Bug#602056: libsoap-lite-perl: Client dies with "Not a HASH reference at /usr/share/perl5/SOAP/Lite.pm line 3755."

Csillag Tamas cstamas at digitus.itk.ppke.hu
Sun May 12 18:23:06 UTC 2013


On Sun, May 12, 2013 at 06:45:18PM +0200, Xavier wrote:
> Hi all,
> according to https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=62667
> discussion, this bug is rejected and the associated patch may break code
> using Moose and SOAP::Lite. Can I remove it ?
I am using SOAP::Lite on lenny (without the patch) which acts as a client.
The server is a .NET monster (which is maintained by a 3rd party).

About a month ago my code using this service broke with the same message.
(Because the server side did not send the message my code expected.)

I added checks
if( ref $something eg 'HASH' ) { ... }
to the code to avoid the code path which would access hash elements.

So I do not consider the referenced debian bugreport classification as grave
Working it around on the client side is possible.
(and maybe is the right thing to do)

CSILLAG Tamas (cstamas) - http://cstamas.hu/

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