Bug#279459: full transition to libcurl3

Domenico Andreoli Domenico Andreoli <cavok@debian.org>, 279459@bugs.debian.org
Thu, 9 Dec 2004 12:59:03 +0100

severity 279473 important
severity 279472 important
severity 279467 important
severity 279466 important
severity 279459 important
severity 279460 important
severity 260207 important
severity 279454 important


On Thu, Dec 09, 2004 at 12:03:42PM +0100, Andreas Metzler wrote:
> On 2004-12-09 Domenico Andreoli <cavok@debian.org> wrote:
> > i'd like to drop compatibility packages libcurl2 and libcurl2-dev
> > from curl. 
> [...]
> > i would take care of correct bug reporting and delayed NMUs in case
> > maintainer did not upload fixed packages within a week or so.
> [...]
> Wouldn't it be a lot more sensible to do this *before* uploading the
> new curl package without libcurl2*?

yes, it would. if reasonable consensus is reached here, i'll proceed
with delayed NMUs before curl upload. in the meantime i'm going to
raise the severity of bug reports to important in the hope of making
some maintainers handle the change theirself.


-----[ Domenico Andreoli, aka cavok
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