r73766 - in /branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl: ./ current/ current/Changes current/DTDParser.pm current/MANIFEST current/Makefile.PL current/README current/test.pl

gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org gregoa at users.alioth.debian.org
Thu Apr 28 23:56:42 UTC 2011

Author: gregoa
Date: Thu Apr 28 23:56:36 2011
New Revision: 73766

URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/?sc=1&rev=73766
[svn-inject] Installing original source of libxml-dtdparser-perl (2.01)


Added: branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Changes
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Changes?rev=73766&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Changes (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Changes Thu Apr 28 23:56:36 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,45 @@
+Revision history for Perl extension XML::DTDParser.
+1.0  Tue Feb 12 23:41:58 2002
+	- original version
+1.1  Wed Feb 13 00:20 2002
+	- small fix
+1.2  Sun Dec 29
+	- renamed from Jenda::QD::DTDParser to XML::DTDParser
+	- uploaded to CPAN
+1.3  Sun Jan 5
+	- fixed a typo on line 34 (close IN; instead of close $IN;, thanks to hughmyers at micron.com)
+	- handling <!ELEMENT D (A? | B? | C?)> properly
+	- added childrenSTR option to the elements
+1.4 GOK
+	- internal only
+1.5 Tue Feb 11 2003
+	- allows <!ELEMENT Foo (#PCDATA|Bar|Baz)*>
+	- incorrectly formated chlidren lists are reported as incorrectly formated
+	  (instead of some bogus "Element @#*&^*&^$ referenced by Element was not found")
+	- supports enumerated attributes <!ATTLIST A Name ( 1 | 2 | 3) #REQUIRED>
+1.6 GOK
+	- added support for <!--#info --> comments
+1.7 Web Mar 19, 2003
+	- fixed a small bug in the regexp parsing the <!--#info --> comments
+1.8 GOK
+	- internal only
+1.9 Fri Nov 05 2004
+	- ParseDTDFile function
+	- handle <!ELEMENT id (id, type, type*)> correctly (the multiplicity of the "type" should be "+", not "*" in this case
+	- fixes in regexps
+2.00 Fri Nov 05 2004
+	- return the multiplicity as chindrenX => { child => '1..', other => 1, another => '1..3', ...}
+2.01 Fri Nov 05 2004
+	- do not include #PCDATA in childrenX, fix test

Added: branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/DTDParser.pm
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/DTDParser.pm?rev=73766&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/DTDParser.pm (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/DTDParser.pm Thu Apr 28 23:56:36 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,452 @@
+package XML::DTDParser;
+require Exporter;
+use FileHandle;
+use strict;
+use File::Spec;
+use Cwd;
+our @ISA = qw(Exporter);
+our @EXPORT = qw(ParseDTD FindDTDRoot ParseDTDFile);
+our $VERSION = '2.01';
+my $namechar = '[#\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF0-9\xB7._:-]';
+my $name = '[\x41-\x5A\x61-\x7A\xC0-\xD6\xD8-\xF6\xF8-\xFF_:]' . $namechar . '*';
+my $nameX = $name . '[.?+*]*';
+my $nmtoken = $namechar . '+';
+my $AttType = '(?:CDATA\b|IDREFS?\b|ID\b|ENTITY\b|ENTITIES\b|NMTOKENS?\b|\([^\)]*\)|NOTATION\s+\([^\)]*\))';
+my $DefaultDecl = q{(?:#REQUIRED|#IMPLIED|(:?#FIXED ?)?(?:".*?"|'.*?'))};
+my $AttDef = '('.$name.') ('.$AttType.')(?: ('.$DefaultDecl.'))?';
+sub ParseDTDFile {
+	my $file = shift;
+	open my $IN, "< $file"
+		or die "Cannot open the $file : $!\n";
+	my $xml = do {local $/; <$IN>};
+	close $IN;
+	my ($vol,$dir,$filename) = File::Spec->splitpath( $file);
+	if ($filename eq $file) {
+		return ParseDTD($xml);
+	} else {
+		# in case there are any includes, they should be relative to the DTD file, not to current dir
+		my $cwd = cwd();
+		chdir(File::Spec->catdir($vol,$dir));
+		my $DTD = ParseDTD($xml);
+		chdir($cwd);
+		return $DTD;
+	}
+sub ParseDTD {
+	my $xml = shift;
+	my (%elements, %definitions);
+	$xml =~ s/\s\s*/ /gs;
+	while ($xml =~ s{<!ENTITY\s+(?:(%)\s*)?($name)\s+SYSTEM\s*"(.*?)"\s*>}{}io) {
+		my ($percent, $entity, $include) = ($1,$2,$3);
+		$percent = '&' unless $percent;
+		my $definition;
+		{
+			# the $include may be a URL, use LWP::Simple to fetch it if it is.
+			my $IN;
+			open $IN, "<$include" or die "Cannot open include file $include : $!\n";
+			$definition = do {local $/; <$IN>};
+			close $IN;
+		}
+		$definition =~ s/\s\s*/ /gs;
+		$xml =~ s{\Q$percent$entity;\E}{$definition}g;
+	}
+	my (%elementinfo, %attribinfo);
+	while ($xml =~ s{<!--#info\s+(.*?)-->}{}s) {
+		my $info = $1;$info =~ s/\s+$//s;
+		my %info;
+		while ($info =~ s{^([\w-]+)\s*=\s*((?:'[^']*')+|(?:"[^"]*")+|[^\s'"]\S*)\s*}{}s) {
+			my ($name, $value) = ($1, $2);
+			if ($value =~ /^'/) {
+				($value = substr $value, 1, length($value)-2) =~ s/''/'/g;
+			} elsif ($value =~ /^"/) {
+				($value = substr $value, 1, length($value)-2) =~ s/""/"/g;
+			}
+			$info{$name} = $value;
+		}
+		die "Malformed <!--#info ...--> section!\n\t<!--#info $info -->\n"
+			if ($info ne '');
+		die "The <!--#info $info --> section doesn't contain the 'element' parameter!\n"
+			unless exists $info{'element'};
+		my $element = $info{'element'};
+		delete $info{'element'};
+		if (exists $info{'attribute'}) {
+			my $attribute = $info{'attribute'};
+			delete $info{'attribute'};
+			$attribinfo{$element}->{$attribute} = \%info;
+		} else {
+			$elementinfo{$element} = \%info;
+		}
+	}
+	$xml =~ s{<!--.*?-->}{}gs;
+	$xml =~ s{<\?.*?\?>}{}gs;
+	while ($xml =~ s{<!ENTITY\s+(?:(%)\s*)?($name)\s*"(.*?)"\s*>}{}io) {
+		my ($percent, $entity, $definition) = ($1,$2,$3);
+		$percent = '&' unless $percent;
+		$definitions{"$percent$entity"} = $definition;
+	}
+	{
+		my $replacements = 0;
+		1 while $replacements++ < 1000 and $xml =~ s{([&%]$name);}{(exists $definitions{$1} ? $definitions{$1} : "$1\x01;")}geo;
+		die <<'*END*' if $xml =~ m{([&%]$name);}o;
+Recursive <!ENTITY ...> definitions or too many entities! Only up to 1000 entity replacements allowed.
+(An entity is something like &foo; or %foo;. They are defined by <!ENTITY ...> tag.)
+	}
+	undef %definitions;
+	$xml =~ tr/\x01//d;
+	while ($xml =~ s{<!ELEMENT\s+($name)\s*(\(.*?\))([?*+]?)\s*>}{}io) {
+		my ($element, $children, $option) = ($1,$2,$3);
+		$elements{$element}->{childrenSTR} = $children . $option;
+		$children =~ s/\s//g;
+		if ($children eq '(#PCDATA)') {
+			$children = '#PCDATA';
+		} elsif ($children =~ s/^\((#PCDATA(?:\|$name)+)\)$/$1/o and $option eq '*') {
+			$children =~ s/\|/*,/g;
+			$children .= '*';
+		} else {
+			$children = simplify_children( $children, $option);
+		}
+		die "<!ELEMENT $element (...)> is not valid!\n"
+			unless $children =~ m{^#?$nameX(?:,$nameX)*$}o;
+		$elements{$element}->{childrenARR} = [];
+		foreach my $child (split ',', $children) {
+			$child =~ s/([?*+])$//
+				and $option = $1
+				or $option = '!';
+			if (exists $elements{$element}->{children}->{$child}) {
+				$elements{$element}->{children}->{$child} = _merge_options( $elements{$element}->{children}->{$child}, $option);
+				$elements{$element}->{childrenX}->{$child} = _merge_counts( $elements{$element}->{childrenX}->{$child}, _char2count($option))
+					unless $child eq '#PCDATA';
+			} else {
+				$elements{$element}->{children}->{$child} = $option;
+				$elements{$element}->{childrenX}->{$child} = _char2count($option)
+					unless $child eq '#PCDATA';
+			}
+			push @{$elements{$element}->{childrenARR}}, $child
+				unless $child eq '#PCDATA';
+		}
+		delete $elements{$element}->{childrenARR}
+			if @{$elements{$element}->{childrenARR}} == 0
+	}
+	while ($xml =~ s{<!ELEMENT\s+($name)\s*(EMPTY|ANY)\s*>}{}io) {
+		my ($element, $param) = ($1,$2);
+		if (uc $param eq 'ANY') {
+			$elements{$element}->{any} = 1;
+		} else {
+			$elements{$element} = {};
+		}
+	}
+#=for comment
+	while ($xml =~ s{<!ATTLIST(?:\s+($name)\s+(.*?))?\s*>}{}io) {
+		my ($element, $attributes) = ($1,$2);
+		die "<!ELEMENT $element ...> referenced by an <!ATTLIST ...> not found!\n"
+			unless exists $elements{$element};
+		while ($attributes =~ s/^\s*$AttDef//io) {
+			my ($name,$type,$option,$default) = ($1,$2,$3);
+			if ($option =~ /^#FIXED\s+["'](.*)["']$/i){
+				$option = '#FIXED';
+				$default = $1;
+			} elsif ($option =~ /^["'](.*)["']$/i){
+				$option = '';
+				$default = $1;
+			}
+			$elements{$element}->{attributes}->{$name} = [$type,$option,$default,undef];
+			if ($type =~ /^(?:NOTATION\s*)?\(\s*(.*?)\)$/) {
+				$elements{$element}->{attributes}->{$name}->[3] = parse_enum($1);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+#$xml = '';
+	$xml =~ s/\s\s*/ /g;
+	die "UNPARSED DATA:\n$xml\n\n"
+		if $xml =~ /\S/;
+	foreach my $element (keys %elements) {
+		foreach my $child (keys %{$elements{$element}->{children}}) {
+			if ($child eq '#PCDATA') {
+				delete $elements{$element}->{children}->{'#PCDATA'};
+				$elements{$element}->{content} = 1;
+			} else {
+				die "Element $child referenced by $element was not found!\n"
+					unless exists $elements{$child};
+				if (exists $elements{$child}->{parent}) {
+					push @{$elements{$child}->{parent}}, $element;
+				} else {
+					$elements{$child}->{parent} = [$element];
+				}
+				$elements{$child}->{option} = $elements{$element}->{children}->{$child};
+			}
+		}
+		if (scalar(keys %{$elements{$element}->{children}}) == 0) {
+			delete $elements{$element}->{children};
+		}
+		if (exists $elementinfo{$element}) {
+			foreach my $info (keys %{$elementinfo{$element}}) {
+				$elements{$element}->{$info} = $elementinfo{$element}->{$info};
+			}
+		}
+		if (exists $attribinfo{$element}) {
+			foreach my $attribute (keys %{$attribinfo{$element}}) {
+				$elements{$element}->{'attributes'}->{$attribute}->[4] = $attribinfo{$element}->{$attribute};
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return \%elements;
+sub flatten_children {
+	my ( $children, $option ) = @_;
+	if ($children =~ /\|/) {
+		$children =~ s{[|,]}{?,}g;
+		$children .= '?'
+	}
+	if ($option) {
+		$children =~ s/,/$option,/g;
+		$children .= $option;
+	}
+	return $children;
+sub simplify_children {
+	my ( $children, $option ) = @_;
+	1 while $children =~ s{\(($nameX(?:[,|]$nameX)*)\)([?*+]*)}{flatten_children($1, $2)}geo;
+	if ($option) {
+		$children =~ s/,/$option,/g;
+		$children .= $option;
+	}
+	foreach ($children) {
+		s{\?\?}{?}g;
+		s{\?\+}{*}g;
+		s{\?\*}{*}g;
+		s{\+\?}{*}g;
+		s{\+\+}{+}g;
+		s{\+\*}{*}g;
+		s{\*\?}{*}g;
+		s{\*\+}{*}g;
+		s{\*\*}{*}g;
+	}
+	return $children;
+sub parse_enum {
+	my $enum = shift;
+	$enum =~ tr/\x20\x09\x0D\x0A//d; # get rid of whitespace
+	return [split /\|/, $enum];
+my %merge_options = (
+	'!!' => '+',
+	'!*' => '+' ,
+	'!+' => '+',
+	'!?' => '+',
+	'**' => '*',
+	'*+' => '+',
+	'*?' => '*',
+	'++' => '+',
+	'+?' => '+',
+	'??' => '?',
+sub _merge_options {
+	my ($o1, $o2) = sort @_;
+	return $merge_options{$o1.$o2};
+my %char2count = (
+	'!' => '1',
+	'?' => '0..1',
+	'+' => '1..',
+	'*' => '0..',
+sub _char2count{
+	return $char2count{$_[0]}
+sub _merge_counts {
+	my ($c1, $c2) = @_;
+	if ($c1 =~ /^\d+$/) {
+		if ($c2 =~ /^\d+$/) {
+			return $c1+$c2
+		} elsif ($c2 =~ /^(\d+)..(\d+)$/) {
+			return ($c1+$1) . ".." . ($c1+$2);
+		} elsif ($c2 =~ /^(\d+)..$/) {
+			return ($c1+$1) . "..";
+		}
+	} elsif ($c1 =~ /^(\d+)..(\d+)$/) {
+		my ($c1l,$c1u) = ($1,$2);
+		if ($c2 =~ /^\d+$/) {
+			return ($c1l+$c2) . ".." . ($c1u+$c2);
+		} elsif ($c2 =~ /^(\d+)..(\d+)$/) {
+			return ($c1l+$1) . ".." . ($c1u+$2);
+		} elsif ($c2 =~ /^(\d+)..$/) {
+			return ($c1l+$1) . "..";
+		}
+	} elsif ($c1 =~ /^(\d+)..$/) {
+		$c1=$1;
+		if ($c2 =~ /^\d+$/) {
+			return ($c1+$c2) . "..";
+		} elsif ($c2 =~ /^(\d+)..(\d+)$/) {
+			return ($c1+$1) . "..";
+		} elsif ($c2 =~ /^(\d+)..$/) {
+			return ($c1+$1) . "..";
+		}
+	}
+sub FindDTDRoot {
+	my $elements = shift;
+	my @roots;
+	foreach my $element (keys %$elements) {
+		if (!exists $elements->{$element}->{parent}) {
+			push @roots, $element;
+			$elements->{$element}->{option} = '!';
+		}
+	}
+	return @roots;
+=head1 NAME
+XML::DTDParser - quick and dirty DTD parser
+Version 2.01
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use XML::DTDParser qw(ParseDTD ParseDTDFile);
+  $DTD = ParseDTD $DTDtext;
+ #or
+  $DTD = ParseDTDFile( $dtdfile)
+This module parses a DTD file and creates a data structure containing info about
+all tags, their allowed parameters, children, parents, optionality etc. etc. etc.
+Since I'm too lazy to document the structure, parse a DTD you need and print
+the result to a file using Data::Dumper. The datastructure should be selfevident.
+Note: The module should be able to parse just about anything, but it intentionaly looses some information.
+Eg. if the DTD specifies that a tag should contain either CHILD1 or CHILD2 you only get that
+CHILD1 and CHILD2 are optional. That is is the DTD contains
+the result will be the same is if it contained
+You get the original unparsed parameter list as well so if you need this
+information you may parse it yourself.
+Since version 1.6 this module supports my "extensions" to DTDs.
+If the DTD contains a comment in form
+	<!--#info element=XXX foo=bar greeting="Hello World!" person='d''Artagnan'-->
+and there is an element XXX in the DTD, the resulting hash for the XXX will contain
+	'foo' => 'bar',
+	'person' => 'd\'Artagnan',
+	'greeting => 'Hello World!'
+If the DTD contains
+	<!--#info element=XXX attribute=YYY break=no-->
+	$DTD->{XXX}->{attributes}->{YYY}->[4]
+will be set to
+	{ break => 'no' }
+I use this parser to import the DTD into the database so that I could map some fields
+to certain tags for output and I want to be able to specify the mapping inside the file:
+	<!--#info element=TagName map_to="FieldName"-->
+=head2 EXPORT
+By default the module exports all (both) it's functions. If you only want one, or none
+	use XML::DTDParser qw(ParseDTD);
+	or
+	use XML::DTDParser qw();
+=over 4
+=item ParseDTD
+	$DTD = ParseDTD $DTDtext;
+Parses the $DTDtext and creates a data structure. If the $DTDtext contains some
+<!ENTITY ... SYSTEM "..."> declarations those are read and parsed as needed.
+The paths are relative to current directory.
+The module currently doesn't support URLs here yet.
+=item ParseDTDFile
+	$DTD = ParseDTDFile $DTDfile;
+Parses the contents of $DTDfile and creates a data structure. If the $DTDfile contains some
+<!ENTITY ... SYSTEM "..."> declarations those are read and parsed as needed.
+The paths are relative to the $DTDfile.
+The module currently doesn't support URLs here yet.
+=item FindDTDRoot
+	$DTD = ParseDTD $DTDtext;
+	@roots = FindDTDRoot $DTD;
+Returns all tags that have no parent. There could be several such tags defined by the DTD.
+Especialy if it used some common includes.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Jenda at Krynicky.cz
+Copyright (c) 2002 Jan Krynicky <Jenda at Krynicky.cz>. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/MANIFEST
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/MANIFEST?rev=73766&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/MANIFEST (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/MANIFEST Thu Apr 28 23:56:36 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,6 @@

Added: branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Makefile.PL
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Makefile.PL?rev=73766&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Makefile.PL (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/Makefile.PL Thu Apr 28 23:56:36 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
+# See lib/ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm for details of how to influence
+# the contents of the Makefile that is written.
+    'NAME'		=> 'XML::DTDParser',
+    'VERSION_FROM'	=> 'DTDParser.pm', # finds $VERSION
+    'PREREQ_PM'		=> {}, # e.g., Module::Name => 1.1
+    ($] >= 5.005 ?    ## Add these new keywords supported since 5.005
+      (ABSTRACT_FROM => 'DTDParser.pm', # retrieve abstract from module
+       AUTHOR     => 'Jenda at Krynicky.cz') : ()),

Added: branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/README
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/README?rev=73766&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/README (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/README Thu Apr 28 23:56:36 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+XML/DTDParser version 1.0
+Quick and dirty DTD parser.
+To install this module type the following:
+   perl Makefile.PL
+   make
+   make test
+   make install
+Copyright (c) 2002 Jan Krynicky <Jenda at Krynicky.cz>. All rights reserved.
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

Added: branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/test.pl
URL: http://svn.debian.org/wsvn/pkg-perl/branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/test.pl?rev=73766&op=file
--- branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/test.pl (added)
+++ branches/upstream/libxml-dtdparser-perl/current/test.pl Thu Apr 28 23:56:36 2011
@@ -1,0 +1,221 @@
+# Before `make install' is performed this script should be runnable with
+# `make test'. After `make install' it should work as `perl test.pl'
+# change 'tests => 1' to 'tests => last_test_to_print';
+use Test;
+BEGIN { plan tests => 3 };
+use XML::DTDParser;
+ok(1); # If we made it this far, we're ok.
+# Insert your test code below, the Test module is use()ed here so read
+# its man page ( perldoc Test ) for help writing this test script.
+my $DTD = ParseDTD <<'*END*';
+<!-- this is an ordinary comment > < -->
+<!--#info element='JOB' repeat_set=action repeat_list='add,modify,delete'-->
+<!--#info element='JOB' attribute='id' map_to='JDTID_UNIQUE_NUMBER'-->
+<!--#info element='TITLE' map_to='JOB_TITLE'-->
+<!--#info element='BILLING' attribute='static' set_to='some value'-->
+<!--#info element='NAME' map_to='BILLING_CONTACT_NAME'-->
+<!--#info element='PHONE' map_to='BILLING_CONTACT_PHONE'-->
+<!--#info element='OFFICE' map_to='BILLING_CONTACT_OFFICE'-->
+<!--#info element='FOO' set_to='Bar'-->
+eval "use Data::Compare;";
+if ($@) {
+	skip("You don't have Data::Compare\n");
+	exit;
+my $GOOD_DTD = {
+          'NAME' => {
+                      'parent' => [
+                                    'BILLING'
+                                  ],
+                      'childrenSTR' => '(#PCDATA)',
+                      'map_to' => 'BILLING_CONTACT_NAME',
+                      'content' => 1,
+                      'option' => '!'
+                    },
+          'TEXT' => {
+                      'parent' => [
+                                    'JOB'
+                                  ],
+                      'childrenSTR' => '(#PCDATA)',
+                      'content' => 1,
+                      'option' => '!'
+                    },
+          'JOB' => {
+                     'repeat_list' => 'add,modify,delete',
+                     'childrenARR' => [
+                                        'TITLE',
+                                        'BILLING',
+                                        'FLD',
+                                        'TEXT'
+                                      ],
+                     'parent' => [
+                                   'JOBPOSTINGDOCUMENT'
+                                 ],
+                     'childrenSTR' => '(TITLE,BILLING,FLD,TEXT)',
+                     'option' => '+',
+                     'children' => {
+                                     'TEXT' => '!',
+                                     'TITLE' => '!',
+                                     'FLD' => '!',
+                                     'BILLING' => '!'
+                                   },
+                     'childrenX' => {
+                                     'TEXT' => '1',
+                                     'TITLE' => '1',
+                                     'FLD' => '1',
+                                     'BILLING' => '1'
+                                   },
+                     'repeat_set' => 'action',
+                     'attributes' => {
+                                       'action' => [
+                                                     'CDATA',
+                                                     '#REQUIRED',
+                                                     undef,
+                                                     undef
+                                                   ],
+                                       'id' => [
+                                                 'CDATA',
+                                                 '#REQUIRED',
+                                                 undef,
+                                                 undef,
+                                                 {
+                                                   'map_to' => 'JDTID_UNIQUE_NUMBER'
+                                                 }
+                                               ]
+                                     }
+                   },
+          'TITLE' => {
+                       'parent' => [
+                                     'JOB'
+                                   ],
+                       'childrenSTR' => '(#PCDATA)',
+                       'map_to' => 'JOB_TITLE',
+                       'content' => 1,
+                       'option' => '!'
+                     },
+          'OFFICE' => {
+                        'parent' => [
+                                      'BILLING'
+                                    ],
+                        'childrenSTR' => '(#PCDATA)',
+                        'map_to' => 'BILLING_CONTACT_OFFICE',
+                        'content' => 1,
+                        'option' => '!'
+                      },
+          'JOBPOSTINGDOCUMENT' => {
+                                    'childrenARR' => [
+                                                       'JOB'
+                                                     ],
+                                    'childrenSTR' => '(JOB+)',
+                                    'children' => {
+                                                    'JOB' => '+'
+                                                  },
+                                    'childrenX' => {
+                                                    'JOB' => '1..'
+                                                  }
+                                  },
+          'BILLING' => {
+                         'childrenARR' => [
+                                            'NAME',
+                                            'PHONE',
+                                            'OFFICE',
+                                            'FOO',
+                                            'FOO'
+                                          ],
+                         'parent' => [
+                                       'JOB'
+                                     ],
+                         'childrenSTR' => '(NAME,PHONE,OFFICE,FOO,FOO*)',
+                         'option' => '!',
+                         'children' => {
+                                         'NAME' => '!',
+                                         'OFFICE' => '!',
+                                         'FOO' => '+',
+                                         'PHONE' => '!'
+                                       },
+                         'childrenX' => {
+                                         'NAME' => '1',
+                                         'OFFICE' => '1',
+                                         'FOO' => '1..',
+                                         'PHONE' => '1'
+                                       },
+                         'attributes' => {
+                                           'empty' => [
+                                                        'CDATA',
+                                                        '#REQUIRED',
+                                                        undef,
+                                                        undef
+                                                      ],
+                                           'static' => [
+                                                         'CDATA',
+                                                         '#REQUIRED',
+                                                         undef,
+                                                         undef,
+                                                         {
+                                                           'set_to' => 'some value'
+                                                         }
+                                                       ]
+                                         }
+                       },
+          'FOO' => {
+                     'parent' => [
+                                   'BILLING'
+                                 ],
+                     'childrenSTR' => '(#PCDATA)',
+                     'content' => 1,
+                     'option' => '+',
+                     'set_to' => 'Bar'
+                   },
+          'FLD' => {
+                     'parent' => [
+                                   'JOB'
+                                 ],
+                     'childrenSTR' => '(#PCDATA)',
+                     'content' => 1,
+                     'option' => '!'
+                   },
+          'PHONE' => {
+                       'parent' => [
+                                     'BILLING'
+                                   ],
+                       'childrenSTR' => '(#PCDATA)',
+                       'map_to' => 'BILLING_CONTACT_PHONE',
+                       'content' => 1,
+                       'option' => '!'
+                     }
+        };
+ok(Compare($DTD, $GOOD_DTD));
+#use Data::Dumper;
+#print Dumper($DTD);

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