Proftpd Memcache Support

Klaipedaville on Google klaipedaville at
Wed Aug 27 10:18:20 UTC 2014

Dear Sirs,

It looks like Wheezys proftpd packages have no memcache support compiled in. Do you ever plan to include it?

It produces the following notice:
proftpd[]: mod_tls_memcache/0.1: notice: unable to register 'memcache' SSL session cache: Memcache support not enabled.

Proftpd has mod_tls_memcache built and loaded all right, but the package was not built with memcache support (i.e. the --enable-memcache configure option was not used when compiling proftpd). This is not a fatal or anything and I simply commented out the #LoadModule mod_tls_memcache.c in /etc/proftpd/modules.conf and it is working fine without any notices which took me quite some time to figure out this work around. However, the question is why do you limit the users on this option, is there a special reason for that? 

It is discussed here as well:  (I am the one who replied to the only entry in this report).

I thank you for your time and look forward to hearing from you soon.

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