r9240 - in /scripts/qa: qareport-chlog.cgi templates/by_category

dmn at users.alioth.debian.org dmn at users.alioth.debian.org
Mon Nov 12 21:19:08 UTC 2007

Author: dmn
Date: Mon Nov 12 21:19:08 2007
New Revision: 9240

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=9240
Implement ajax-like fetching of (un)released changelogs

      - copied, changed from r9238, scripts/qa/qareport.cgi

Copied: scripts/qa/qareport-chlog.cgi (from r9238, scripts/qa/qareport.cgi)
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/qa/qareport-chlog.cgi?rev=9240&op=diff
--- scripts/qa/qareport.cgi (original)
+++ scripts/qa/qareport-chlog.cgi Mon Nov 12 21:19:08 2007
@@ -10,188 +10,105 @@
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use DebianQA::Cache;
-use DebianQA::Common;
 use DebianQA::Config qw(read_config %CFG);
-use DebianQA::DebVersions;
-use DebianQA::Svn;
-use CGI ();
-use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
-use POSIX qw(locale_h);
-use Template ();
-use Date::Parse ();
+use DebianQA::Svn qw(get_svn_file);
+use CGI ':fatalsToBrowser';
+use CGI;
 my $cgi = new CGI;
-my $data = read_cache(consolidated => "");
-my $script_date = '$Date$';
-$script_date = join( ' ', (split(/ /, $script_date))[1..3] );
-my @modified = sort(
-    map(
-        {
-            find_stamp($data, $_)
-        } qw(svn watch archive bts pkglist),
-    ),
-    Date::Parse::str2time($script_date),
-my $last_modified = $modified[-1];
-my $ims;
-my @pkglist = get_pkglist();
-my( @for_upload, @for_upgrade, @weird, @waiting, @wip, @with_bugs, @all );
-my %bugs_by_severity;
-foreach my $pkg (sort @pkglist)
-    next if($pkg =~ /^\//);
-    my $svnpath = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{dir};
-    my $werr = $data->{watch}{$pkg}{error};
-    my $dver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{version} || 0;
-    my $dwerr = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{watch_error};
-    my $m_dver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{mangled_ver} || 0;
-    my $m_uver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{mangled_un_ver} || 0;
-    my $undver = $data->{svn}{$pkg}{un_version};
-    my $archver = $data->{archive}{$pkg}{most_recent} || 0;
-    my $archsuit = $data->{archive}{$pkg}{most_recent_src} || 0;
-    my $uver = $data->{watch}{$pkg}{upstream_version};
-    my $u_uver = $data->{watch}{$pkg}{upstream_mangled} || 0;
-    my $uurl = $data->{watch}{$pkg}{upstream_url};
-    my @bugs = sort keys %{$data->{bts}{$pkg}};
-    my @notes;
-    my %todo;
-    my $dest;   # like "destiny" :)
-    my %info = (
-        name => $pkg,
-        notes   => \@notes,
-        todo    => \%todo,
-        watch   => $data->{watch}{$pkg},
-        archive => $data->{archive}{$pkg},
-        svn     => $data->{svn}{$pkg},
-        bts     => $data->{bts}{$pkg},
-    );
-    if(! $dver) {
-        push @notes, 'Needs to be finished';
-        $dest = \@wip;
-        $todo{repo} = 1;
-    }
-    if(! $archver) {
-        push @notes, 'Never uploaded';
-        $dest ||= \@for_upload;
-        $todo{archive} = 1;
-    }
-    if(deb_compare($archver, $dver) > 0) {
-        push @notes, "Ancient version in SVN";
-        $dest ||= \@weird;
-        $todo{repo} = 1;
-    }
-    if(deb_compare($archver, $dver) != 0) {
-        push @notes, "Needs uploading to the archive";
-        $dest ||= \@for_upload;
-        $todo{archive} = 1;
-    }
-    if($werr and $werr eq "Native") {
-        push @notes, "Native package";
-    }
-    if($dwerr or (not $m_dver and not $undver) or not $u_uver or not $uver or $werr) {
-        push @notes, "Watchfile problem";
-        $dest ||= \@wip;
-        $todo{upstream} = 1;
-    }
-    if(deb_compare($m_dver, $u_uver) > 0) {
-        push @notes, "Ancient version in upstream?";
-        $dest ||= \@weird;
-        $todo{upstream} = 1;
-    }
-    # Use only mangled versions
-    if(deb_compare($m_dver, $u_uver) < 0) {
-        push @notes, "$m_dver needs upgrading to newer upstream";
-        $dest ||= \@for_upgrade;
-        $todo{repo} = 1;
-    }
-    $dest ||= \@with_bugs if(@bugs);
-    do{
-        $dest ||= \@waiting;
-        $todo{archive} = 1;
-    } if($archsuit =~ /new|incoming/);
-    if( %todo or @bugs )
-    {
-        push @$dest, \%info;
-        push @all, \%info;
-    }
     my $htmlp = $cgi->Accept("text/html");
     my $xhtmlp = $cgi->Accept("application/xhtml+xml");
-    $ims = $cgi->http('If-Modified-Since');
-    $ims = Date::Parse::str2time($ims) if $ims;
+    print $cgi->header(
+        -content_type   => (
+            ($xhtmlp and $xhtmlp > $htmlp)
+            ? 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
+            : 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
+        ),
+    );
-    if( $ims and $ims >= $last_modified )
-    {
-        print $cgi->header('text/html', '304 Not modified');
-        exit 0;
+my $pkg = $cgi->param('pkg');
+my $rel = $cgi->param('rel');
+my $svnpath = $CFG{svn}{repository};
+# Sanitise, as SVN::Client is too stupid
+$svnpath =~ s{/+$}{};
+$svnpath .= "/";
+$svnpath .= $CFG{svn}{packages_path} if($CFG{svn}{packages_path});
+$svnpath =~ s{/+$}{};
+my $svnpostpath = $CFG{svn}{post_path} || "";
+# Always has a slash if not empty
+$svnpostpath =~ s{^/*(.*?)/*$}{/$1} if($svnpostpath);
+my $pkg_home = "$svnpath/$pkg$svnpostpath";
+my $svn = SVN::Client->new();
+my $chlog = get_svn_file($svn, "$pkg_home/debian/changelog");
+my $parser = Parse::DebianChangelog->init({instring=>$chlog});
+my $error = $parser->get_error() or $parser->get_parse_errors();
+my $text;
+if( $error )
+    $text = "ERROR:\n$error";
+    my($lastchl, $unfinishedchl);
+    foreach($parser->data()) {
+        if($_->Distribution =~ /^(?:unstable|experimental)$/) {
+            $lastchl = $_;
+            last;
+        }
+        if(! $unfinishedchl and $_->Distribution eq "UNRELEASED") {
+            $unfinishedchl = $_;
+        }
-    my $old_locale = setlocale(LC_TIME);
-    setlocale(LC_TIME, "C");
-    print $cgi->header(
-        -content_type   => (
-                ($xhtmlp and $xhtmlp > $htmlp)
-                ? 'application/xhtml+xml; charset=utf-8'
-                : 'text/html; charset=utf-8'
-            ),
-        -last_modified   => POSIX::strftime(
-            "%a, %d %b %Y %T %Z",
-            gmtime($last_modified),
-        ),
-    );
-    setlocale(LC_TIME, $old_locale);
+    my $entry;
+    if( $rel eq 'rel' )
+    {
+        if( $lastchl )
+        {
+            $entry = $lastchl;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $text = "Unable to find released changelog for package '$pkg'";
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if( $unfinishedchl )
+        {
+            $entry = $unfinishedchl;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            $text = "Unable to find unreleased changelog for package '$pkg'";
+        }
+    }
+    $text = join(
+        "\n",
+        $entry->Header,
+        $entry->Changes,
+        $entry->Trailer,
+    ) if $entry;
-my $template = $cgi->param("template") || $CFG{qareport_cgi}{default_template};
-my $tt = new Template(
-    {
-        INCLUDE_PATH => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{templates_path},
-        INTERPOLATE  => 1,
-        POST_CHOMP   => 1,
-        FILTERS      => {
-            'quotemeta' => sub { quotemeta(shift) },
-        },
-    }
+$text =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
+$text =~ s/'/&quot;/g;
+$text =~ s/</&lt;/g;
+$text =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
-    $template,
-    {
-        data        => $data,
-        group_name  => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{group_name},
-        group_url   => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{group_url},
-        wsvn_url    => $CFG{qareport_cgi}{wsvn_url},
-        (
-            ( ($cgi->param('format')||'') eq 'list' )
-            ? (
-                all => \@all
-            )
-            : (
-                for_upgrade => \@for_upgrade,
-                weird       => \@weird,
-                for_upload  => \@for_upload,
-                waiting     => \@waiting,
-                wip         => \@wip,
-                with_bugs   => \@with_bugs,
-            )
-        ),
-        shown_packages   => scalar(@all),
-        total_packages  => scalar(@pkglist),
-    },
-) || die $tt->error;
+print $text;
 exit 0;

Modified: scripts/qa/templates/by_category
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/qa/templates/by_category?rev=9240&op=diff
--- scripts/qa/templates/by_category (original)
+++ scripts/qa/templates/by_category Mon Nov 12 21:19:08 2007
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
             [% chlog_url = BLOCK %][% pkg.name | format("$wsvn_url")
             %]/debian/changelog?op=file&amp;rev=0&amp;sc=0[% END %]
             <span class="popup"><a href="$chlog_url">$svn_ver</a><span
-                    id="${pkg}_rel_chlog_baloon" class="balloon"><a
+                    id="${pkg.name}_rel_chlog_baloon" class="balloon"><a
                         pkg.svn.changer | html %] &mdash; [% pkg.svn.date |
                         html %]</a>
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
             [% IF svn_un_ver AND (svn_un_ver != svn_ver) %]
             <span class="popup" style="font-size: smaller"><a
-                    id="${pkg}_rel_chlog_baloon" class="balloon"><a
+                    id="${pkg.name}_unrel_chlog_baloon" class="balloon"><a
                         pkg.svn.un_changer | html %] &mdash; [% pkg.svn.un_date
                         | html %]</a></span></span>[% END #IF %]
@@ -209,7 +209,44 @@
         function more_chlog(pkg,rel)
-            alert('Sorry, not ready yet.');
+            var xml;
+            if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {
+                xml = new XMLHttpRequest();
+            } else if (window.ActiveXObject) {
+                xml = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
+            } else {
+                alert("Your browser lacks the needed ability to use Ajax. Sorry.");
+                return false;
+            }
+            xml.onreadystatechange = function() {
+                ajaxStateChanged(xml, pkg, rel);
+            };
+            xml.open('GET', 'qareport.cgi?format=chlog;rel='+rel);
+            xml.send('');
+        }
+        function ajaxStateChanged(xml, pkg, rel)
+        {
+            if( xml.readyState == 4 )
+            {
+                var el = document.getElementById(pkg+'_'+rel+'_chlog_baloon');
+                if( !el )
+                {
+                    alert('Element "'+pkg+'_'+rel+'_chlog_baloon'+'" not found');
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if( xml.status == 200 )
+                    {
+                        el.innerHTM = xml.responseText;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        el.innerHTML = xml.status+': '+xml.StatusText;
+                    }
+                }
+            }

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