Bug#576644: libclass-dbi-plugin-pager-perl: FTBFS: t/02.main.t fails

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Tue Apr 6 07:21:08 UTC 2010

Package: libclass-dbi-plugin-pager-perl
Version: 0.561-3
Severity: serious

This package fails to build on current sid.

# Testing Class::DBI::Plugin::Pager 0.561
t/00.load.t ........... ok
t/01.load_subclass.t .. ok

#   Failed test 'arrayref where (named args) results'
#   at t/02.main.t line 117.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[6] = '( ( age <= ? AND age = =>( ? ) AND city = ? ) ) ORDER BY fig LIMIT 10, 5'
#     $expected->[6] = '( ( age <= ? AND age => ? AND city = ? ) ) ORDER BY fig LIMIT 10, 5'

#   Failed test 'arrayref where (positional args) results'
#   at t/02.main.t line 143.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[6] = '( ( age <= ? AND age = =>( ? ) AND city = ? ) ) ORDER BY fig ROWS 10 TO 15'
#     $expected->[6] = '( ( age <= ? AND age => ? AND city = ? ) ) ORDER BY fig ROWS 10 TO 15'
# Looks like you failed 2 tests of 31.
t/02.main.t ........... 
Dubious, test returned 2 (wstat 512, 0x200)
Failed 2/31 subtests 

Another libsql-abstract-perl change?
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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