Unmasking the Truth:: Hong Kong: Access to Online Museum Commemorating Tiananmen Square Massacre Blocked

Parker Cruickshank parkercruickshank33 at aol.com
Tue Nov 9 12:36:20 GMT 2021

Parker Cruickshank
PS: End the Evil Chinese Communist Party! Sign This Petition
---Falun Dafa, also known as Falun Gong is a meditation practice consisting of 5 gentle-moving exercises (one of which is a meditation), and guiding principles of truthfulness, compassion and forbearance. The practice was introduced to the public in 1999 by Mr Li Hongzhi. Since its founding, Falun Dafa has spread to more than 100 countries around the world.
Information from official website: https://tnews.to/official-website
Falun Gong Introduction: https://tnews.to/falun-gong-introduction
The Truth about Falun Gong and the persecution in China: https://tnews.to/the-persecution-of-falun-gong
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