<div style="border: solid 1px #cccccc; width:448px; background-color:white; margin:10px 0px;";><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 width="448"><tr><td class=tablot background="http://us.i1.yimg.com/us.yimg.com/i/us/pim/gr/gr_announce_1.gif" valign=center height=57><big style="padding:10px;">I have a new email address!</big></td></tr></table><div style="padding:10px;">You can now email me at: <b>dennisfawaz103@yahoo.com</b><br><br><span style="color:green;">INQUIRY:<br><br>Dear Sir/Madam,<br><br>We are conducting a standard process investigation on<br><br>behalf of Standard Trust Bank (STB) PLC, the international<br><br>Banking conglomerate. This investigation involves a client<br><br>who shares the same surname with you and also the<br><br>circumstances surrounding investments made by this client<br><br>at STB Republic, the Private Banking arm of STB.<br><br>The STB Private Banking client died <br><br>intestate and nominated no successor in title over the<br><br>investments made with the bank. The essence of this <br><br>communication with you is to request you provide us <br><br>information/comments on any or all of the three issues:<br><br>1) Are you aware of any relative/relation who shares your<br><br>same name, whose last known contact address was<br><br> Lagos Nigeria?<br><br>2) Are you aware of any investment of considerable value<br><br>made by such a person at the Private Banking Division of<br><br>STB Bank PLC?<br><br><br>3) Can you establish beyond reasonable doubt your<br><br>eligibility to assume status of successor in title to the<br><br>deceased?<br><br>It is pertinent that you inform us ASAP whether <br><br>or not you are familiar with this personality that we<br><br> may put an end to this communication with you<br><br> and our inquiries personality.<br><br>You must appreciate that we are constrained from <br><br>providing you with more detailed information at this point.<br><br>Please respond to this mail as soon as possible to afford<br><br>us the opportunity to close this investigation.<br><br>Thank you for accommodating our inquiry.<br><br>Mr. Dennis Fawaz</span><br><br>- <span style="color:green;">Dennis Fawaz</span></div></div>