Bug#854210: libnet-xmpp-perl: sendxmpp can't send message to hangouts (work fine for 1.02-5)

gregor herrmann gregoa at debian.org
Mon Jun 26 17:23:17 UTC 2017

On Mon, 26 Jun 2017 00:36:27 +0200, Markus Gschwendt wrote:

> > - the idea to make this all easier for users by setting a sane
> >   default in either sendxmpp or libxml-stream-perl;
> +1
> I'd like to have the path to the certs as default.
> Maybe both packages should have a default value.

Thanks for your reply.

Could you please also tell us if my interpretation of your message re
ejabberd from my last mail was correct?


> > Another question: you marked this bug as "affects: sendxmpp
> > ejabberd". The former is obvious but why the latter? I don't think
> > that ejabberd uses XML::Stream or Net::XMPP …
> This information was provided by Markus Gschwendt here:
> https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=854210#10

Right but I'm reading the message as "It also happens when I use
sendxmpp to send a message to a server running ejabberd [and not only
some google server as in the original bug report]". Cc'ing Markus for



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