[Pkg-protobuf-devel] Updating to protobuf 3.0, adding new project members

Robert Edmonds edmonds at debian.org
Thu Nov 5 00:02:31 UTC 2015

Andrew Pollock wrote:
> Okay, I'm trying to avoid losing anything, so I'm using an abundance of caution.
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-protobuf/protobuf.git/ is the
> repository you created, it has a 7 week old commit in it. It has no
> mention of 3.0.0

The last upload I made to the archive was 2.6.1-1, so when I created
/pkg-protobuf/protobuf.git/, I initialized it from the most recent
actually uploaded git content I had on hand, and applied a few small
changes to the Maintainer and Uploaders fields.

(Though, I forgot to ack the 2.6.1-1.x NMUs.)

> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-protobuf/pkg-protobuf.git/ is what
> I created yesterday. It is a direct import of what's at
> https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/protobuf.git/ and
> mentions 3.0.0

/collab-maint/protobuf.git has some additional work-in-progress content
that was never uploaded to the archive.  Specifically, I pulled down
some 3.x alphas from upstream's Git repository, and imported the
corresponding tarballs with gbp import-orig --upstream-vcs-tag.  There's
a description of how I laid out the protobuf.git repository starting
from 2.6.0 here:


I would recommend ignoring those older alphas in
/collab-maint/protobuf.git and use the content in
/pkg-protobuf/protobuf.git, which is the repo I meant to use for
packaging going forward.

(I suspect the --upstream-vcs-tag workflow might not be the best
approach going forward either, but that's a separate topic.)

Robert Edmonds
edmonds at debian.org

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