HELLO MY DEAR <BR>My name is Bridget Mabo, am 23 years old . I saw your contcat today at <A href="http://www.icommag.com/">utnubu.alioth.debian.org</A>; How is your health? i hope all is well with you. I believe that we can move from here ; but remember that distance;age and colour dose not matter what matters is the true friendship and understanding; in my next e-mail i shall include my pictuer; i been waithing for your reply mail me with this mail address ( <A href="mailto:Bridget_mabo@yahoo.com">Bridget_mabo@yahoo.com</A>) for further introduction <BR> extend my greetings to your families.<BR> yours sincerely<BR>Bridget <p> Send instant messages to your online friends http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com