Bug#387044: wrong rendering of newlines in description

gregor herrmann gregor+debian at comodo.priv.at
Mon Sep 11 22:03:24 UTC 2006

On Mon, 11 Sep 2006 22:49:05 +0200, Tomas Pospisek wrote:

> In aptitude in a non-standard-width terminal the description looks like
> this:
> ------------------------------
> ConfigFile parses simple configuration files and store its values in an anonymous hash reference. The syntax of the
> configuration file is quite simple:
> # This is a comment VALUE_ONE = foo VALUE_TWO = $VALUE_ONE/bar VALUE_THREE = The value contains a \# (hash). # This
> is a comment. COMPOSED_VALUE[one] = The first component of a clustered value COMPOSED_VALUE[two] = The second
> component of a clustered value                                                                                     
> ------------------------------

I can confirm this behaviour (independent of the terminal width).
The interesting point is that (besides debian/control looking as
expected) debc and dkpkg --info present the long description in a
sane way.

Guessing: Could this be an aptitude problem? Maybe caused by the 
hash (#)?

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