[pkg-php-pear] [Pkg-php-pear] On PEAR packaging

Mathieu Parent math.parent at gmail.com
Sat Jul 23 23:52:09 UTC 2011

2011/7/24 Mathieu Parent <math.parent at gmail.com>:
> 2011/7/23 Gunnar Wrobel <wrobel at horde.org>:
> [...]
>>> Updated TODO for "components":
>>> - use algorithm from pkg-php-tools (via a wrapper)
>> What should the wrapper do? I would assume I simply call the tool you coded
>> as the debian packaging helper in the components module relies on your
>> debian packaging helper anyway.
> Yes, you now need pkg-php-tools v0.3 (just uploaded, but also in git)
> and the attached patch.

Here it is!

> I will start this week, but as there are 94 packages on pear.horde.org!
> (I can build 123 packages from source. 20 others don't have
> package.xml, and 4 have a package.xml which doesn't validate)

I have tried to install all those 123 packages and got some problems
of dependencies. Need to investigate further.


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