Fwd: Reassign #548417 to libwww-perl

Frans Pop elendil at planet.nl
Sat Sep 26 11:19:28 UTC 2009

reassign 548417 libwww-perl

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
Subject: Reassign #548417 to libwww-perl
Date: Saturday 26 September 2009
From: Andreas Tille <andreas at an3as.eu>
To: control at bugs.debian.org

rassign 548417 libwww-perl

I did some further tests with older versions of debmirror and faced the 
same problem.  Now I tried a libwww-perl version from snapshot.debian.net
(libwww-perl_5.812-1_all.deb) and voila, debmirror worked like a charm

The strange thing is that I realised that libwww-perl has not changed on
my machine since a long time (same version as in Lenny) and thus it might
be that also libwww-perl is not the source of the problem.

Unfortunately I can not verify the problem for now because my mirror is
now upto date (using a combination of libwww-perl_5.812-1 and
debmirror_20070123) and the problem does not occure currently.  (Well, I
*could* remove the mirror partially, but the mirroring needed more than
12 hours - I do not want to repeat this seriosely.)  So I will keep this
bug updated once it occures again and I will try to find out which exact
combination of debmirror and libwww-perl and others might be responsible
for the problem.

Kind regards


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