Bug#567378: Using alternatives for /usr/bin/markdown?

Damyan Ivanov dmn at debian.org
Mon Feb 8 12:57:59 UTC 2010

-=| Bernd Zeimetz, Mon, Feb 08, 2010 at 01:09:04PM +0100 |=-
> as we have three packages now which provide /usr/bin/markdown it 
> could make
> sense to use alternatives here, although I didn't check if the three
> implementations are compatible enough. At least this would be a better solution
> than what the perl module does now - conflicting against the markdown package.
> Probably people want to be able to use both versions?
> Any opinions on that?

Nt really an oppinion, rather just some data:

The contents of 'markdown' and 'libtext-markdown-perl' look very 

markdown (http://packages.debian.org/sid/all/markdown/filelist)

libtext-markdown-perl (http://packages.debian.org/sid/all/libtext-markdown-perl/filelist)

Reading their copyright files, it seems like libtext-markdown-perl is 
a fork of John Gruber's markdown, which seems like not much maintained 
upstream (last release in 2004).
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