Bug#480727: New upstream version (0.30) available

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Mon Oct 6 06:57:47 UTC 2008

clone 480727 -1
retitle -1 New upstream version (0.30) available
owner -1 Zed Pobre <zed at resonant.org>
severity -1 wishlist

-=| Zed Pobre, Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 11:29:27PM -0400 |=-
> I decided against making this a new bug report, since in a way this
> transforms 480727 -- a new upstream version of Module::Build is
> available on CPAN, and it adds a feature of interest: support for
> specific gpl2 and gpl3 licenses.

Since that new upstream version won't go into testing, and 480727 is 
about keeping libmodule-build-perl out of testing, I am cloning to 
another bug.

We didn't notice the new upstream as upstream changed versioning 
scheme from "0.2800_01" to "0.30". I have adapted debian/watch adding 
to overcome this.

dam            JabberID: dam at jabber.minus273.org
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