Bug#836832: libstring-copyright-perl: please parse "copyright (c) 2106..." statement

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Wed Sep 7 12:46:22 UTC 2016

Quoting Dominique Dumont (2016-09-07 12:17:34)
> On Wednesday, September 7, 2016 10:15:13 AM CEST you wrote:
>> Did I misinterpret your issue somehow?  Can you try run that exact 
>> same test, or perhaps provide a similarly written test that fails for 
>> you?
> Sorry I misinterpreted the result I got from licensecheck (must have been tired yesterday..)
> The problem I have is that the Antonio extracted by licensecheck is a contributor,
> not the © owner:
> $ licensecheck -m --copyright lib/JIRA/Client/Automated.pm 
> lib/JIRA/Client/Automated.pm    UNKNOWN Antonio Perez Testa <japtesta at gmail.com>
> Looks like the following line matches the © detector regexp:
> =item José Antonio Perez Testa <japtesta at gmail.com>
> Note that the firstname "José" is not extracted by licensecheck. 
> I can only guess that the regexp confuses "é" with "©"...
> You can find the whole file there:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-perl/packages/libjira-client-automated-perl.git/tree/lib/JIRA/Client/Automated.pm

Thanks for the added information.

It is always best to include the _symptoms_ when reporting issues, and 
only optionally include (suspected) interpretations of their cause.  
I.e. summarize not as "please parse..." but rather "fails to parse..." 
and then elaborate on what you did which went wrong (including your 
theory on how and why it went wrong only as an optional addon) - I 
suspect that would have helped me understand this issue earlier (wasting 
less time for both of us).

I now get the failure too, and will work on narrowing down what is going 
on (and for the record: your suspicions seem sensible and are - now, as 
addition - quite helpful to me).

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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