[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#559198: Fix dependencies? Puppetmaster 0.25.1 fails with MySQL backend and Rails 2.1

Eric Gerlach egerlach at feds.uwaterloo.ca
Fri Dec 4 00:24:14 UTC 2009

retitle 559198 Puppetmaster 0.25.1 does not work with rails 2.1

On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 04:58:03PM -0500, micah anderson wrote:
> > but regardless it's broken in Debian right now.
> Well... I wouldn't say that catagorically. Its working for me, and I'm
> using Debian. You are also talking about things not working because
> you've pulled a package from backports.org, which isn't technically
> Debian. In otherwords, if you used the Debian "official" packages, it
> would not be "broken", as you state... and oddly, I'm doing the same
> thing as you are and its also not broken, so we need to get a little
> more information before we declare things broken and then figure out
> how to fix them.

Ah, following the thread on puppet-devel further leads to this bug:


and this commit:


I don't know if that commit is in the sid version right now, but it's not in
backports. (I know backports is unsupported, but I think it's pretty much the
same as the sid version in this case).

Regardless, the bug is mistitled, it's not a dep issue, it's a bug in the code.
I've retitled to fix that.  Sorry for the spam.


Eric Gerlach, Network Administrator
Federation of Students
University of Waterloo
p: (519) 888-4567 x36329
e: egerlach at feds.uwaterloo.ca

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