[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#524812: exec type, creates directive does not create

Tim Stoop tim at kumina.nl
Mon Apr 20 06:24:25 UTC 2009

I'm not a maintainer, but thought I'd help here anyway:

Op 20-apr-2009, om 6:26 heeft Jayen Ashar het volgende geschreven:
>   exec {
>     "mail jayen at science.unsw.edu.au -s \"kB available on /: `df / |  
> tail -n 1 | sed -r 's/ +/	/g' | cut -f4` - `hostname`\"":
>       path => ["/bin", "/sbin", "/usr/bin", "/usr/sbin"],
>       creates => "/var/tmp/partition_usage_20090420";
>   }
> does not create /var/tmp/partition_usage_20090420 as advertised and  
> executes the command every time puppet runs

Correct, like the manual says: "A file that *this*command*  
creates."[0] (emphasis added by me). You'll need to make sure that  
the command you execute creates the file. For example by adding "&&  
touch /var/tmp/partition_usage_20090420" at the end of the command.

[0] http://reductivelabs.com/trac/puppet/wiki/TypeReference#creates

Kind regards,
Met vriendelijke groet,

Tim Stoop

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