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The WorksForMe bug is certainly the worst of all.<BR>
At the time of reporting the bug, I had just moved to a new laptop, so the issue happens on a newly installed Jessie. In the old laptop (in which Wheezy was originally installed in 2011), with all the Jessie updates, pavucontrol has always worked without issue.<BR>
Since my home partition was cloned from the old laptop, I tried removing ~/.config/pavucontrol.ini and ~/.config/pulse/* and restarting the session, with no success. The only change in regards to pulse's default configuration is "flat-volumes = no" in /etc/pulse/daemon.conf, but even reverting that one has no effect at all.<BR>
When running pavucontrol from the terminal I get:<BR>
...:~$ pavucontrol <BR>
Segmentation fault<BR>
...:~$ dmesg<BR>
[elided iptables- and wlan0-related messages]<BR>
[240126.731332] pavucontrol[16559]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000423177 sp 00007fffcc1e0630 error 4 in pavucontrol[400000+45000]<BR>
Since, for some reason, I have the murrine-themes package installed, when running pavucontrol while using the Albatross theme, I get:<BR>
...:~$ pavucontrol <BR>
(pavucontrol:16963): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme parsing error: gtk-widgets.css:2597:41: Expected a valid selector<BR>
Segmentation fault<BR>
I don't get any Gtk-WARNING when using the Bluebird or Greybird themes (also from the murrine-themes package).<BR>
The binaries from other packages suggested by the pulseaudio one (i.e., paman, paprefs, pavumeter), work properly.<BR>
Is there any other information I can attach to the bug report?<BR>
On Sun, 2014-02-02 at 10:22 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
On 2014-01-20 15:36:37 +0400, Vlad Orlov wrote:
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> Can't reproduce it.</FONT>
I can't reproduce it either. If this doesn't affect most users,
the bug severity should be lowered to important, if the bug is not
reassigned in case it would be:
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> Run dmesg after that and check the last lines of the output for the</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> hints about the cause of segfault. If it says something about</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> libgtk-3.so then you've probably been hit by a known bug in</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> gtk3-engines-unico [1] and need to change your GTK+ theme to</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> something not using unico.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> If not, posting the relevant lines here won't hurt anyway.</FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> </FONT>
<FONT COLOR="#737373">> [1] <A HREF="http://bugs.debian.org/706330">http://bugs.debian.org/706330</A></FONT>