[pkg-php-pear] One thread by subjcet (Was. Symfony package ready for upload)

"David Prévot" david at tilapin.org
Wed Sep 24 23:55:28 UTC 2014

> Hi Daniel,
> [ Replying to your last both^three messages. ]

I do agree it’s worth separating issues and subject, sorry for
concatenating stuff sometime (I tend to do that when I see thing tending
to an end). Feel free to reply separately to items that would worth a

I just wanted to add a “big thanks” for your handling of this big
src:symfony package, and hope it will make it in Jessie (I’m again a bit
optimistic: the median time seems to be around a week currently, while it
was above two month not so long ago
). I intend to try and bribe some
people on ftpmaster side in two weeks in the hope it will make it in time

[postponing the php-symfony-* standalone packages upload for now: at
worst, the heavy lifting is done, and the packages are almost ready in
their relevant VCS anyway, I will get to them if src:symfony won’t make it




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