r44075 - in /scripts/KGB: Makefile script/kgb-client

dmn at users.alioth.debian.org dmn at users.alioth.debian.org
Sun Sep 13 20:43:25 UTC 2009

Author: dmn
Date: Sun Sep 13 20:43:21 2009
New Revision: 44075

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/?sc=1&rev=44075
convert kgb-client to modular implementation


Modified: scripts/KGB/Makefile
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/KGB/Makefile?rev=44075&op=diff
--- scripts/KGB/Makefile (original)
+++ scripts/KGB/Makefile Sun Sep 13 20:43:21 2009
@@ -20,5 +20,5 @@
 	$(PERL) -c script/kgb-bot
-	$(PERL) -c script/kgb-client
+	$(PERL) -Ilib -c script/kgb-client
 	sh -n script/post-commit

Modified: scripts/KGB/script/kgb-client
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/scripts/KGB/script/kgb-client?rev=44075&op=diff
--- scripts/KGB/script/kgb-client (original)
+++ scripts/KGB/script/kgb-client Sun Sep 13 20:43:21 2009
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@
 B<kgb-client> is the client counterpart of L<kgb-bot(1)>. Intented usage is as
 a post-commit hook in your version control system. It analyzes the commit(s)
 and then relays the information about the repository, branch, author, modified
-filed and change log to the KGB server, who will show it on IRC.
+files and change log to the KGB server, whch will show it on IRC.
@@ -161,11 +161,9 @@
-use Digest::SHA1 qw(sha1_hex);
-use SOAP::Lite;
+use App::KGB::Client::ServerRef;
 use Getopt::Long;
 use YAML ();
-use List::Util ();
 my( $conf_file, $uri, $proxy, $repo_id, $password, $timeout,
     $repo_type, @br_mod_re, $br_mod_re_swap, $ignore_branch, @servers,
@@ -185,10 +183,6 @@
     'repository'=> \$repo_type,
 ) or exit 1;
-$repo_type||= 'svn';
-my($path, $rev) = @ARGV;
 if( $conf_file )
     my $conf = YAML::LoadFile($conf_file)
@@ -197,198 +191,63 @@
     $uri      ||= $conf->{uri};
     $proxy    ||= $conf->{proxy};
     $repo_id  ||= $conf->{'repo-id'};
-    $password ||= $conf->{'password'};
-    $timeout  ||= $conf->{'timeout'};
+    $password ||= $conf->{password};
+    $timeout  ||= $conf->{timeout};
     @br_mod_re = @{ $conf->{'branch-and-module-re'} }
         if !@br_mod_re and $conf->{'branch-and-module-re'};
     $br_mod_re_swap //= $conf->{'branch-and-module-re-swap'};
     $ignore_branch //= $conf->{'ignore-branch'};
-    @servers = @{ $conf->{servers} } if $conf->{servers};
+    @servers = map {
+        App::KGB::Client::ServerRef->new(
+            {   password => $password,
+                timeout  => $timeout,
+                %$_
+            }
+            )
+        } @{ $conf->{servers} }
+        if $conf->{servers};
-push @servers, {
-    uri      => $uri,
-    password => $password,
-    timeout  => $timeout,
-} if $uri;
+push @servers,
+    App::KGB::Client::ServerRef->new(
+    {   uri      => $uri,
+        password => $password,
+        timeout  => $timeout,
+    }
+    ) if $uri;
 die "no servers difined. use 'uri' or 'servers' configuration options\n"
-unless @servers;
-for(@servers) {
-    $_->{password} = $password unless defined $_->{password};
-    $_->{timeout} ||= $timeout || 15;
-    $_->{proxy}   ||= $_->{uri}."?session=KGB";
+    unless @servers;
+die "repo-id not given\n" unless $repo_id;
+my @client_args = (
+    repo_id        => $repo_id,
+    servers        => \@servers,
+    br_mod_re      => \@br_mod_re,
+    br_mod_re_swap => $br_mod_re_swap,
+    ignore_branch  => $ignore_branch,
+$repo_type||= 'svn';
+if ( $repo_type eq 'svn' ) {
+    my($path, $rev) = @ARGV;
+    die "Repository path and revision must be given as arguments\n"
+        unless $path and $rev;
+    require App::KGB::Client::Subversion;
+    my $client = App::KGB::Client::Subversion->new(
+        {   @client_args,
+            repo_path => $path,
+            revision  => $rev,
+        }
+    );
+    $client->process();
-die "repo-id not given\n" unless $repo_id;
-die "Repository path and revision must be given as arguments\n"
-    unless $path and $rev;
-my( $author, $log, @changed );
-if( $repo_type eq 'svn' ) {
-	require SVN::Fs;
-	require SVN::Repos;
-	require SVN::Core;
-    # Shut up the perl compiler warnings
-    if($SVN::Fs::PathChange::modify and $SVN::Fs::PathChange::add and
-        $SVN::Fs::PathChange::delete) {
-    }
-	my $repo = SVN::Repos::open($path);
-	my $fs = $repo->fs or die $!;
-	$rev ||= $fs->youngest_rev;
-	$log = $fs->revision_prop($rev, "svn:log");
-	$author = $fs->revision_prop($rev, "svn:author");
-	my $root = $fs->revision_root($rev);
-	my $changed = $root->paths_changed();
-	foreach(keys %$changed) {
-		my $k = $changed->{$_}->change_kind();
-		if($k == $SVN::Fs::PathChange::modify) {
-			$k = "M";
-		} elsif($k == $SVN::Fs::PathChange::add) {
-			$k = "A";
-		} elsif($k == $SVN::Fs::PathChange::delete) {
-			$k = "D";
-		}
-		my $pm = $changed->{$_}->prop_mod() ? "+" : "";
-		push @changed, {
-                    action => $k,
-                    prop_change => $pm,
-                    path => $_,
-                };
-	}
-} else {
-	die "Repository type '$repo_type' not supported\n";
+else {
+    die "Repository type '$repo_type' not supported\n";
-my ( $branch, $module, $matched_re );
-if (@br_mod_re) {
-    require Safe;
-    my $safe = Safe->new;
-    $safe->permit_only(qw(padany lineseq match const leaveeval
-        rv2sv pushmark list warn));
-    # for a successful branch/module extraction, we require that all the
-    # changes share the same branch/module
-    for my $c(@changed) {
-        my ( $change_branch, $change_module );
-        for my $re (@br_mod_re) {
-            $re =~ s{,}{\\,}g;    # escape commas
-            my $matching = "m,$re,; " 
-                      . ( $br_mod_re_swap ? '($2,$1)' : '($1,$2)' );
-            $_ = $c->{path};
-            ( $change_branch, $change_module ) = $safe->reval($matching);
-            die "Error while evaluating `$re': $@" if $@;
-            if ( defined($change_branch) and defined($change_module) ) {
-                $matched_re = $re;
-                last;
-            }
-        }
-        # some change cannot be tied to a branch and a module?
-        if ( !defined( $change_branch // $change_module ) ) {
-            $branch = $module = $matched_re = undef;
-            last;
-        }
-        if ( defined($branch) ) {
-            # this change is for a different branch/module?
-            if ( $branch ne $change_branch or $module ne $change_module ) {
-                $branch = $module = undef;
-                last;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            # first change, store branch and module
-            $branch = $change_branch;
-            $module = $change_module;
-        }
-    }
-    # remove the part that have matched as it contains information about the
-    # branch and module that we provide otherwise
-    if ($matched_re) {
-        #warn "Branch: ".($branch||"NONE");
-        #warn "Module: ".($module||"NONE");
-        $safe->permit(qw(subst));
-        for my $c(@changed) {
-            #warn "FROM ".$c->{path};
-            $_ = $c->{path};
-            $safe->reval("s,.*$matched_re,,");
-            die "Eror while evaluating s/.*$matched_re//: $@" if $@;
-            $c->{path} = $_;
-            #warn "  TO $_";
-        }
-    }
-    $branch = undef
-        if $branch and $ignore_branch and $branch eq $ignore_branch;
-#utf8::encode($_) foreach(@changed);
-sub change2text {
-    my $c = shift;
-    my $a = $c->{action};
-    my $pc = $c->{prop_change};
-    my $p = $c->{path};
-    my $text = '';
-    # ignore flags for modifications (unlless there is also a property change)
-    $text = "($a$pc)" if $a ne 'M' or $pc;
-    $p =~ s,^/,,;       # strip leading slash from paths
-    $text .= $p;
-    return $text;
-#warn( change2text($_), "\n" ) for @changed;
- at servers = List::Util::shuffle(@servers);
-# try all servers in turn until someone succeeds
-for my $srv (@servers) {
-    my $failure = 0;
-    my $s = SOAP::Lite->new(uri => $srv->{uri}, proxy => $srv->{proxy});
-    $s->transport->proxy->timeout($srv->{timeout}) if $srv->{timeout};
-    # v1 protocol
-    my $checksum = sha1_hex($repo_id, $rev, map( change2text($_), @changed ),
-        $log, $author, $branch // (), $module // (), $srv->{password});
-    my $res = $s->commit([1,
-                    $repo_id, $checksum, SOAP::Data->type(int => $rev),
-                    [ map( SOAP::Data->type( string => change2text($_) ),
-                           @changed ) ],
-                    SOAP::Data->type(string => $log),
-                    SOAP::Data->type(string => $author),
-                    SOAP::Data->type( string => $branch),
-                    SOAP::Data->type( string => $module),
-                    ]);
-    if( $res->fault ) {
-        warn 'SOAP FAULT while talking to '.$srv->{uri}."\n";
-        warn 'FAULT MESSAGE: ', $res->fault->{faultstring}, "\n";
-        warn 'FAULT DETAILS: ', $res->fault->{detail}, "\n" if $res->fault->{detail};
-        $failure = 1;
-    }
-    #my $res = $s->commit([
-    #		$repo_id, $password, SOAP::Data->type(int => $rev),
-    #		[ map({SOAP::Data->type(string => $_)} @changed) ],
-    #		SOAP::Data->type(string => $log),
-    #		SOAP::Data->type(string => $author)]);
-    #print $res->result(), "\n";
-    last unless $failure;

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