self->{'_xmlDoc'}->toString($depth);
+    $retString =~ s/<\/PSYCHOGENIC_ROOT_ELEMENT>//smi;
+    $retString =~ s/<PSYCHOGENIC_ROOT_ELEMENT([^>]*)?>\s*//smi;
+    return $retString;
+sub fromSubStringBT {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $parentElement = shift;
+   	my $XMLString = shift;
+	my $useIgnore = shift;
+	if ($XML::Mini::Debug) 
+	{
+		XML::Mini->Log("Called fromSubStringBT() with parent '" . $parentElement->name() . "'\n");
+	}
+	my @res;
+	if ($useIgnore)
+	{
+		my $ignore = [ '<\s*[^\s>]+[^>]*\/\s*>',	# <unary \/>
+			'<\?\s*[^\s>]+\s*[^>]*\?>', # <? headers ?>
+			'<!--.+?-->',			# <!-- comments -->
+			'<!\[CDATA\s*\[.*?\]\]\s*>\s*', 	# CDATA 
+			'<!DOCTYPE\s*([^\[]*)\[(.*?)\]\s*>',	# DOCTYPE
+			'<!ENTITY\s*[^>]+>'
+		];
+		@res = Text::Balanced::extract_tagged($XMLString, undef, undef, undef, { 'ignore' => $ignore });
+	} else {
+		@res = Text::Balanced::extract_tagged($XMLString);
+	}
+	if ($#res == 5)
+	{
+		# We've extracted a balanced <tag>..</tag>
+		my $extracted = $res[0]; # the entire <t>..</t>
+		my $remainder = $res[1]; # stuff after the <t>..</t>HERE  - 3
+		my $prefix = $res[3]; # the <t ...> itself - 1
+		my $contents = $res[4]; # the '..' between <t>..</t> - 2
+		my $suffix = $res[5]; # the </t>
+		#XML::Mini->Log("Grabbed prefix '$prefix'...");
+		my $newElement;
+		if ($prefix =~ m|<\s*([^\s>]+)\s*([^>]*)>|)
+		{
+			my $name = $1;
+			my $attribs = $2;
+			$newElement = $parentElement->createChild($name);
+	    		$self->_extractAttributesFromString($newElement, $attribs) if ($attribs);
+			$self->fromSubStringBT($newElement, $contents) if ($contents =~ m|\S|);
+			$self->fromSubStringBT($parentElement, $remainder) if ($remainder =~ m|\S|);
+		} else {
+			XML::Mini->Log("XML::Mini::Document::fromSubStringBT extracted balanced text from invalid tag '$prefix' - ignoring");
+    		}
+	} else {
+		$XMLString =~ s/>\s*\n/>/gsm;
+		if ($XMLString =~ m/^\s*<\s*([^\s>]+)([^>]*>).*<\s*\/\1\s*>/osm)
+		{
+			# starts with a normal <tag> ... </tag> but has some ?? in it
+			my $startTag = $2;
+			return $self->fromSubStringBT($parentElement, $XMLString, 'USEIGNORE')
+				unless ($startTag =~ m|/\s*>$|);
+		}
+		# not a <tag>...</tag>
+		#it's either a                             
+		if ($XMLString =~ m/^\s*(<\s*([^\s>]+)([^>]+)\/\s*>|	# <unary \/>
+					 <\?\s*([^\s>]+)\s*([^>]*)\?>|	# <? headers ?>
+					 <!--(.+?)-->|			# <!-- comments -->
+					 <!\[CDATA\s*\[(.*?)\]\]\s*>\s*| 	# CDATA 
+					 <!DOCTYPE\s*([^\[]*)\[(.*?)\]\s*>\s*|	# DOCTYPE
+					 <!ENTITY\s*([^"'>]+)\s*(["'])([^\11]+)\11\s*>\s*| # ENTITY
+					 ([^<]+))(.*)/xogsmi) # plain text
+		{
+			my $firstPart	 = $1;
+			my $unaryName 	 = $2;
+			my $unaryAttribs = $3;
+			my $headerName 	 = $4;
+			my $headerAttribs= $5;
+			my $comment 	 = $6;
+			my $cdata	 = $7;
+			my $doctype	 = $8;
+			my $doctypeCont  = $9;
+			my $entityName	 = $10;
+			my $entityCont	 = $12;
+			my $plainText	 = $13;
+			my $remainder 	 = $14;
+			# There is some duplication here that should be merged with that in fromSubString()
+			if ($unaryName)
+			{
+				my $newElement = $parentElement->createChild($unaryName);
+				$self->_extractAttributesFromString($newElement, $unaryAttribs) if ($unaryAttribs);
+			} elsif ($headerName)
+			{
+				my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::Header->new($headerName);
+				$self->_extractAttributesFromString($newElement, $headerAttribs) if ($headerAttribs);
+				$parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+			} elsif (defined $comment) {
+				$parentElement->comment($comment);
+			} elsif (defined $cdata) {
+				my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::CData->new($cdata);
+				$parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+			} elsif (defined $doctypeCont) {
+				my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::DocType->new($doctype);
+				$parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+				$self->fromSubStringBT($newElement, $doctypeCont);
+			} elsif (defined $entityName) {
+				my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::Entity->new($entityName, $entityCont);
+				$parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+			} elsif (defined $plainText && $plainText =~ m|\S|sm)
+			{
+				$parentElement->createNode($plainText);
+			} else {
+				XML::Mini->Log("NO MATCH???") if ($XML::Mini::Debug);
+			}
+			if (defined $remainder && $remainder =~ m|\S|sm)
+			{
+				$self->fromSubStringBT($parentElement, $remainder);
+			}
+		} else {
+			# No match here either...
+			XML::Mini->Log("No match in fromSubStringBT() for '$XMLString'") if ($XML::Mini::Debug);
+		} # end if it matches one of our other tags or plain text
+	} # end if Text::Balanced returned a match
+} # end fromSubStringBT()
+sub fromSubString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $parentElement = shift;
+    my $XMLString = shift;
+    if ($XML::Mini::Debug) 
+    {
+		XML::Mini->Log("Called fromSubString() with parent '" . $parentElement->name() . "'\n");
+    }
+    # The heart of the parsing is here, in our mega regex
+    # The sections are for:
+    # <tag>...</tag>
+    # <!-- comments -->
+    # <singletag />
+    # <![CDATA [ STUFF ]]>
+    # <!DOCTYPE ... [ ... ]>
+    # <!ENTITY bla "bla">
+    # plain text
+    #=~/<\s*([^\s>]+)([^>]+)?>(.*?)<\s*\/\\1\s*>\s*([^<]+)?(.*)
+    if ($TextBalancedAvailable)
+    {
+    	return $self->fromSubStringBT($parentElement, $XMLString);
+    }
+    while ($XMLString =~/\s*<\s*([^\s>]+)([^>]+)?>(.*?)<\s*\/\1\s*>\s*([^<]+)?(.*)|
+    \s*<!--(.+?)-->\s*|
+    \s*<\s*([^\s>]+)\s*([^>]*)\/\s*>\s*([^<>]+)?|
+    \s*<!\[CDATA\s*\[(.*?)\]\]\s*>\s*|
+    \s*<!DOCTYPE\s*([^\[]*)\[(.*?)\]\s*>\s*|
+    \s*<!ENTITY\s*([^"'>]+)\s*(["'])([^\14]+)\14\s*>\s*|
+    \s*<\?\s*([^\s>]+)\s*([^>]*)\?>|
+    ^([^<]+)(.*)/xogsmi)
+    {
+	# Check which string matched.'
+	my $uname = $7;
+	my $comment = $6;
+	my $cdata = $10;
+	my $doctypedef = $12;
+	my $entityname = $13;
+	my $headername = $16;
+	my $headerAttribs  = $17;
+	my $plaintext = $18;
+	if (defined $uname)
+	{
+	    my $ufinaltxt = $9;
+	    my $newElement = $parentElement->createChild($uname);
+	    $self->_extractAttributesFromString($newElement, $8);
+	    if (defined $ufinaltxt && $ufinaltxt =~ m|\S+|)
+	    {
+		$parentElement->createNode($ufinaltxt);
+	    }
+	} elsif (defined $headername)
+	{
+		my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::Header->new($headername);
+		$self->_extractAttributesFromString($newElement, $headerAttribs) if ($headerAttribs);
+		$parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+	} elsif (defined $comment) {
+	    #my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::Comment->new('!--');
+	    #$newElement->createNode($comment);
+	    $parentElement->comment($comment);
+	} elsif (defined $cdata) {
+	    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::CData->new($cdata);
+	    $parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+	} elsif (defined $doctypedef) {
+	    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::DocType->new($11);
+	    $parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+	    $self->fromSubString($newElement, $doctypedef);
+	} elsif (defined $entityname) {
+	    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::Entity->new($entityname, $15);
+	    $parentElement->appendChild($newElement);
+	} elsif (defined $plaintext) {
+	    my $afterTxt = $19;
+	    if ($plaintext !~ /^\s+$/)
+	    {
+		$parentElement->createNode($plaintext);
+	    }
+	    if (defined $afterTxt)
+	    {
+		$self->fromSubString($parentElement, $afterTxt);
+	    }
+	} elsif ($1) {
+	    my $nencl = $3;
+	    my $finaltxt = $4;
+	    my $otherTags = $5;
+	    my $newElement = $parentElement->createChild($1);
+	    $self->_extractAttributesFromString($newElement, $2);
+	    if ($nencl =~ /^\s*([^\s<][^<]*)/)
+	    {
+		my $txt = $1;
+		$newElement->createNode($txt);
+		$nencl =~ s/^\s*[^<]+//;
+	    }
+	    $self->fromSubString($newElement, $nencl);
+	    if (defined $finaltxt)
+	    {
+		$parentElement->createNode($finaltxt);
+	    }
+	    if (defined $otherTags)
+	    {
+		$self->fromSubString($parentElement, $otherTags);
+	    }
+	}
+    } # end while matches
+} #* end method fromSubString */
+sub toFile
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $filename = shift || return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile - must pass a filename to save to");
+    my $safe = shift;
+    my $dir = $filename;
+    $dir =~ s|(.+/)?[^/]+$|$1|;
+    if ($dir)
+    {
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile - called with file '$filename' but cannot find director $dir")
+	    unless (-e $dir && -d $dir);
+	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile - called with file '$filename' but no permission to write to dir $dir")
+	    unless (-w $dir);
+    }
+    my $contents = $self->toString();
+    return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile - got nothing back from call to toString()")
+	unless ($contents);
+    my $outfile = FileHandle->new();
+    if ($safe)
+    {
+	if ($filename =~ m|/\.\./| || $filename =~ m|#;`\*|)
+	{
+	    return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile() Filename '$filename' invalid with SAFE flag on");
+	}
+	if (-e $filename)
+	{
+	    if ($safe =~ /NOOVERWRITE/i)
+	    {
+		return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile() file '$filename' exists and SAFE flag is '$safe'");
+	    }
+	    if (-l $filename)
+	    {
+		return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile() file '$filename' is a "
+					. "symbolic link and SAFE flag is on");
+	    }
+	}
+    }
+    $outfile->open( ">$filename")
+	|| return  XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Document::toFile()  Could not open $filename for write: $!");
+    $outfile->print($contents);
+    $outfile->close();
+    return length($contents);
+sub getValue
+    my $self = shift;
+    return $self->{'_xmlDoc'}->getValue();
+sub dump
+    my $self = shift;
+    return Dumper($self);
+#// _extractAttributesFromString
+#// private method for extracting and setting the attributs from a
+#// ' a="b" c = "d"' string
+sub _extractAttributesFromString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $element = shift;
+    my $attrString = shift;
+    return undef unless (defined $attrString);
+    my $count = 0;
+    while ($attrString =~ /([^\s]+)\s*=\s*(['"])([^\2]+?)\2/g)
+    {
+	my $attrname = $1;
+	my $attrval = $3;
+	if (defined $attrname)
+	{
+	    $element->attribute($attrname, $attrval, '');
+	    $count++;
+	}
+    }
+    return $count;
+=head1 NAME
+XML::Mini::Document - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini Document API.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use XML::Mini::Document;
+	use Data::Dumper;
+	###### PARSING XML #######
+	# create a new object
+	my $xmlDoc = XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	# init the doc from an XML string
+	$xmlDoc->parse($XMLString);
+	# You may use the toHash() method to automatically
+	# convert the XML into a hash reference
+	my $xmlHash = $xmlDoc->toHash();
+	print Dumper($xmlHash);
+	# You can also manipulate the elements like directly, like this:	
+	# Fetch the ROOT element for the document
+	# (an instance of XML::Mini::Element)
+	my $xmlRoot = $xmlDoc->getRoot();
+	# play with the element and its children
+	# ...
+	my $topLevelChildren = $xmlRoot->getAllChildren();
+	foreach my $childElement (@{$topLevelChildren})
+	{
+		# ...
+	}
+	###### CREATING XML #######
+	# Create a new document from scratch
+	my $newDoc = XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	# This can be done easily by using a hash:
+	my $h = {	
+	 'spy'	=> {
+		'id'	=> '007',
+		'type'	=> 'SuperSpy',
+		'name'	=> 'James Bond',
+		'email'	=> 'mi5 at london.uk',
+		'address'	=> 'Wherever he is needed most',
+		},
+	};
+	$newDoc->fromHash($h);
+	# Or new XML can also be created by manipulating 
+	#elements directly:
+	my $newDocRoot = $newDoc->getRoot();
+	# create the <? xml ?> header
+	my $xmlHeader = $newDocRoot->header('xml');
+	# add the version 
+	$xmlHeader->attribute('version', '1.0');
+	my $person = $newDocRoot->createChild('person');
+	my $name = $person->createChild('name');
+	$name->createChild('first')->text('John');
+	$name->createChild('last')->text('Doe');
+	my $eyes = $person->createChild('eyes');
+	$eyes->attribute('color', 'blue');
+	$eyes->attribute('number', 2);
+	# output the document
+	print $newDoc->toString();
+This example would output :
+ <?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <person>
+   <name>
+    <first>
+     John
+    </first>
+    <last>
+     Doe
+    </last>
+  </name>
+  <eyes color="blue" number="2" />
+  </person>
+The XML::Mini::Document class is the programmer's handle to XML::Mini functionality.
+A XML::Mini::Document instance is created in every program that uses XML::Mini.
+With the XML::Mini::Document object, you can access the root XML::Mini::Element, 
+find/fetch/create elements and read in or output XML strings.
+=head2 new [XMLSTRING]
+Creates a new instance of XML::Mini::Document, optionally calling
+fromString with the passed XMLSTRING
+=head2 getRoot
+Returns a reference the this document's root element
+(an instance of XML::Mini::Element)
+=head2 setRoot NEWROOT
+setRoot NEWROOT
+Set the document root to the NEWROOT XML::Mini::Element object.
+=head2 isElement ELEMENT
+Returns a true value if ELEMENT is an instance of XML::Mini::Element,
+false otherwise.
+=head2 isNode NODE
+Returns a true value if NODE is an instance of XML::MiniNode,
+false otherwise.
+=head2 createElement NAME [VALUE]
+Creates a new XML::Mini::Element with name NAME.
+This element is an orphan (has no assigned parent)
+and will be lost unless it is appended (XML::Mini::Element::appendChild())
+to an element at some point.
+If the optional VALUE (string or numeric) parameter is passed,
+the new element's text/numeric content will be set using VALUE.
+Returns a reference to the newly created element.
+=head2 getElement NAME [POSITON]
+Searches the document for an element with name NAME.
+Returns a reference to the first XML::Mini::Element with name NAME,
+if found, NULL otherwise.
+NOTE: The search is performed like this, returning the first 
+element that matches:
+ - Check the Root Element's immediate children (in order) for a match.
+ - Ask each immediate child (in order) to XML::Mini::Element::getElement()
+  (each child will then proceed similarly, checking all it's immediate
+   children in order and then asking them to getElement())
+If a numeric POSITION parameter is passed, getElement() will return only 
+the POSITIONth element of name NAME (starting at 1).  Thus, on document
+  <?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <people>
+   <person>
+    bob
+   </person>
+   <person>
+    jane
+   </person>
+   <person>
+    ralph
+   </person>
+  </people>
+$people->getElement('person') will return the element containing the text node
+'bob', while $people->getElement('person', 3) will return the element containing the 
+text 'ralph'.
+=head2 getElementByPath PATH [POSITIONARRAY]
+Attempts to return a reference to the (first) element at PATH
+where PATH is the path in the structure from the root element to
+the requested element.
+For example, in the document represented by:
+	 <partRateRequest>
+	  <vendor>
+	   <accessid user="myusername" password="mypassword" />
+	  </vendor>
+	  <partList>
+	   <partNum>
+	    DA42
+	   </partNum>
+	   <partNum>
+	    D99983FFF
+	   </partNum>
+	   <partNum>
+	    ss-839uent
+	   </partNum>
+	  </partList>
+	 </partRateRequest>
+ 	$accessid = $xmlDocument->getElementByPath('partRateRequest/vendor/accessid');
+Will return what you expect (the accessid element with attributes user = "myusername"
+and password = "mypassword").
+BUT be careful:
+	my $accessid = $xmlDocument->getElementByPath('partRateRequest/partList/partNum');
+will return the partNum element with the value "DA42".  To access other partNum elements you
+must either use the POSITIONSARRAY or the getAllChildren() method on the partRateRequest element.
+POSITIONSARRAY functions like the POSITION parameter to getElement(), but instead of specifying the
+position of a single element, you must indicate the position of all elements in the path.  Therefore, to
+get the third part number element, you would use
+	my $thirdPart = $xmlDocument->getElementByPath('partRateRequest/partList/partNum', 1, 1, 3);
+The additional 1,1,3 parameters indicate that you wish to retrieve the 1st partRateRequest element in 
+the document, the 1st partList child of partRateRequest and the 3rd partNum child of the partList element
+(in this instance, the partNum element that contains 'ss-839uent').
+Returns the XML::Mini::Element reference if found, NULL otherwise.
+=head2 parse SOURCE
+Initialise the XML::Mini::Document (and its root XML::Mini::Element) using the
+XML from file SOURCE.
+SOURCE may be a string containing your XML document.
+In addition to parsing strings, possible SOURCEs are:
+	# a file location string 
+	$miniXMLDoc->parse('/path/to/file.xml');
+	# an open file handle
+	open(INFILE, '/path/to/file.xml');
+	$miniXMLDoc->parse(*INFILE);
+	# an open FileHandle object
+	my $fhObj = FileHandle->new();
+	$fhObj->open('/path/to/file.xml');
+	$miniXML->parse($fhObj);
+In all cases where SOURCE is a file or file handle, XML::Mini takes care of slurping the
+contents and closing the handle.
+=head2 fromHash HASHREF [OPTIONS]
+Parses a "hash representation" of your XML structure.  For each key => value pair within the
+hash ref, XML::Mini will create an element of name 'key' :
+ 	- with the text contents set to 'value' if 'value' is a string
+	- for each element of 'value' if value is an ARRAY REFERENCE
+	- with suitable children for each subkey => subvalue if 'value' is a HASH REFERENCE.
+For instance, if fromHash() is passed a simple hash ref like:
+    my $h = {
+	 'spy'	=> {
+		'id'	=> '007',
+		'type'	=> 'SuperSpy',
+		'name'	=> 'James Bond',
+		'email'	=> 'mi5 at london.uk',
+		'address'	=> 'Wherever he is needed most',
+	},
+   };
+then :
+  $xmlDoc->fromHash($h);
+  print $xmlDoc->toString();
+will output 
+ <spy>
+  <email> mi5 at london.uk </email>
+  <name> James Bond </name>
+  <address> Wherever he is needed most </address>
+  <type> SuperSpy </type>
+  <id> 007 </id>
+ </spy>
+The optional OPTIONS parameter may be used to specify which keys to use as attributes (instead of 
+creating subelements).  For example, calling
+ my $options = { 
+  			'attributes'	=> {
+  					'spy'	=> 'id',
+					'email'	=> 'type',
+					'friend' => ['name', 'age'],
+				}
+		};
+ my $h = {
+	 'spy'	=> {
+		'id'	=> '007',
+		'type'	=> 'SuperSpy',
+		'name'	=> 'James Bond',
+		'email'	=> {
+				'type'		=> 'private',
+				'-content'	=> 'mi5 at london.uk',
+			},
+		'address' => {
+				'type'	=> 'residential',
+				'-content' => 'Wherever he is needed most',
+			},
+		'friend' => [
+					{
+						'name' 	=> 'claudia',
+						'age'	=> 25,
+						'type'	=> 'close',
+					},
+					{
+						'name'	=> 'monneypenny',
+						'age'	=> '40something',
+						'type'	=> 'tease',
+					},
+					{
+						'name'	=> 'Q',
+						'age'	=> '10E4',
+						'type'	=> 'pain',
+					}
+				],
+	},
+   };
+  $xmlDoc->fromHash($h, $options);
+  print $xmlDoc->toString();
+will output something like:
+ <spy id="007">
+  <name> James Bond </name>
+  <email type="private"> mi5 at london.uk </email>
+  <address>
+   <type> residential </type>
+   Wherever he is needed most
+  </address>
+  <type> SuperSpy </type>
+  <friend age="25" name="claudia">
+   <type> close </type>
+  </friend>
+  <friend age="40something" name="monneypenny">
+   <type> tease </type>
+  </friend>
+  <friend age="10E4" name="Q">
+   <type> pain </type>
+  </friend>
+ </spy>
+As demonstrated above, you can use the optional href to specify tags for which attributes (instead of elements) should be 
+created and you may nest hash and array refs to create complex structures.
+NOTE: Whenever a hash references is used you lose the sequence in which the elements are placed - only the array references (which create
+a list of identically named elements) can preserve their order.
+See ALSO: the documentation for the related toHash() method.
+Still TODO: Create some better docs for this!  For the moment you can take a peek within the test suite of the source distribution.
+=head2 fromString XMLSTRING
+Initialise the XML::Mini::Document (and it's root XML::Mini::Element) using the 
+Returns the number of immediate children the root XML::Mini::Element now
+=head2 fromFile FILENAME
+Initialise the XML::Mini::Document (and it's root XML::Mini::Element) using the
+XML from file FILNAME.
+Returns the number of immediate children the root XML::Mini::Element now
+=head2 toString [DEPTH]
+Converts this XML::Mini::Document object to a string and returns it.
+The optional DEPTH may be passed to set the space offset for the
+first element.
+If the optional DEPTH is set to $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces
+no \n or whitespaces will be inserted in the xml string
+(ie it will all be on a single line with no spaces between the tags.
+Returns a string of XML representing the document.
+=head2 toFile FILENAME [SAFE]
+Stringify and save the XML document to file FILENAME
+If SAFE flag is passed and is a true value, toFile will do some extra checking, refusing to open the file
+if the filename matches m|/\.\./| or m|#;`\*| or if FILENAME points to a softlink.  In addition, if SAFE
+is 'NOOVERWRITE', toFile will fail if the FILENAME already exists.
+=head2 toHash 
+Transform the XML structure internally represented within the object 
+(created manually or parsed from a file or string) into a HASH reference and returns the href.
+For instance, if this XML is parse()d:
+ <person id="007">                                   
+  <email> mi5 at london.uk </email>
+  <name> James Bond </name>
+  <address> Wherever he is needed most </address>
+  <type> SuperSpy </type>
+ </person>
+ <person id="006" number="6">
+  <comment> I am not a man, I am a free number </comment>
+  <name> Number 6 </name>
+  <email type="private"> prisoner at aol.com </email>
+  <address> 6 Prison Island Road, Prison Island, Somewhere </address>
+ </person>
+The hash reference returned will look like this (as output by Data::Dumper):
+ 'people' => {
+      'person' => [
+                    {
+                      'email' => 'mi5 at london.uk',
+                      'name' => 'James Bond',
+                      'type' => 'SuperSpy',
+                      'address' => 'Wherever he is needed most',
+                      'id' => '007'
+                    },
+                    {
+                      'email' => {
+                                   'type' => 'private',
+                                   '-content' => 'prisoner at aol.com'
+                                 },
+                      'comment' => 'I am not a man, I am a free number',
+                      'number' => '6',
+                      'name' => 'Number 6',
+                      'address' => '6 Prison Island Road, Prison Island, Somewhere',
+                      'id' => '006'
+                    }
+                  ]
+    }
+=head2 getValue
+Utility function, call the root XML::Mini::Element's getValue()
+=head2 dump
+Debugging aid, dump returns a nicely formatted dump of the current structure of the
+XML::Mini::Document object.
+=head1 CAVEATS
+It is impossible to parse "cross-nested" tags using regular expressions (i.e. sequences of the form
+<a><b><a>...</a></b></a>).  However, if you have the Text::Balanced module installed (it is installed 
+by default with Perl 5.8), such sequences will be handled flawlessly.
+Even if you do not have the Text::Balanced module available, it is still possible to generate this type
+of XML - the problem only appears when parsing.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Patrick Deegan, Psychogenic Inc.
+Programs that use this code are bound to the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL (see the LICENSE file). 
+If you wish to include these modules in non-GPL code, you need prior written authorisation 
+from the authors.
+    XML::Mini::Document module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/CData.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/CData.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/CData.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+package XML::Mini::Element::CData;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::Element;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA );
+$VERSION = '1.24';
+push @ISA, qw ( XML::Mini::Element );
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $contents = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    $self->{'_attributes'} = {};
+    $self->{'_numChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_numElementChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_children'} = [];
+    $self->{'_avoidLoops'} = $XML::Mini::AvoidLoops;
+    $self->name('CDATA');
+    my $oldAutoEscape = $XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities;
+    $XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities = 0;
+    $self->createNode($contents) if (defined $contents);
+    $XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities = $oldAutoEscape;
+    return $self;
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    my $spaces;
+    if ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces)
+    {
+	$spaces = '';
+    } else {
+	$spaces = $self->_spaceStr($depth);
+    }
+    my $retString = "$spaces<![CDATA[ ";
+    if (! $self->{'_numChildren'})
+    {
+	$retString .= "]]>\n";
+	return $retString;
+    }
+    my $nextDepth = ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces) ? $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces
+	: $depth + 1;
+    for (my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	$retString .= $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->getValue();
+    }
+    $retString .= " ]]>\n";
+    return $retString;
+sub toStringNoWhiteSpaces
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    return $self->toString($depth);
+=head1 NAME
+The XML::Mini::Element::CData is used internally to represent <![CDATA [ CONTENTS ]]>.
+You shouldn't need to use it directly, see XML::Mini::Element's cdata() method.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+    XML::Mini::Element::CData module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/en/contact.shtml
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Comment.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Comment.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Comment.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+package XML::Mini::Element::Comment;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::Element;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA );
+$VERSION = '1.24';
+push @ISA, qw ( XML::Mini::Element );
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    $self->{'_attributes'} = {};
+    $self->{'_numChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_numElementChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_children'} = [];
+    $self->{'_avoidLoops'} = $XML::Mini::AvoidLoops;
+    $self->name('!--');
+    return $self;
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    if ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces)
+    {
+	return $self->toStringNoWhiteSpaces();
+    }
+    my $spaces = $self->_spaceStr($depth);
+    my $retString = "$spaces<!-- \n";
+    if (! $self->{'_numChildren'})
+    {
+	$retString .= " -->\n";
+	return $retString;
+    }
+    my $nextDepth = $depth + 1;
+    for (my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	$retString .= $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->toString($nextDepth);
+    }
+    $retString .= "\n" unless ($retString =~ m|\n$|sm);
+    $retString .= "$spaces -->\n";
+    return $retString;
+sub toStringNoWhiteSpaces
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $retString = '<!-- ';
+    if (! $self->{'_numChildren'})
+    {
+	$retString .= ' -->';
+	return $retString;
+    }
+    for (my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	$retString .= $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->toStringNoWhiteSpaces();
+    }
+    $retString .= " -->";
+    return $retString;
+=head1 NAME
+The XML::Mini::Element::Comment is used internally to represent <!-- comments -->.
+You shouldn't need to use it directly, see XML::Mini::Element's comment() method.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+    XML::Mini::Element::Comment module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/en/contact.shtml
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/DocType.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/DocType.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/DocType.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+package XML::Mini::Element::DocType;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::Element;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA );
+$VERSION = '1.24';
+push @ISA, qw ( XML::Mini::Element );
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $attr = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    $self->{'_attributes'} = {};
+    $self->{'_numChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_numElementChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_children'} = [];
+    $self->{'_avoidLoops'} = $XML::Mini::AvoidLoops;
+    $self->{'_attr'} = $attr;
+    $self->name('DOCTYPE');
+    return $self;
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    my $spaces;
+    if ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces)
+    {
+	$spaces = '';
+    } else {
+	$spaces = $self->_spaceStr($depth);
+    }
+    my $retString = "$spaces<!DOCTYPE " . $self->{'_attr'} . " [\n";
+    if (! $self->{'_numChildren'})
+    {
+	$retString .= "]>\n";
+	return $retString;
+    }
+    my $nextDepth = ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces) ? $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces
+	: $depth + 1;
+    for (my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	$retString .= $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->toString($nextDepth);
+    }
+    $retString .= "\n]>\n";
+    return $retString;
+sub toStringNoWhiteSpaces
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    return $self->toString($depth);
+=head1 NAME
+The XML::Mini::Element::DocType is used internally to represent <!DOCTYPE bla bla [ ... ]>.
+You shouldn't need to use it directly, see XML::Mini::Element's docType() method.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+    XML::Mini::Element::DocType module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/en/contact.shtml
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Entity.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Entity.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Entity.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+package XML::Mini::Element::Entity;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::Element;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA );
+$VERSION = '1.24';
+push @ISA, qw ( XML::Mini::Element );
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $value = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    $self->{'_attributes'} = {};
+    $self->{'_numChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_numElementChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_children'} = [];
+    $self->{'_avoidLoops'} = $XML::Mini::AvoidLoops;
+    $self->name($name);
+    my $oldAutoEscape = $XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities;
+    $XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities = 0;
+    $self->createNode($value) if (defined $value);
+    $XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities = $oldAutoEscape;
+    return $self;
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    my $spaces;
+    if ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces)
+    {
+	$spaces = '';
+    } else {
+	$spaces = $self->_spaceStr($depth);
+    }
+    my $retString = "$spaces<!ENTITY " . $self->name();
+    if (! $self->{'_numChildren'})
+    {
+	$retString .= ">\n";
+	return $retString;
+    }
+    my $nextDepth = ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces) ? $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces
+	: $depth + 1;
+    $retString .= '"';
+    for (my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	$retString .= $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->toString($XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces);
+    }
+    $retString .= '"';
+    #$retString =~ s/\n//g;
+    $retString .= " >\n";
+    return $retString;
+sub toStringNoWhiteSpaces
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    return $self->toString($depth);
+=head1 NAME
+The XML::Mini::Element::Entity is used internally to represent <!ENTITY name "stuff">.
+You shouldn't need to use it directly, see XML::Mini::Element's entity() method.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+    XML::Mini::Element::Entity module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/en/contact.shtml
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Header.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Header.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element/Header.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+package XML::Mini::Element::Header;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::Element;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA );
+$VERSION = '1.00';
+push @ISA, qw ( XML::Mini::Element );
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $name = shift || XML::Mini->Error("Must pass a NAME to XML::Mini::Element::Header::new()");
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    $self->{'_attributes'} = {};
+    $self->{'_numChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_numElementChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_children'} = [];
+    $self->{'_avoidLoops'} = $XML::Mini::AvoidLoops;
+    $self->name($name);
+    return $self;
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    if ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces)
+    {
+	return $self->toStringNoWhiteSpaces();
+    }
+    my $spaces = $self->_spaceStr($depth);
+    my $retString = "$spaces<?". $self->name() . ' ';
+    my $attribString;
+    foreach my $atName (sort keys %{$self->{'_attributes'}})
+    {
+	$attribString .= qq|$atName="$self->{'_attributes'}->{$atName}" |;
+    }
+    if (defined $attribString && $attribString =~ m|\S|)
+    {
+    	$retString .= $attribString;
+    }
+    $retString =~ s/\s+$//;
+    $retString .= "?>\n";
+    return $retString;
+sub toStringNoWhiteSpaces
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $retString = '<? ' . $self->name();
+    my $attribString;
+    foreach my $atName (sort keys %{$self->{'_attributes'}})
+    {
+	$attribString .= qq|$atName="$self->{'_attributes'}->{$atName}" |;
+    } 
+    if (defined $attribString && $attribString =~ m|\S|)
+    {
+    	$retString .= $attribString;
+    }
+    $retString =~ s/\s+$//;
+    $retString .= "?>";
+    return $retString;
+=head1 NAME
+The XML::Mini::Element::Header is used internally to represent <? xml blah="hohoho" ?> type headers.
+You shouldn't need to use it directly, see XML::Mini::Element's header() method.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+    XML::Mini::Element::Header module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2003 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/en/contact.shtml
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Element.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,1357 @@
+package XML::Mini::Element;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::TreeComponent;
+use XML::Mini::Element::Comment;
+use XML::Mini::Element::DocType;
+use XML::Mini::Element::Entity;
+use XML::Mini::Element::CData;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA );
+push @ISA, qw ( XML::Mini::TreeComponent );
+$VERSION = '1.28';
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    $self->{'_attributes'} = {};
+    $self->{'_numChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_numElementChildren'} = 0;
+    $self->{'_children'} = [];
+    $self->{'_avoidLoops'} = $XML::Mini::AvoidLoops;
+    if ($name)
+    {
+	$self->name($name);
+    } else {
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Must pass a name to create a new Element.");
+    }
+    return $self;
+sub name
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    if (defined $name)
+    {
+	$self->{'_name'} = $name;
+    }
+    return $self->{'_name'};
+sub attribute
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift || return undef;
+    my $primValue = shift;
+    my $altValue = shift;
+    my $value = (defined $primValue) ? $primValue : $altValue;
+    if (defined $value)
+    {
+	$self->{'_attributes'}->{$name} = $value;
+    }
+    if (defined $self->{'_attributes'}->{$name})
+    {
+	return $self->{'_attributes'}->{$name};
+    }
+    return undef;
+sub text
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $primValue = shift;
+    my $altValue = shift;
+    my $setTo = (defined $primValue) ? $primValue : $altValue;
+    if (defined $setTo)
+    {
+	$self->createNode($setTo);
+    }
+    my @contents;
+    foreach my $child (@{$self->{'_children'}})
+    {
+	my $value = $child->getValue();
+	if (defined $value)
+	{
+	    push @contents, $value;
+	}
+    }
+    if (scalar @contents)
+    {
+	my $retStr = join(' ', @contents);
+	return $retStr;
+    }
+    return undef;
+sub numeric
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $primValue = shift;
+    my $altValue = shift;
+    my $setTo = (defined $primValue) ? $primValue : $altValue;
+    if (defined $setTo)
+    {
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Must pass a NUMERIC value to Element::numeric() to set ($setTo)")
+	    unless ($setTo =~ m/^\s*[Ee\d\.\+-]+\s*$/);
+	$self->text($setTo);
+    }
+    my @contents;
+    foreach my $child (@{$self->{'_children'}})
+    {
+	my $value = $child->getValue();
+	if (defined $value)
+	{
+	    push @contents, $value if ($value =~ /^\s*[Ee\d\.\+-]+\s*$/);
+	}
+    }
+    if (scalar @contents)
+    {
+	my $retStr = join(' ', @contents);
+	return $retStr;
+    }
+    return undef;
+sub comment
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $contents = shift;
+    my $newEl = XML::Mini::Element::Comment->new();
+    $newEl->text($contents);
+    $self->appendChild($newEl);
+    return $newEl;
+sub header 
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $attribs = shift; # optional
+    unless (defined $name)
+    {
+    	return XML::Mini->Error("XML::Mini::Element::header() must pass a NAME to create a new header");
+    }
+    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::Header->new($name);
+    $self->appendChild($newElement);
+    return $newElement;
+sub docType
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $definition = shift;
+    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::DocType->new($definition);
+    $self->appendChild($newElement);
+    return $newElement;
+sub entity
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $value = shift;
+    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::Entity->new($name, $value);
+    $self->appendChild($newElement);
+    return $newElement;
+sub cdata
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $contents = shift;
+    my $newElement = XML::Mini::Element::CData->new($contents);
+    $self->appendChild($newElement);
+    return $newElement;
+# Note: the seperator parameter remains officially undocumented
+# since I'm not sure it will remain part of the API
+sub getValue {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $seperator = shift || ' ';
+    my @valArray;
+    my $retStr = '';
+    foreach my $child ( @{$self->{'_children'}})
+    {
+	my $value = $child->getValue();
+	if (defined $value)
+	{
+	    push @valArray , $value;
+	}
+    }
+    if (scalar @valArray)
+    {
+	$retStr = join($seperator, @valArray);
+    }
+    return $retStr;
+sub getElement {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $name = shift;
+	my $elementNumber = shift || 1;
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Element::getElement() Must Pass Element name.")
+		unless defined ($name);
+	if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+	{
+		XML::Mini->Log("Element::getElement() called for $name on " . $self->{'_name'} );
+	}
+	########## getElement needs to search the calling element's children ONLY
+	########## or else it is impossible to retrieve the nested element of the same name:
+	########## <nested>
+	##########  <nested>
+	##########    The second nested element is inaccessible if we return $self...
+	##########  </nested>
+	########## <nested>
+	#if ($XML::Mini::CaseSensitive)
+	#{
+		#return $self if ($self->{'_name'} =~ m/^$name$/);
+	#} else {
+		#return $self if ($self->{'_name'} =~ m/^$name$/i);
+	#}
+	return undef unless $self->{'_numChildren'};
+	my $foundCount = 0;
+	#* Try each child (immediate children take priority) *
+	for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+	{
+		my $childname = $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->name();
+		if ($childname)
+		{
+		    if ($XML::Mini::CaseSensitive)
+		    {
+		    	if ($name =~ m/^$childname$/)
+			{
+				$foundCount++;
+				return $self->{'_children'}->[$i] if ($foundCount == $elementNumber);
+			}
+		    } else {
+		    	if ($name =~ m/^$childname$/i)
+			{
+				$foundCount++;
+				return $self->{'_children'}->[$i] if ($foundCount == $elementNumber);
+			}
+		    }
+		} #/* end if child has a name */
+	} #/* end loop over all my children */
+	#/* Now, Use beautiful recursion, daniel san */
+	for (my $i = 0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+	{
+		my $theelement = $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->getElement($name, $elementNumber);
+		if ($theelement)
+		{
+			XML::Mini->Log("Element::getElement() returning element " . $theelement->name())
+				if ($XML::Mini::Debug);
+			return $theelement;
+		}
+	}
+	#/* Not found */
+	return undef;
+sub getElementByPath
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $path = shift || return undef;
+    my @elementNumbers = @_;
+    my @names = split ("/", $path);
+    my $element = $self;
+    my $position = 0;
+    foreach my $elementName (@names)
+    {
+	next unless ($elementName);
+	if ($element) #/* Make sure we didn't hit a dead end */
+	{
+	    #/* Ask this element to get the next child in path */
+	    $element = $element->getElement($elementName, $elementNumbers[$position++]);
+	}
+    }
+    return $element;
+} #/* end method getElementByPath */
+sub numChildren
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $named = shift; # optionally only count elements named 'named'
+    unless (defined $named)
+    {
+	return $self->{'_numElementChildren'};
+    }
+    my $allkids = $self->getAllChildren($named);
+    return scalar @{$allkids};
+sub getAllChildren
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift; # optionally only children with this name
+    my @returnChildren;
+    for (my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	if ($self->isElement($self->{'_children'}->[$i]))
+	{
+	    my $childName = $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->name();
+	    # return only Element and derivatives children
+	    if (defined $name)
+	    {
+		if ($XML::Mini::CaseSensitive)
+		{
+		    push @returnChildren, $self->{'_children'}->[$i]
+			if ($name =~ /^$childName$/);
+		} else {
+		    # case insensitive
+		    push @returnChildren, $self->{'_children'}->[$i]
+			if ($name =~ /^$childName$/i);
+		}
+	    } else {
+		# no name set, all children returned
+		push @returnChildren, $self->{'_children'}->[$i];
+	    } # end if name
+	} # end if element
+    } # end loop over all children
+    return \@returnChildren;
+sub isElement
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $element = shift || $self;
+    my $type = ref $element;
+    return undef unless $type;
+    return 0 unless ($type =~ /^XML::Mini::Element/);
+    return 1;
+sub isNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $element = shift || $self;
+    my $type = ref $element;
+    return undef unless $type;
+    return 0 unless ($type =~ /^XML::Mini::Node/);
+    return 1;
+sub insertChild {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $child = shift;
+	my $idx = shift || 0;
+	$self->_validateChild($child);
+	if ($self->{'_avoidLoops'} || $XML::Mini::AutoSetParent)
+	{
+		if ($self->{'_parent'} == $child)
+		{
+			my $childName = $child->name();
+	    		return XML::Mini->Error("Element::insertChild() Tryng to append parent $childName as child of " 
+				    . $self->name());
+		}
+		$child->parent($self);
+	}
+	my $nextIdx = $self->{'_numChildren'};
+	my $lastIdx = $nextIdx - 1;
+	if ($idx > $lastIdx)
+	{
+		if ($idx > $nextIdx)
+		{
+			$idx = $lastIdx + 1;
+		}
+		$self->{'_children'}->[$idx] = $child;
+		$self->{'_numChildren'}++;
+		$self->{'_numElementChildren'}++ if ($self->isElement($child));
+	} elsif ($idx >= 0)
+	{
+		my @removed = splice(@{$self->{'_children'}}, $idx);
+		push @{$self->{'_children'}}, ($child, @removed);
+		$self->{'_numChildren'}++;
+		$self->{'_numElementChildren'}++ if ($self->isElement($child));
+	} else {
+		my $revIdx = (-1 * $idx) % $self->{'_numChildren'};
+		my $newIdx = $self->{'_numChildren'} - $revIdx;
+		if ($newIdx < 0)
+		{
+			return XML::Mini->Error("Element::insertChild() Ended up with a negative index? ($newIdx)");
+		}
+		return $self->insertChild($child, $newIdx);
+	}
+	return $child;
+sub appendChild
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $child = shift;
+	$self->_validateChild($child);
+	if ($self->{'_avoidLoops'} || $XML::Mini::AutoSetParent)
+	{
+		if ($self->{'_parent'} == $child)
+		{
+			my $childName = $child->name();
+	    		return XML::Mini->Error("Element::appendChild() Tryng to append parent $childName as child of " 
+				    . $self->name());
+		}
+		$child->parent($self);
+	}
+	$self->{'_numElementChildren'}++; #Note that we're addind a Element child 
+	my $idx = $self->{'_numChildren'}++;
+	$self->{'_children'}->[$idx] = $child;
+	return $self->{'_children'}->[$idx];
+sub prependChild 
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $child = shift;
+	$self->_validateChild($child);
+	if ($self->{'_avoidLoops'} || $XML::Mini::AutoSetParent)
+	{
+		if ($self->{'_parent'} == $child)
+		{
+			my $childName = $child->name();
+	    		return XML::Mini->Error("Element::appendChild() Tryng to append parent $childName as child of " 
+				    . $self->name());
+		}
+		$child->parent($self);
+	}
+	$self->{'_numElementChildren'}++; #Note that we're addind a Element child 
+	my $idx = $self->{'_numChildren'}++;
+	unshift(@{$self->{'_children'}}, $child);
+	return $self->{'_children'}->[0];
+sub createChild
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    my $value = shift; # optionally fill child with 
+    unless (defined $name)
+    {
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Element::createChild() Must pass a NAME to createChild.");
+    }
+    my $child = XML::Mini::Element->new($name);
+    $child = $self->appendChild($child);
+    if (defined $value)
+    {
+	if ($value =~ m/^\s*[Ee\d\.\+-]+\s*$/)
+	{
+	    $child->numeric($value);
+	} else {
+	    $child->text($value);
+	}
+    }
+    $child->avoidLoops($self->{'_avoidLoops'});
+    return $child;
+sub _validateChild {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $child = shift;
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Element:_validateChild() need to pass a non-NULL Element child")
+		unless (defined $child);
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Element::_validateChild() must pass an Element object to appendChild.")
+		unless ($self->isElement($child));
+	my $childName = $child->name();
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Element::_validateChild() children must be named")
+		unless (defined $childName);
+	if ($child == $self)
+	{
+		return XML::Mini->Error("Element::_validateChild() Trying to append self as own child!");
+	} elsif ( $self->{'_avoidLoops'} && $child->parent())
+	{
+		return XML::Mini->Error("Element::_validateChild() Trying to append a child ($childName) that already has a parent set "
+		. "while avoidLoops is on - aborting");
+	}
+	return 1;
+sub removeChild {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $child = shift;
+	unless ($self->{'_numChildren'})
+	{
+		return XML::Mini->Error("Element::removeChild() called for element without any children.");
+	}
+	my $foundChild;
+	my $idx = 0;
+	while ($idx < $self->{'_numChildren'} && ! $foundChild)
+	{
+		if ($self->{'_children'}->[$idx] == $child)
+		{
+			$foundChild = $self->{'_children'}->[$idx];
+		} else {
+			$idx++;
+		}
+	}
+	unless ($foundChild)
+	{
+		XML::Mini->Log("Element::removeChild() No matching child found.") if ($XML::Mini::Debug);
+		return undef;
+	}
+	splice @{$self->{'_children'}}, $idx, 1;
+	$self->{'_numChildren'}--;
+	if ($foundChild->isElement())
+	{
+		$self->{'_numElementChildren'}--;
+	}
+	delete $foundChild->{'_parent'} ;
+	return $foundChild;
+sub removeAllChildren {
+	my $self = shift;
+	return undef unless ($self->{'_numChildren'});
+	my $retList = $self->{'_children'};
+	delete $self->{'_children'};
+	$self->{'_numElementChildren'} = 0;
+	$self->{'_numChildren'} = 0;
+	foreach my $child (@{$retList})
+	{
+		delete $child->{'_parent'};
+	}
+	delete $self->{'_children'};
+	$self->{'children'} = [];
+	return $retList;
+sub remove {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $parent = $self->parent();
+	unless ($parent)
+	{
+		XML::Mini->Log("XML::Mini::Element::remove() called for element with no parent set.  Aborting.");
+		return undef;
+	}
+	my $removed = $parent->removeChild($self);
+	return $removed;
+sub parent {
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $parent = shift; # optionally set
+    if (defined $parent)
+    {
+	return XML::Mini->Error("Element::parent(): Must pass an instance of Element to set.")
+	    unless ($self->isElement($parent));
+	$self->{'_parent'} = $parent;
+    }
+    return $self->{'_parent'};
+sub avoidLoops
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $setTo = shift; # optionally set
+    if (defined $setTo)
+    {
+	$self->{'_avoidLoops'} = $setTo;
+    }
+    return $self->{'_avoidLoops'};
+sub toStructure {
+	my $self = shift;
+	my $retHash = {};
+	my $contents = "";
+	my $numAdded = 0;
+	if ($self->{'_attributes'})
+	{
+		while (my ($attname, $attvalue) = each %{$self->{'_attributes'}})
+		{
+			$retHash->{$attname} = $attvalue;
+			$numAdded++;
+		}
+	}
+	my $numChildren = $self->{'_numChildren'} || 0;
+	for (my $i=0; $i < $numChildren ; $i++)
+	{
+		my $thisChild = $self->{'_children'}->[$i];
+		if ($self->isElement($thisChild))
+		{
+			my $name = $thisChild->name();
+			my $struct = $thisChild->toStructure();
+			my $existing = $retHash->{$name};
+			if ($existing)
+			{
+				my $existingType = ref $existing || "";
+				if ($existingType eq 'ARRAY')
+				{
+					push @{$existing}, $struct;
+				} else {
+					my $arrayRef = [$existing, $struct];
+					$retHash->{$name} = $arrayRef;
+				}
+			} else {
+				$retHash->{$name} = $struct;
+			}
+			$numAdded++;
+		} else {
+			$contents .= $thisChild->getValue();
+		}
+	}
+	if ($numAdded)
+	{
+		if (length($contents))
+		{
+			$retHash->{'-content'} = $contents;
+		}
+		return $retHash;
+	} else {
+		return $contents;
+	}
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift || 0;
+    if ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces)
+    {
+	return $self->toStringNoWhiteSpaces();
+    }
+    my $retString;
+    my $attribString = '';
+    my $elementName = $self->{'_name'};
+    my $spaces = $self->_spaceStr($depth);
+    foreach my $atName (sort keys %{$self->{'_attributes'}})
+    {
+	$attribString .= qq|$atName="$self->{'_attributes'}->{$atName}" |;
+    }
+    $retString = "$spaces<$elementName";
+    if ($attribString)
+    {
+	$attribString =~ s/\s*$//;
+	$retString .= " $attribString";
+    }
+    if (! $self->{'_numChildren'})
+    {
+		$retString .= " />\n";
+		return $retString;
+    }
+    # Else, we do have kids - sub element or nodes
+    $retString .= ">\n";
+    my $nextDepth = $depth + 1;
+    for(my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	my $newStr = $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->toString($nextDepth);
+	if (defined $newStr)
+	{
+	    if ( $newStr !~ m|\n$|)
+	    {
+		$newStr .= "\n";
+	    }
+	    $retString .= $newStr;
+	} # end if newStr returned
+    } # end loop over all children
+    $retString .= "$spaces</$elementName>\n";
+    return $retString;
+sub toStringNoWhiteSpaces
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $retString;
+    my $attribString = '';
+    my $elementName = $self->{'_name'};
+    while (my ($atName, $atVal) = each %{$self->{'_attributes'}})
+    {
+	$attribString .= qq|$atName="$atVal" |;
+    }
+    $retString = "<$elementName";
+    if ($attribString)
+    {
+	$attribString =~ s/\s*$//;
+	$retString .= " $attribString";
+    }
+    if (! $self->{'_numChildren'})
+    {
+	$retString .= '/>';
+	return $retString;
+    }
+    # Else, we do have kids - sub element or nodes
+    $retString .= '>';
+    for(my $i=0; $i < $self->{'_numChildren'}; $i++)
+    {
+	my $newStr = $self->{'_children'}->[$i]->toStringNoWhiteSpaces();
+	$retString .= $newStr if (defined $newStr);
+    } # end loop over all children
+    $retString .= "</$elementName>";
+    return $retString;
+sub createNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $value = shift;
+    my $newNode = XML::Mini::Node->new($value);
+    return undef unless ($newNode);
+    my $appendedNode = $self->appendNode($newNode);
+    return $appendedNode;
+sub appendNode
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $node = shift;
+    return XML::Mini->Error("Element::appendNode() need to pass a non-NULL XML::MiniNode.")
+	unless (defined $node);
+    return XML::Mini->Error("Element::appendNode() must pass a XML::MiniNode object to appendNode.")
+	unless ($self->isNode($node));
+    if ($XML::Mini::AutoSetParent)
+    {
+	$node->parent($self);
+    }
+    if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+    {
+	XML::Mini->Log("Appending node to " . $self->{'_name'});
+      }
+    my $idx = $self->{'_numChildren'}++;
+    $self->{'_children'}->[$idx] = $node;
+    return $self->{'_children'}->[$idx];
+=head1 NAME
+XML::Mini::Element - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini Element API.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use XML::Mini::Document;
+	my $xmlDoc = XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	# Fetch the ROOT element for the document
+	# (an instance of XML::Mini::Element)
+	my $xmlElement = $xmlDoc->getRoot();
+	# Create an <?xml?> tag
+	my $xmlHeader = $xmlElement->header('xml');
+	# add the version to get <?xml version="1.0"?>
+	$xmlHeader->attribute('version', '1.0');
+	# Create a sub element
+	my $newChild = $xmlElement->createChild('mychild');
+	$newChild->text('hello mommy');
+	# Create an orphan element
+	my $orphan = $xmlDoc->createElement('annie');
+	$orphan->attribute('hair', '#ff0000');
+	$orphan->text('tomorrow, tomorrow');
+	# Adopt the orphan
+	$newChild->appendChild($orphan);
+	# ...
+	# add a child element to the front of the list 
+	$xmlElement->prependChild($otherElement);
+	print $xmlDoc->toString();
+The code above would output:
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+ <mychild>
+  hello mommy
+  <annie hair="#ff0000">
+   tomorrow, tomorrow
+  </annie>
+ </mychild>
+Although the main handle to the xml document is the XML::Mini::Document object,
+much of the functionality and manipulation involves interaction with
+Element objects.
+A Element 
+ - a name
+ - a list of 0 or more attributes (which have a name and a value)
+ - a list of 0 or more children (Element or XML::MiniNode objects)
+ - a parent (optional, only if MINIXML_AUTOSETPARENT > 0)
+=head2 new NAME
+Creates a new instance of XML::Mini::Element, with name NAME
+=head2 name [NEWNAME]
+If a NEWNAME string is passed, the Element's name is set 
+Returns the element's name.
+=head2 attribute NAME [SETTO [SETTOALT]]
+The attribute() method is used to get and set the 
+Element's attributes (ie the name/value pairs contained
+within the tag, <tagname attrib1="value1" attrib2="value2">)
+If SETTO is passed, the attribute's value is set to SETTO.
+If the optional SETTOALT is passed and SETTO is false, the 
+attribute's value is set to SETTOALT.  This is usefull in cases
+when you wish to set the attribute to a default value if no SETTO is
+present, eg $myelement->attribute('href', $theHref, 'http://psychogenic.com')
+will default to 'http://psychogenic.com'.
+Returns the value associated with attribute NAME.
+=head2 text [SETTO [SETTOALT]]
+The text() method is used to get or append text data to this
+element (it is appended to the child list as a new XML::MiniNode object).
+If SETTO is passed, a new node is created, filled with SETTO 
+and appended to the list of this element's children.
+If the optional SETTOALT is passed and SETTO is false, the 
+new node's value is set to SETTOALT.  See the attribute() method
+for an example use.
+Returns a string composed of all child XML::MiniNodes' contents.
+Note: all the children XML::MiniNodes' contents - including numeric 
+nodes are included in the return string.
+=head2 numeric [SETTO [SETTOALT]]
+The numeric() method is used to get or append numeric data to
+this element (it is appended to the child list as a XML::MiniNode object).
+If SETTO is passed, a new node is created, filled with SETTO 
+and appended to the list of this element's children.
+If the optional SETTOALT is passed and SETTO is false, the 
+new node's value is set to SETTOALT.  See the attribute() method
+for an example use.
+Returns a space seperated string composed all child XML::MiniNodes' 
+numeric contents.
+Note: ONLY numerical contents are included from the list of child XML::MiniNodes.
+=head2 header NAME
+The header() method allows you to add a new XML::Mini::Element::Header to this 
+element's list of children.
+Headers return a <? NAME ?> string for the element's toString() method.  Attributes
+may be set using attribute(), to create headers like
+<?xml-stylesheet href="doc.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+Valid XML documents must have at least an 'xml' header, like:
+<?xml version="1.0" ?>
+Here's how you could begin creating an XML document:
+	my $miniXMLDoc =  XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	my $xmlRootNode = $miniXMLDoc->getRoot();
+	my $xmlHeader = $xmlRootNode->header('xml');
+	$xmlHeader->attribute('version', '1.0');
+This method was added in version 1.25.
+=head2 comment CONTENTS
+The comment() method allows you to add a new XML::Mini::Element::Comment to this
+element's list of children.
+Comments will return a <!-- CONTENTS --> string when the element's toString()
+method is called.
+Returns a reference to the newly appended XML::Mini::Element::Comment
+=head2 docType DEFINITION
+Append a new <!DOCTYPE DEFINITION [ ...]> element as a child of this 
+Returns the appended DOCTYPE element. You will normally use the returned
+element to add ENTITY elements, like
+ my $newDocType = $xmlRoot->docType('spec SYSTEM "spec.dtd"');
+ $newDocType->entity('doc.audience', 'public review and discussion');
+=head2 entity NAME VALUE
+Append a new <!ENTITY NAME "VALUE"> element as a child of this 
+Returns the appended ENTITY element.
+=head2 cdata CONTENTS
+Append a new <![CDATA[ CONTENTS ]]> element as a child of this element.
+Returns the appended CDATA element.
+=head2 getValue
+Returns a string containing the value of all the element's
+child XML::MiniNodes (and all the XML::MiniNodes contained within 
+it's child Elements, recursively).
+=head2 getElement NAME [POSITION]
+Searches the element and it's children for an element with name NAME.
+Returns a reference to the first Element with name NAME,
+if found, NULL otherwise.
+NOTE: The search is performed like this, returning the first 
+	 element that matches:
+ - Check this element's immediate children (in order) for a match.
+ - Ask each immediate child (in order) to Element::getElement()
+  (each child will then proceed similarly, checking all it's immediate
+  children in order and then asking them to getElement())
+If a numeric POSITION parameter is passed, getElement() will return 
+the POSITIONth element of name NAME (starting at 1).  Thus, on document
+  <?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <people>
+   <person>
+    bob
+   </person>
+   <person>
+    jane
+   </person>
+   <person>
+    ralph
+   </person>
+  </people>
+$people->getElement('person') will return the element containing the text node
+'bob', while $people->getElement('person', 3) will return the element containing the 
+text 'ralph'.
+=head2 getElementByPath PATH [POSITIONSARRAY]
+Attempts to return a reference to the (first) element at PATH
+where PATH is the path in the structure (relative to this element) to
+the requested element.
+For example, in the document represented by:
+	 <partRateRequest>
+	  <vendor>
+	   <accessid user="myusername" password="mypassword" />
+	  </vendor>
+	  <partList>
+	   <partNum>
+	    DA42
+	   </partNum>
+	   <partNum>
+	    D99983FFF
+	   </partNum>
+	   <partNum>
+	    ss-839uent
+	   </partNum>
+	  </partList>
+	 </partRateRequest>
+	$partRate = $xmlDocument->getElement('partRateRequest');
+	$accessid = $partRate->getElementByPath('vendor/accessid');
+Will return what you expect (the accessid element with attributes user = "myusername"
+and password = "mypassword").
+BUT be careful:
+	$accessid = $partRate->getElementByPath('partList/partNum');
+will return the partNum element with the value "DA42".   To access other partNum elements you
+must either use the POSITIONSARRAY or the getAllChildren() method on the partRateRequest element.
+POSITIONSARRAY functions like the POSITION parameter to getElement(), but instead of specifying the
+position of a single element, you must indicate the position of all elements in the path.  Therefore, to
+get the third part number element, you would use
+	my $thirdPart = $xmlDocument->getElementByPath('partRateRequest/partList/partNum', 1, 1, 3);
+The additional 1,1,3 parameters indicate that you wish to retrieve the 1st partRateRequest element in 
+the document, the 1st partList child of partRateRequest and the 3rd partNum child of the partList element
+(in this instance, the partNum element that contains 'ss-839uent').
+Returns the Element reference if found, NULL otherwise.
+=head2 getAllChildren [NAME]
+Returns a reference to an array of all this element's Element children
+Note: although the Element may contain XML::MiniNodes as children, these are
+not part of the returned list.
+=head2 createChild ELEMENTNAME [VALUE]
+Creates a new Element instance and appends it to the list
+of this element's children.
+The new child element's name is set to ELEMENTNAME.
+If the optional VALUE (string or numeric) parameter is passed,
+the new element's text/numeric content will be set using VALUE.
+Returns a reference to the new child element
+=head2 appendChild CHILDELEMENT
+appendChild is used to append an existing Element object to
+this element's list.
+Returns a reference to the appended child element.
+NOTE: Be careful not to create loops in the hierarchy, eg
+ $parent->appendChild($child);
+ $child->appendChild($subChild);
+ $subChild->appendChild($parent);
+If you want to be sure to avoid loops, set the MINIXML_AVOIDLOOPS define
+to 1 or use the avoidLoops() method (will apply to all children added with createChild())
+=head2 prependChild CHILDELEMENT
+prependChild is used to add an existing Element object to
+this element's list.  The added CHILDELEMENT will be prepended to the list, thus
+it will appear first in the XML output.
+Returns a reference to the prepended child element.
+See the note about creating loops in the above appendChild() description.
+=head2 insertChild CHILDELEMENT INDEX
+Inserts the child element at a specific location in this elements list of children.
+If INDEX is larger than numChildren(), the CHILDELEMENT will be added to the end of
+the list (same as appendChild() ).
+Returns the inserted child element.
+=head2 removeChild CHILDELEMENT
+Removes the element CHILDELEMENT from the list of this element's children, if it is 
+found within this list.
+Returns the child element that was removed, else undef.
+=head2 removeAllChildren 
+Clears the element's list of child elements.  Returns an array ref of child elements 
+that were removed.
+=head2 remove
+Removes this element from it's parent's list of children.  The parent must be set for the 
+element for this method to work - this can be done manually using the parent() method or 
+automatically if  $XML::Mini::AutoSetParent is true (set to false by default).
+=head2 parent NEWPARENT
+The parent() method is used to get/set the element's parent.
+If the NEWPARENT parameter is passed, sets the parent to NEWPARENT
+(NEWPARENT must be an instance of Element)
+Returns a reference to the parent Element if set, NULL otherwise.
+Note: This method is mainly used internally and you wouldn't normally need
+to use it.
+It get's called on element appends when $XML::Mini::AutoSetParent or 
+$XML::Mini::AvoidLoops or avoidLoops() > 0
+=head2 avoidLoops SETTO
+The avoidLoops() method is used to get or set the avoidLoops flag for this element.
+When avoidLoops is true, children with parents already set can NOT be appended to any
+other elements.  This is overkill but it is a quick and easy way to avoid infinite loops
+in the heirarchy.
+The avoidLoops default behavior is configured with the $XML::Mini::AvoidLoops variable but can be
+set on individual elements (and automagically all the element's children) with the 
+avoidLoops() method.
+Returns the current value of the avoidLoops flag for the element.
+=head2 toString [SPACEOFFSET]
+toString returns an XML string based on the element's attributes,
+and content (recursively doing the same for all children)
+The optional SPACEOFFSET parameter sets the number of spaces to use
+after newlines for elements at this level (adding 1 space per level in
+depth).  SPACEOFFSET defaults to 0.
+If SPACEOFFSET is passed as $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces  
+no \n or whitespaces will be inserted in the xml string
+(ie it will all be on a single line with no spaces between the tags.
+Returns the XML string.
+=head2 createNode NODEVALUE
+Private (?)
+Creates a new XML::MiniNode instance and appends it to the list
+of this element's children.
+The new child node's value is set to NODEVALUE.
+Returns a reference to the new child node.
+Note: You don't need to use this method normally - it is used
+internally when appending text() and such data.
+=head2 appendNode CHILDNODE
+appendNode is used to append an existing XML::MiniNode object to
+this element's list.
+Returns a reference to the appended child node.
+Note: You don't need to use this method normally - it is used
+internally when appending text() and such data.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Patrick Deegan, Psychogenic Inc.
+Programs that use this code are bound to the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL (see the LICENSE file). 
+If you wish to include these modules in non-GPL code, you need prior written authorisation 
+from the authors.
+    XML::Mini::Element module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/en/contact.shtml
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Document

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Node.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Node.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/Node.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+package XML::Mini::Node;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::TreeComponent;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION @ISA );
+push @ISA, qw ( XML::Mini::TreeComponent );
+$VERSION = '1.24';
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $value = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    if (defined ($value))
+    {
+	if ($XML::Mini::IgnoreWhitespaces)
+	{
+	    $value =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+	}
+	if ($XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities)
+	{
+	    $value = XML::Mini->escapeEntities($value);
+	}
+	if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+	{
+	    XML::Mini->Log("Setting value of node to '$value'");
+	  }
+	$self->{'_contents'} = $value;
+    }
+    return $self;
+sub getValue
+    my $self = shift;
+    if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+    {
+	XML::Mini->Log("Returning value of node as '" . $self->{'_contents'} . "'");
+    }
+    return $self->{'_contents'};
+sub text
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $setToPrim = shift;
+    my $setToAlt = shift;
+    my $setTo = defined ($setToPrim) ? $setToPrim : $setToAlt;
+    if (defined ($setTo))
+    {
+	if ($XML::Mini::IgnoreWhitespaces)
+	{
+	    $setTo =~ s/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/$1/;
+	}
+	if ($XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities)
+	{
+	    $setTo = XML::Mini->escapeEntities($setTo);
+	}
+	if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+	{
+	    XML::Mini->Log("Setting text of node to '$setTo'");
+	  }
+	$self->{'_contents'} = $setTo;
+    }
+    return $self->{'_contents'};
+sub numeric
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $setToPrim = shift;
+    my $setToAlt = shift;
+    my $setTo = defined ($setToPrim) ? $setToPrim : $setToAlt;
+    if (defined $setTo)
+    {
+	if ($setTo =~ m/^\s*[Ee\d\.\+-]+\s*$/)
+	{
+	    return $self->text($setTo);
+	} else {
+	    XML::Mini->Error("Node::numeric() Must pass a NUMERIC value to set ($setTo)");
+	  }
+    }
+    return $self->{'_contents'};
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift;
+    if ($XML::Mini::Debug)
+    {
+	XML::Mini->Log("Node::toString() call with depth $depth");
+      }
+    if ($depth == $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces)
+    {
+	return $self->toStringNoWhiteSpaces();
+    }
+    my $spaces = $self->_spaceStr($depth);
+    my $retStr = $spaces;
+    $retStr .= "$self->{'_contents'}";
+    $retStr =~ s/\n\s*/\n$spaces/smg;
+    return $retStr;
+sub toStringNoWhiteSpaces
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $retStr = "$self->{'_contents'}";
+    return $retStr;
+=head1 class XML::Mini::Node
+Nodes are used as atomic containers for numerical and text data
+and act as leaves in the XML tree.
+They have no name or children.
+They always exist as children of XML::MiniElements.
+For example, 
+<B>this text is bold</B>
+Would be represented as a XML::MiniElement named 'B' with a single
+child, a Node object which contains the string 'this text 
+is bold'.
+a Node has
+ - a parent
+ - data (text OR numeric)
+=head2 getValue
+Returns the text or numeric value of this Node.
+=head2 text [SETTO [SETTOALT]]
+The text() method is used to get or set text data for this node.
+If SETTO is passed, the node's content is set to the SETTO string.
+If the optional SETTOALT is passed and SETTO is false, the 
+node's value is set to SETTOALT.  
+Returns this node's text, if set or NULL 
+=head2 	numeric [SETTO [SETTOALT]]
+The numeric() method is used to get or set numerical data for this node.
+If SETTO is passed, the node's content is set to the SETTO string.
+If the optional SETTOALT is passed and SETTO is NULL, the 
+node's value is set to SETTOALT.  
+Returns this node's text, if set or NULL 
+=head2 toString [DEPTH]
+Returns this node's contents as a string.
+If the special DEPTH $XML::Mini::NoWhiteSpaces is passed,
+no whitespaces will be inserted.

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/TreeComponent.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/TreeComponent.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini/TreeComponent.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+package XML::Mini::TreeComponent;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use XML::Mini;
+use vars qw ( $VERSION );
+$VERSION = '1.24';
+sub new
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $self = {};
+    bless $self, ref $class || $class;
+    return $self;
+sub name
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $setTo = shift; # optionally set
+    return undef;
+sub getElement
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $name = shift;
+    return undef;
+sub getValue
+    my $self = shift;
+    return undef;
+sub parent
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $newParent = shift; # optionally set
+    if ($newParent)
+    {
+	my $ownType = ref $self;
+	my $type = ref $newParent;
+	if ($type && $type =~ /^$ownType/)
+	{
+	    $self->{'_parent'} = $newParent;
+	} else {
+	    return XML::Mini->Error("XML::MiniTreeComponent::parent(): Must pass an instance derived from "
+				    . "XML::MiniTreeComponent to set.");
+	}
+    }
+    return $self->{'_parent'};
+sub toString
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $depth = shift || 0;
+    return undef;
+sub dump
+    my $self = shift;
+    return Dumper($self);
+sub _spaceStr
+    my $self = shift;
+    my $numSpaces = shift;
+    my $retStr = '';
+    if ($numSpaces)
+    {
+	$retStr = ' ' x $numSpaces;
+    }
+    return $retStr;
+=head1 NAME
+XML::Mini::TreeComponent - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini TreeComponent API.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+Don't use this class - only presents an interface for other derived classes.
+This class is only to be used as a base class
+for others.
+It presents the minimal interface we can expect
+from any component in the XML hierarchy.
+All methods of this base class 
+simply return NULL except a little default functionality
+included in the parent() method.
+Warning: This class is not to be instatiated.
+Derive and override.
+=head2 parent [NEWPARENT]
+The parent() method is used to get/set the element's parent.
+If the NEWPARENT parameter is passed, sets the parent to NEWPARENT
+(NEWPARENT must be an instance of a class derived from XML::MiniTreeComponent)
+Returns a reference to the parent XML::MiniTreeComponent if set, NULL otherwise.
+=head2 toString [DEPTH]
+Return a stringified version of the XML representing
+this component and all sub-components
+=head2 dump
+Debugging aid, dump returns a nicely formatted dump of the current structure of the
+XML::Mini::TreeComponent-derived object.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+    XML::Mini::TreeComponent module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002 Patrick Deegan
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/en/contact.shtml
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini, XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini.pm
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini.pm	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/lib/XML/Mini.pm	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,254 @@
+package XML::Mini;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1;
+use vars qw (
+	     $AutoEscapeEntities
+	     $AutoSetParent
+	     $AvoidLoops
+	     $CaseSensitive
+	     $Debug
+	     $IgnoreWhitespaces
+	     $NoWhiteSpaces
+	     $VERSION
+	     );
+$VERSION = '1.28';
+$AvoidLoops = 0;
+$AutoEscapeEntities = 1;
+$Debug = 0;
+$IgnoreWhitespaces = 1;
+$CaseSensitive = 0;
+$AutoSetParent = 0;
+$NoWhiteSpaces = -999;
+sub Log
+    my $class = shift;
+    print STDERR "XML::Mini LOG MESSAGE:" ;
+    print STDERR join(" ", @_) . "\n";
+sub Error
+    my $class = shift;
+    print STDERR "XML::Mini Error MESSAGE:" ;
+    print STDERR join(" ", @_) . "\n";
+    exit(254);
+sub escapeEntities
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $toencode = shift;
+    return undef unless (defined $toencode);
+    $toencode=~s/&/&amp;/g;
+    $toencode=~s/\"/&quot;/g;
+    $toencode=~s/>/&gt;/g;
+    $toencode=~s/</&lt;/g;
+    $toencode=~s/([\xA0-\xFF])/"&#".ord($1).";"/ge;
+    return $toencode;
+=head1 NAME
+XML::Mini - Perl implementation of the XML::Mini XML create/parse interface.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+	use XML::Mini::Document;
+	use Data::Dumper;
+	###### PARSING XML #######
+	# create a new object
+	my $xmlDoc = XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	# init the doc from an XML string
+	$xmlDoc->parse($XMLString);
+	# You may use the toHash() method to automatically
+	# convert the XML into a hash reference
+	my $xmlHash = $xmlDoc->toHash();
+	print Dumper($xmlHash);
+	# You can also manipulate the elements like directly, like this:	
+	# Fetch the ROOT element for the document
+	# (an instance of XML::Mini::Element)
+	my $xmlRoot = $xmlDoc->getRoot();
+	# play with the element and its children
+	# ...
+	my $topLevelChildren = $xmlRoot->getAllChildren();
+	foreach my $childElement (@{$topLevelChildren})
+	{
+		# ...
+	}
+	###### CREATING XML #######
+	# Create a new document from scratch
+	my $newDoc = XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	# This can be done easily by using a hash:
+	my $h = {	
+	 'spy'	=> {
+		'id'	=> '007',
+		'type'	=> 'SuperSpy',
+		'name'	=> 'James Bond',
+		'email'	=> 'mi5 at london.uk',
+		'address'	=> 'Wherever he is needed most',
+		},
+	};
+	$newDoc->fromHash($h);
+	# Or new XML can also be created by manipulating 
+	#elements directly:
+	my $newDocRoot = $newDoc->getRoot();
+	# create the <? xml ?> header
+	my $xmlHeader = $newDocRoot->header('xml');
+	# add the version 
+	$xmlHeader->attribute('version', '1.0');
+	my $person = $newDocRoot->createChild('person');
+	my $name = $person->createChild('name');
+	$name->createChild('first')->text('John');
+	$name->createChild('last')->text('Doe');
+	my $eyes = $person->createChild('eyes');
+	$eyes->attribute('color', 'blue');
+	$eyes->attribute('number', 2);
+	# output the document
+	print $newDoc->toString();
+This example would output :
+ <?xml version="1.0"?>
+  <person>
+   <name>
+    <first>
+     John
+    </first>
+    <last>
+     Doe
+    </last>
+  </name>
+  <eyes color="blue" number="2" />
+  </person>
+XML::Mini is a set of Perl classes that allow you to access XML data and create valid XML output with a tree-based hierarchy of elements.  The MiniXML API has both Perl and PHP implementations.
+It provides an easy, object-oriented interface for manipulating XML documents and their elements.  It is currently being used to send requests and understand responses from remote servers in Perl or PHP applications.  An XML::Mini based parser is now being tested within the RPC::XML framework.
+XML::Mini does not require any external libraries or modules and is pure Perl.  If available, XML::Mini will use the Text::Balanced module in order to escape limitations of the regex-only approach (eg "cross-nested" tag parsing).
+The Mini.pm module includes a number of variables you may use to tweak XML::Mini's behavior.  These include:
+$XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities - when greater than 0, the values set for nodes are automatically escaped, thus
+$element->text('4 is > 3') will set the contents of the appended node to '4 is &gt; 3'.  Default setting is 1.
+$XML::Mini::IgnoreWhitespaces - when greater than 0, extraneous whitespaces will be ignored (maily useful when parsing).  Thus
+<mytag>       Hello There        </mytag> will be parsed as containing a text node with contents 'Hello There' instead 
+of '       Hello There        '.  Default setting is 1.
+$XML::Mini::CaseSensitive - when greater than 0, element names are treated as case sensitive.  Thus, $element->getElement('subelement') and $element->getElement('SubElement') will be equivalent.  Defaults to 0.
+=head1 Class methods
+=head2 escapeEntites TOENCODE
+This method returns ToENCODE with HTML sensitive values
+(eg '<', '>', '"', etc) HTML encoded.
+=head2 Log MESSAGE
+Logs the message to STDERR
+=head2 Error MESSAGE
+Logs MESSAGE and exits the program, calling exit()
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Copyright (C) 2002-2003 Patrick Deegan, Psychogenic Inc.
+Programs that use this code are bound to the terms and conditions of the GNU GPL (see the LICENSE file). 
+If you wish to include these modules in non-GPL code, you need prior written authorisation 
+from the authors.
+    XML::Mini module, part of the XML::Mini XML parser/generator package.
+    Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Patrick Deegan, Psychogenic.com
+    All rights reserved
+    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+    (at your option) any later version.
+    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+    GNU General Public License for more details.
+    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+Official XML::Mini site: http://minixml.psychogenic.com
+Contact page for author available at http://www.psychogenic.com/
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+XML::Mini::Document, XML::Mini::Element

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/01parseable.t
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/01parseable.t	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/01parseable.t	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+use Test;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1; # play nice with old perl
+BEGIN { plan tests=>1 }
+use XML::Mini;
+use XML::Mini::Document;
+use XML::Mini::Element;
+use XML::Mini::Node;
+use XML::Mini::TreeComponent;
+use XML::Mini::Element::CData;
+use XML::Mini::Element::Comment;
+use XML::Mini::Element::DocType;
+use XML::Mini::Element::Entity;
+require XML::Mini;
+require XML::Mini::Document;
+require XML::Mini::Element;
+require XML::Mini::Node;
+require XML::Mini::TreeComponent;
+require XML::Mini::Element::CData;
+require XML::Mini::Element::Comment;
+require XML::Mini::Element::DocType;
+require XML::Mini::Element::Entity;
\ No newline at end of file

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/02parsexml.t
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/02parsexml.t	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/02parsexml.t	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+use Test;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1; # play nice with old perl
+BEGIN { plan tests=> 46 }
+use FileHandle;
+require XML::Mini::Document;
+use strict;
+my $sample = './t/sample/vocpboxes.xml';
+my $numBoxes = 20;
+	my $miniXML =  XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	my $numchildren = $miniXML->fromFile($sample);
+	ok($numchildren, 2);
+	my $vocpBoxList = $miniXML->getElementByPath('VOCPBoxConfig/boxList') || ok(0);
+	ok(1);
+	$numchildren = $vocpBoxList->numChildren();
+	ok($numchildren, $numBoxes);
+	my $childList = $vocpBoxList->getAllChildren();
+	ok($childList);
+	ok(scalar @{$childList}, $numBoxes);
+	foreach my $child (@{$childList})
+	{
+		my $childName = $child->name();
+		ok($childName, '/^box$/', "boxList child with invalid name (should be 'box')");
+		my $boxnum = $child->attribute('number');
+		ok($boxnum, '/\d+$/', "box with invalid number (should be all digits)");
+	}
+	my $inputFileHandle = FileHandle->new();
+	unless ($inputFileHandle->open("<$sample"))
+	{
+		ok(0);
+	}
+	my $sampleFile = join('', $inputFileHandle->getlines());
+	$inputFileHandle->close();
+	my $xmlOut = $miniXML->toString();
+	ok($sampleFile, $xmlOut);

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/03genxml.t
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/03genxml.t	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/03genxml.t	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+use Test;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1; # play nice with old perl
+BEGIN { plan tests=> 101 }
+use XML::Mini::Document;
+use strict;
+my $expectedXML =
+ qq|<?xml version="1.0"?>\n|
+.qq| <tag1>\n|
+.qq|  hola\n|
+.qq| </tag1>\n|
+.qq| <tag2 stuff="bla" />\n|
+.qq| <tag3 stuff="morestuff">\n|
+.qq|  halo &amp; hola\n|
+.qq|  <inside joke="hah" />\n|
+.qq| </tag3>\n|
+.qq| <tag4 />\n\n|;
+	my $miniXMLDoc =  XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	my $xmlRootNode = $miniXMLDoc->getRoot();
+	ok($xmlRootNode);
+	my $xmlHeader = $xmlRootNode->header('xml');
+	$xmlHeader->attribute('version', '1.0');
+	my $tag1 = $xmlRootNode->createChild('tag1', 'hola');
+	ok($tag1);
+	my $tag2 = $xmlRootNode->createChild('tag2');
+	ok($tag2);
+	$tag2->attribute('stuff', 'bla');
+	my $orphan = $miniXMLDoc->createElement('tag3');
+	ok($orphan);
+	$orphan->text('halo & hola');
+	$xmlRootNode->appendChild($orphan);
+	$orphan->attribute('stuff', 'morestuff');
+	my $insideEl = $orphan->createChild('inside');
+	$insideEl->attribute('joke', 'hah');
+	my $tag4 = $xmlRootNode->createChild('tag4');
+	my $xmlOutput = $miniXMLDoc->toString();
+	ok($xmlOutput);
+	ok($xmlOutput, $expectedXML);
+	my $pathStr = '';
+	my $leafChild = $tag4;
+	for(my $i=0; $i<90; $i++)
+	{
+		$pathStr .= '/nested';
+		$leafChild = $leafChild->createChild('nested');
+		ok($leafChild);
+	}
+	$leafChild->text('--> Where Am I <--');
+	$pathStr =~ s|^/(.+)$|$1|;
+	my $foundElement = $xmlRootNode->getElementByPath($pathStr);
+	ok($foundElement);
+	my $text = $foundElement->getValue();
+	ok($text, '--&gt; Where Am I &lt;--');
+	my $removedChild = $xmlRootNode->removeChild($tag4);
+	my $newNumChildren = $xmlRootNode->numChildren();
+	ok($newNumChildren, 4);
+	my $prepended = $orphan->prependChild($removedChild);
+	ok($prepended);
+	my $retList = $orphan->removeAllChildren();
+	$newNumChildren = $orphan->numChildren();
+	ok($newNumChildren, 0);

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/04crossnested.t
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/04crossnested.t	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/04crossnested.t	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+use Test;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1; # play nice with old perl
+BEGIN { plan tests=> 2 }
+use FileHandle;
+require XML::Mini::Document;
+use strict;
+my $textBalancedUnavail;
+my $sample = './t/sample/xnested.xml';
+eval "use Text::Balanced";
+if ($@)
+	$textBalancedUnavail = 'Text::Balanced unavailable. Cross-nested XML *will* fail.';
+	# Text::Balanced is unavailable
+	$XML::Mini::AutoEscapeEntities = 0;
+	my $miniXML =  XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	my $numchildren = $miniXML->fromFile($sample);
+	skip($textBalancedUnavail, $numchildren, 4);
+	my $inputFileHandle = FileHandle->new();
+	unless ($inputFileHandle->open("<$sample"))
+	{
+		ok(0);
+	}
+	my $sampleFile = join('', $inputFileHandle->getlines());
+	$inputFileHandle->close();
+	my $xmlOut = $miniXML->toString();
+	skip($textBalancedUnavail, $sampleFile, $xmlOut);

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/05parsefunc.t
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/05parsefunc.t	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/05parsefunc.t	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+use Test;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1; # play nice with old perl
+BEGIN { plan tests=> 4 }
+use FileHandle;
+require XML::Mini::Document;
+use strict;
+# Tests the various values passed through the parse() call
+my $sample = './t/sample/vocpboxes.xml';
+my $numBoxes = 20;
+	my $miniXML =  XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	my $numchildren = $miniXML->parse($sample);
+	ok($numchildren, 2);
+	$miniXML->init();
+	if (! open(INFILE, "<$sample"))
+	{
+		ok(0);
+	}
+	$numchildren = $miniXML->parse(*INFILE);
+	ok($numchildren, 2);
+	$miniXML->init();
+	my $fhObj = FileHandle->new();
+	$fhObj->open($sample);
+	$numchildren = $miniXML->parse($fhObj);
+	ok($numchildren, 2);
+	$miniXML->init();
+	$fhObj = FileHandle->new();
+	$fhObj->open("<$sample");
+	my $contents = join('', $fhObj->getlines());
+	$fhObj->close();
+	$numchildren = $miniXML->parse($contents);
+	ok($numchildren, 2);

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/06getelem.t
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/06getelem.t	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/06getelem.t	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+use Test;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1; # play nice with old perl
+BEGIN { plan tests=> 5 }
+use FileHandle;
+require XML::Mini::Document;
+use strict;
+my $XMLString = 
+qq|<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <people> <person>
+   bob
+  </person> <person> ralph </person> <person> cindy
+  </person>
+  <person> <name> <first>
+	   Noam </first> <last>
+	   Chomsky </last> </name> <hair color="brown" /> </person>
+ </people>
+	my $miniXML =  XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	my $numchildren = $miniXML->parse($XMLString);
+	ok($numchildren, 2);
+	my $name1 = $miniXML->getElement('person')->getValue() || ok(0);
+	ok($name1, 'bob');
+	my $name3 = $miniXML->getElement('person', 3)->getValue() || ok(0);
+	ok($name3, 'cindy');
+	my $name2 = $miniXML->getElementByPath('people/person', 1, 2)->getValue();
+	ok($name2, 'ralph');
+	my $people = $miniXML->getElement('people') || ok(0);
+	my $noam = $people->getElementByPath('person/name/first',4)->getValue();
+	ok($noam, 'Noam');

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/07ToFromHash.t
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/07ToFromHash.t	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/07ToFromHash.t	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+use Test;
+use strict;
+$^W = 1; # play nice with old perl
+BEGIN { plan tests=> 11 }
+use FileHandle;
+require XML::Mini::Document;
+use Data::Dumper;
+use strict;
+my $sample = './t/sample/vocpboxes.xml';
+my $numberOfBoxes = 20;
+	my $miniXML =  XML::Mini::Document->new();
+	my $numchildren = $miniXML->parse($sample);
+	ok($numchildren, 2);
+	my $XMLhash = $miniXML->toHash();
+	my $boxes = $XMLhash->{'VOCPBoxConfig'}->{'boxList'}->{'box'};
+	ok($boxes);
+	ok(ref $boxes, 'ARRAY');
+	my $numBoxes = @{$boxes};
+	ok($numBoxes, $numberOfBoxes);
+	#print STDERR Dumper($XMLhash);
+	my $attribs = {
+					'attributes' => {
+							'-all'	=> [ 'id', 'number', 'version'],
+							'email'	=> 'type',
+					},
+				};
+	my $newDocHash = {
+			'person'	=> [
+							{
+								'id'	=> '001',
+								'name'	=> 'Pat D',
+								'type'	=> 'SuperFly SuperSpy',
+								'email'	=> [
+											{
+												'type'	=> 'public',
+												'-content'	=> 'spam-me at psychogenic.com',
+											},
+											'noattrib at example.com',
+											{
+												'type'	=> 'private',
+												'-content' => 'dontspam at psychogenic.com',
+											}
+										],
+								'address'	=> '1234 Skid Row, Irvine, CA 92618',
+							},
+							{
+								'id'	=> '007',
+								'type'	=> 'SuperSpy',
+								'name'	=> 'James Bond',
+								'email'	=> 'mi5 at london.uk',
+								'address'	=> 'Wherever he is needed most',
+							},
+							{
+								'id'	=> '006',
+								'number'	=> 6,
+								'name'	=> 'Number 6',
+								'email'	=> 'prisoner at aol.com',
+								'comment'	=> 'I am not a man, I am a free number',
+								'address'	=> '6 Prison Island Road, Prison Island, Somewhere',
+							}
+						],
+	};
+	$numchildren = $miniXML->fromHash($newDocHash, $attribs);
+	ok($numchildren, 3);
+my $xmlString = 
+ <person id="007">
+  <email>
+   mi5\@london.uk
+  </email>
+  <name>
+   James Bond
+  </name>
+  <address>
+   Wherever he is needed most
+  </address>
+  <type>
+   SuperSpy
+  </type>
+ </person>
+ <person id="006" number="6">
+  <comment>
+   I am not a man, I am a free number
+  </comment>
+  <name>
+   Number 6
+  </name>
+  <email type="private">prisoner\@aol.com</email>
+  <address>
+   6 Prison Island Road, Prison Island, Somewhere
+  </address>
+ </person>
+	$miniXML->init();
+	$numchildren = $miniXML->parse($xmlString);
+	ok($numchildren, 1);
+	my $toHash = $miniXML->toHash();
+	# print STDERR Dumper($toHash);
+	ok($toHash->{'people'}->{'person'}->[0]->{'id'}, '007');
+	ok($toHash->{'people'}->{'person'}->[1]->{'id'}, '006');
+	my $options = { 
+  			'attributes'	=> {
+  					'spy'	=> 'id',
+					'email'	=> 'type',
+					'friend' => ['name', 'age'],
+				}
+		};
+   my $h = {
+	 'spy'	=> {
+		'id'	=> '007',
+		'type'	=> 'SuperSpy',
+		'name'	=> 'James Bond',
+		'email'	=> {
+				'type'		=> 'private',
+				'-content'	=> 'mi5 at london.uk',
+			},
+		'address'	=> {
+				'type'	=> 'residential',
+				'-content' => 'Wherever he is needed most',
+		},
+		'friend'	=> [
+					{
+						'name' 	=> 'claudia',
+						'age'	=> 25,
+						'type'	=> 'close',
+					},
+					{
+						'name'	=> 'monneypenny',
+						'age'	=> '40something',
+						'type'	=> 'tease',
+					},
+					{
+						'name'	=> 'Q',
+						'age'	=> '10E4',
+						'type'	=> 'pain',
+					}
+				],
+	},
+   };
+  	$numchildren = $miniXML->fromHash($h, $options);
+	ok($numchildren, 1);
+	my $spyname = $miniXML->getElementByPath('spy/name');
+	ok($spyname);
+	my $name = $spyname->getValue();
+	ok($name, 'James Bond');

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/sample/vocpboxes.xml
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/sample/vocpboxes.xml	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/sample/vocpboxes.xml	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <VOCPBoxConfig>
+  <boxList>
+   <box number="001">
+    <message>
+     root.rmd
+    </message>
+    <testtag />
+    <testtag />
+    <testtag myattr="somevalue" />
+    <testtag />
+    <testtag myattr="someothervalue">
+     There are lots of test tags here, it would seem...
+    </testtag>
+    <testtag />
+    <owner>
+     root
+    </owner>
+    <branch>
+     0=998,1=011,2=012
+    </branch>
+   </box>
+   <box number="011">
+    <message>
+     menu_en.rmd
+    </message>
+    <owner>
+     pat
+    </owner>
+    <branch>
+     0=998,1=101,2=556,3=201,4=301,9=001
+    </branch>
+   </box>
+   <box number="012">
+    <message>
+     menu_fr.rmd
+    </message>
+    <owner>
+     pat
+    </owner>
+    <branch>
+     0=998,1=557,2=102,3=202,4=302,9=001
+    </branch>
+   </box>
+   <box number="100">
+    <type>
+     mail
+    </type>
+    <owner>
+     pat
+    </owner>
+    <email>
+     someuser at psychogenic.com
+    </email>
+   </box>
+   <box number="101">
+    <message>
+     generic_en.rmd
+    </message>
+    <autojump>
+     100
+    </autojump>
+   </box>
+   <box number="102">
+    <message>
+     pat_fr.rmd
+    </message>
+    <autojump>
+     100
+    </autojump>
+   </box>
+   <box number="150">
+    <message>
+     system/pager.rmd
+    </message>
+    <type>
+     pager
+    </type>
+    <owner>
+     root
+    </owner>
+    <email>
+     someuser at psychogenic.com
+    </email>
+   </box>
+   <box number="201">
+    <message>
+     generic_en.rmd
+    </message>
+    <type>
+     group
+    </type>
+    <members>
+     100,555
+    </members>
+   </box>
+   <box number="202">
+    <message>
+     generic_fr.rmd
+    </message>
+    <type>
+     group
+    </type>
+    <members>
+     100,555
+    </members>
+   </box>
+   <box number="300">
+    <type>
+     script
+    </type>
+    <owner>
+     root
+    </owner>
+    <autojump>
+     001
+    </autojump>
+    <script>
+     /usr/local/vocp/bin/toggleEmail2Vm.pl
+    </script>
+    <input>
+     raw
+    </input>
+    <return>
+     tts
+    </return>
+   </box>
+   <box number="301">
+    <message>
+     generic_en.rmd
+    </message>
+    <type>
+     group
+    </type>
+    <members>
+     100,555
+    </members>
+   </box>
+   <box number="302">
+    <message>
+     generic_fr.rmd
+    </message>
+    <type>
+     group
+    </type>
+    <members>
+     100,555
+    </members>
+   </box>
+   <box number="400">
+    <type>
+     faxondemand
+    </type>
+    <file2fax>
+     /usr/local/vocp/faxtest.g3
+    </file2fax>
+   </box>
+   <box number="500">
+    <type>
+     script
+    </type>
+    <owner>
+     pat
+    </owner>
+    <autojump>
+     001
+    </autojump>
+    <script>
+     /var/spool/voice/commands/motd.pl
+    </script>
+    <return>
+     exit
+    </return>
+   </box>
+   <box number="555">
+    <type>
+     mail
+    </type>
+    <owner>
+     fireball
+    </owner>
+    <email>
+     otheruser at psychogenic.com
+    </email>
+   </box>
+   <box number="556">
+    <message>
+     helene_en.rmd
+    </message>
+    <owner>
+     fireball
+    </owner>
+    <autojump>
+     555
+    </autojump>
+   </box>
+   <box number="557">
+    <message>
+     helene_fr.rmd
+    </message>
+    <owner>
+     fireball
+    </owner>
+    <autojump>
+     555
+    </autojump>
+   </box>
+   <box number="600">
+    <type>
+     command
+    </type>
+    <owner>
+     root
+    </owner>
+    <commandList>
+     <command selection="100">
+      <input>
+       text
+      </input>
+      <return>
+       output
+      </return>
+      <run>
+       ip.pl
+      </run>
+     </command>
+     <command selection="150">
+      <input>
+       none
+      </input>
+      <return>
+       output
+      </return>
+      <run>
+       ip.pl eth0 hohohohoho 3rdparam
+      </run>
+     </command>
+     <command selection="200">
+      <input>
+       none
+      </input>
+      <return>
+       tts
+      </return>
+      <run>
+       motd.pl
+      </run>
+     </command>
+     <command selection="250">
+      <input>
+       raw
+      </input>
+      <return>
+       output
+      </return>
+      <run>
+       echo.pl
+      </run>
+     </command>
+    </commandList>
+   </box>
+   <box number="666">
+    <type>
+     command
+    </type>
+    <owner>
+     root
+    </owner>
+    <commandList>
+     <command selection="100">
+      <input>
+       none
+      </input>
+      <return>
+       output
+      </return>
+      <run>
+       date.pl
+      </run>
+     </command>
+     <command selection="200">
+      <input>
+       none
+      </input>
+      <return>
+       exit
+      </return>
+      <run>
+       date.pl
+      </run>
+     </command>
+    </commandList>
+   </box>
+   <box number="998">
+    <message>
+     system/goodbye.rmd
+    </message>
+    <type>
+     exit
+    </type>
+   </box>
+  </boxList>
+ </VOCPBoxConfig>

Added: packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/sample/xnested.xml
--- packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/sample/xnested.xml	2006-04-13 21:15:52 UTC (rev 2552)
+++ packages/libxml-mini-perl/branches/upstream/current/t/sample/xnested.xml	2006-04-13 21:19:04 UTC (rev 2553)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <?xml-stylesheet href="doc.xsl" type="text/xsl"?>
+ <!-- 
+  this test checks cross nested tags, ie <a><b><a>..</a></b></a>
+  -->
+ <methodResponse>
+  <params>
+   <param>
+    <value>
+     <array>
+      <data>
+       <value>
+        <i4>
+         12
+        </i4>
+       </value>
+       <value>
+        <string>
+         Egypt
+        </string>
+       </value>
+       <value>
+        <boolean>
+         0
+        </boolean>
+       </value>
+       <value>
+        <data>
+         <value>
+          <data>
+           <value>
+            <i4>
+             -31
+            </i4>
+           </value>
+          </data>
+         </value>
+        </data>
+       </value>
+      </data>
+     </array>
+    </value>
+   </param>
+  </params>
+ </methodResponse>

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