No subject

Wed Jul 1 08:41:29 UTC 2009


To the complex:

    table(fig). {color:red}_|Top|Row|
    {color:blue}|/2. Second|Row|
    |_{color:green}. Last|

Modifiers can be specified for the table signature itself,
for a table row (prior to the first 'E<verbar>' character) and
for any cell (following the 'E<verbar>' for that cell). Note that for
cells, a period followed with a space must be placed after
any modifiers to distinguish the modifier from the cell content.

Modifiers allowed are:


=item C<{style rule}>

A CSS style rule.

=item C<(class)> or C<(#id)> or C<(class#id)>

A CSS class and/or id attribute.

=item C<(> (one or more)

Adds 1em of padding to the left for each '(' character.

=item C<)> (one or more)

Adds 1em of padding to the right for each ')' character.

=item C<E<lt>>

Aligns to the left (floats to left for tables if combined with the
')' modifier).

=item C<E<gt>>

Aligns to the right (floats to right for tables if combined with
the '(' modifier).

=item C<=>

Aligns to center (sets left, right margins to 'auto' for tables).

=item C<E<lt>E<gt>>

For cells only. Justifies text.

=item C<^>

For rows and cells only. Aligns to the top.

=item C<~> (tilde)

For rows and cells only. Aligns to the bottom.

=item C<_> (underscore)

Can be applied to a table row or cell to indicate a header
row or cell.

=item C<\2> or C<\3> or C<\4>, etc.

Used within cells to indicate a colspan of 2, 3, 4, etc. columns.
When you see "\", think "push forward".

=item C</2> or C</3> or C</4>, etc.

Used within cells to indicate a rowspan or 2, 3, 4, etc. rows.
When you see "/", think "push downward".


When a cell is identified as a header cell and an alignment
is specified, that becomes the default alignment for
cells below it. You can always override this behavior by
specifying an alignment for one of the lower cells.

=head2 CSS Notes

When CSS is enabled (and it is by default), CSS class names
are automatically applied in certain situations.


=item Aligning a block or span or other element to
left, right, etc.

"left" for left justified, "right" for right justified,
"center" for centered text, "justify" for full-justified

=item Aligning an image to the top or bottom

"top" for top alignment, "bottom" for bottom alignment,
"middle" for middle alignment.

=item Footnotes

"footnote" is applied to the paragraph tag for the
footnote text itself. An id of "fn" plus the footnote
number is placed on the paragraph for the footnote as
well. For the footnote superscript tag, a class of
"footnote" is used.

=item Capped text

For a series of characters that are uppercased, a
span is placed around them with a class of "caps".


=head2 Miscellaneous

Textile tries to do it's very best to ensure proper XHTML
syntax. It will even attempt to fix errors you may introduce
writing in HTML yourself. Unescaped '&' characters within
URLs will be properly escaped. Singlet tags such as br, img
and hr are checked for the '/' terminator (and it's added
if necessary). The best way to make sure you produce valid
XHTML with Textile is to not use any HTML markup at all--
use the Textile syntax and let it produce the markup for you.

=head1 LICENSE

This software is licensed under the same terms as Perl itself.
Please see L<ARTISTIC> for license details.


Text::Textile was written by Brad Choate, brad at
It is an adaptation of Textile, developed by Dean Allen of



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