[Pkg-phototools-devel] RFS: openjpeg

Cyril Brulebois cyril.brulebois at enst-bretagne.fr
Mon Jan 14 10:16:40 UTC 2008

On 12/01/2008, Robin Cornelius wrote:
> Please do. This will make sure the package is injected correctly.

Sorry for the lag, but done now. It's sitting in openjpeg.git[1].

 1. http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-phototools/openjpeg.git

Basically, it was about doing:
  git-svn init --stdlayout $SVN_URL
  git-svn clone
  git-filter-branch $NICE_PARAMS

and then push that to a newly created repository on alioth. NICE_PARAMS
is about changing GIT_AUTHOR_{NAME,EMAIL}. I used the address you're
using on the list and in debian/changelog.

The following branches were created:
  trunk at 17
  unstable (renamed from master)

I guess you may want to drop some of them, better sooner than later, so
that others won't rely on them. ;-)

Note that we usually only keep debian/ under version control, upstream
tarballs are usually sufficient (but it's very fine to keep an upstream
branch along, so that it can be browsed quickly to find upstream patches
and so on).

> Yes thats is my alioth username as well.

OK, added. You should be able to commit, etc. Questions are welcome!
Don't hesitate to ask.


Cyril Brulebois
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