packaging Time::OlsonTZ::Data

Dave Rolsky autarch at
Tue Mar 20 01:51:07 UTC 2012

yOn Mon, 19 Mar 2012, Iain Arnell wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 19, 2012 at 2:15 PM, Zefram <zefram at> wrote:
>> Hi, I'd like to establish what's going to happen about packaging my CPAN
>> module Time::OlsonTZ::Data for OS distros.  I'm writing to (as far as I
>> can tell) the current Debian and Fedora maintainers of DateTime::TimeZone
>> packages, and I'm CCing the relevant mailing list.  We're now
>> getting close to replacing the current DateTime::TimeZone with a
>> rewrite that will use Time::OlsonTZ::Data as its source of Olson-derived
>> timezone data.
> I only hope that "close" means summer or winter - not the busy periods.

This is a good question.

It's not like maintaining DT::TZ and updating it when there are new Olson 
releases is a big hassle, so I don't mind doing it for a while.

I think it'd make sense for Zefram and I to agree on a specific cutover 
date. Zefram has already released trial versions of DT::TZ with the new 
code that distros can use for testing and building new packages against.

I'll suggest September 1 as the cutover date when Zefram will release 
DateTime::TimeZone 2.00 using the new code base.

Does that seem reasonable?


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