<div style="border: solid 1px #cccccc; width:448px; background-color:white; margin:10px 0px;";><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="448"><tr><td class=tablot background="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/pim/gr/gr_announce_1.gif" valign=center height=57><big style="padding:10px;">I have a new email address!</big></td></tr></table><div style="padding:10px;">You can now email me at: <b>micro_link_3@yahoo.co.in</b><br><br><span style="color:green;">207 - 208 Malthus Path,<br><br>Thames mead London<br><br>Email:micro_link_2@hotmail.com<br><br>Website: www.microlink.net.uk<br><br><br><br><br>Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br><br>Would you like to Work Online from home and get paid weekly? Micro links Inc. needs a Book-Keeper in the United States of America, Asia, and Africa, Middle East; I want to know if you will like to work Online from home and getting paid weekly without leaving or affecting your present Job. micro link need Someone to work for the Company as a Representative/Book Keeper in the (United States of America, Asia, and Africa Middle East )micro link produces Various Clothing Materials, Batiks, Assorted Fabrics and Traditional Costume which we have Clients we Supply Weekly world wide , <br><br>My Clients make payments for our Supplies every Week in form of Money Orders, Bankers Draft and Checks, which are not Readily Cashable Outside the States so we need Someone in the (United States of America, Asia, and Africa also Middle East ) to work as our representative and Assist us in processing <br><br>the payments from Our Clients and I will pay him Weekly Salary.<br><br><br>All you Need to do is Receive this payments from Our Clients in the States get it Cashed in your Bank then Deduct your Weekly pay and Forward the Balance to the Company down here VIA MONEYGRAMM TRANSFER our payments will be Issued out in your Name and you get them Cashed in your Bank Deduct your <br><br>Weekly Salary and Forward the Balance to the Company VIA MONEYGRAMM TRANSFER, So all I need is to Forward your InformationS to our Clients in your country and they Issue payments in form of Money Orders then Send it to you Via or mail Courier.<br><br><br>All you need to do to be part of this fantastic offer register with micro link uk for more information on how to become group representative member in your country contact manger.<br><br><br>GERALD COLLINS ( manager)<br><br>Tel/FAX: 00447075023737<br><br><br><br>Yours truly,<br><br><br>Mrs PAT Valentine.<br><br></span><br><br>- <span style="color:green;">micro link</span></div></div>