Perl OpenGL 0.56

Niko Tyni ntyni at
Sun Oct 28 18:28:59 UTC 2007

On Sat, Oct 27, 2007 at 09:37:50PM -0700, Bob Free wrote:
> I just noticed that you are maintaining a libopengl-perl package - and that 
> it's based on a very old version of Perl OpenGL (POGL).
> I took over CPAN's OpenGL module early this year, and have since made 
> several significant CPAN releases, including the addition of two additional 
> perl modules:
>     OpenGL 0.56
>     OpenGL::Image 1.02
>     OpenGL::Shader 1.01
> It's been tested on Ubuntu (Dapper)/Gentoo - I'm in the process of releasing 
> 0.57 and testing it against Ubuntu (Gutsy).
> You can find the latest releases at - I post 
> stable releases on CPAN.
> I'll be happy to work with you to update your libopengl-perl package.  Let 
> me know the best way to proceed - Bob Free 

Hi Bob,

thanks very much for your offer and your work on the module.

The reason we haven't updated the package yet is that while the
module at CPAN was stalled at 0.54 for a long time, Debian included
new features from Antti Lankila <alankila at> (Cc'd), see
<>. This is why the module in
Debian is denoted as having "upstream version 0.54.alan1".

These changes are now conflicting with the new OpenGL CPAN versions,
and nobody has got round to investigating this properly.

Are you aware of each others' work? When I last looked at merging them,
there seemed to be at least some redundancy. I did give up quite soon,

I don't understand much about OpenGL myself, and probably nobody in
the Debian Perl Group does. The .alan1 patches were adopted by Stephen
Zander, who is not active in Debian anymore. We would certainly prefer
to drop the patches and pick up the official branch again, but it would
be nice to have an idea of what that would break for the users.

Antti, thanks for your work too :) I hope you were informed back when
your changes were included.

Recommendations welcome.

Niko Tyni   ntyni at
Debian Perl Group

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