Change version of proftp core package (temporarily)

Francesco P. Lovergine frankie at
Tue Nov 14 17:43:51 GMT 2023

On Mon, Nov 13, 2023 at 11:45:20PM +0100, Hilmar Preuße wrote:
>Hi Francesco,
>we have to change the version of proftp core package (for a while). 
>1.3.8a+dfsg-1 is considered to be an older version than 1.3.8+dfsg-1 . 
>I'll fix that for 1.3.9, but to upload 1.3.8a, we have to do a trick. 
>My favorite would be to upload as "1.3.8.a+dfsg-1". Other options 
>could me something like "1.3.8+really1.3.8a+dfsg-1",
>Let me know your opinion.

Uhm, I'm not persuaded that the sid version is required before uploading for
stable, I didn't do that for the previous update in stable. What it is required is
a testing evidence, i.e. it does not create other problems and it works to
solve the issue. Do you have pointers about that requirement?

Even, I'm not sure you will need to do a source upload, because
the upstream version is already loaded in the separate archive at the time
of my first point update.

Francesco P. Lovergine

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