Bug#608583: libnet-irc-perl: dead upstream since 2004

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Sat Jan 1 18:00:27 UTC 2011

Package: libnet-irc-perl
Version: 0.75-8
Severity: important

This package is officially dead upstream; it's description on CPAN now
reads 'DEAD SINCE 2004' and the patch for #303400 that I forwarded in
2005 was recently marked as 'rejected' because of this. From 0.79 README:

   This module is officially DEPRECATED. It has been abandoned in
   favor of more modern approaches, including Bot::BasicBot and
   POE::Component::IRC. This release only serves to warn current and
   new users about the status of this distribution.

This suggests removal, except for the reverse dependencies: barnowl and
blootbot depend on libnet-irc-perl and munin-node and hobbit-plugins
suggest it.

Possibly this bug should be cloned as requests for migrating to
the above alternatives.
Niko Tyni   ntyni at debian.org

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