[pkg-php-pear] Bug#737695: Bug#737695: Bug#737695: pkg-php-tools: Please, remove test 'data' directory as well.

Dario Minnucci midget at debian.org
Wed Feb 5 05:01:20 UTC 2014

Hi David,

On 02/05/2014 05:58 AM, David Prévot wrote:
> Hi,
> Le 05/02/2014 00:43, Dario Minnucci a écrit :
>> Anyway, I don't know if it's possible but, isn't better if 'pkg-php-tools' build system takes care
>> of this instead of modifying debian/rules files?
> That doesn’t seem like a relevant default behavior: data may contain
> actually relevant data (see, e.g., php-apigen). On the other hand,
> declaring a README as data instead of a doc looks like an upstream issue
> in php-net-imap, not something that should be fixed in pkg-php-tools
> default behavior.
> Regards
> David

Thanks for the explanation, then feel free to close this bug.


 Dario Minnucci <midget at debian.org>
 Phone: +34 902884117 | Fax: +34 902024417 | Support: +34 807450000
 Key fingerprint = BAA1 7AAF B21D 6567 D457  D67D A82F BB83 F3D5 7033

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