[Pkg-puppet-devel] Bug#1060084: puppet-agent: Resource type 'Cron' was not found, even after puppet-module-puppetlabs-cron-core installed

Will Partain will+debian at parple.org
Mon Jan 8 12:55:25 GMT 2024

OK, folks, I may have some interesting things (including an [ugly] workaround).

1. The original puppet-7.23.0 code does not mention '/usr/share/puppet' *at all*.

2. The 0001-Adjust-default-paths.patch Debian patch includes:

   -      '$codedir/modules:/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules'
   +      '$codedir/modules:/usr/share/puppet/modules'

   -      '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/vendor_modules'
   +      '/usr/share/puppet/vendor_modules'

   (looks good)

3. The puppet cron module (and others...) ends up visible in /usr/share/puppet/modules

4. My run under 'strace' *NEVER* looks at '/usr/share/puppet/modules' (!)
   but it *does* look at '/usr/share/puppet/vendor_modules'

5. Doing a comparable 'strace'd run, but using only puppetlabs client and server (the current 7.x bullseye code), it *NEVER* looks at '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules' (!)
   but it *does* look at '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/vendor_modules'.

6. The puppetlabs code puts these core modules in 'vendor_modules', witness:

    $ ls /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/vendor_modules
    augeas_core  host_core	 scheduled_task  sshkeys_core  zfs_core
    cron_core    mount_core  selinux_core	 yumrepo_core  zone_core

   (In '/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/modules/'? - nothing)

7. (Workaround) If I copy the debian-12-bookworm 'modules' to 'vendor_modules', e.g.

    cd /usr/share/puppet/modules
    rsync -a --itemize-changes . ../vendor_modules/.

   then... things work as expected(!).

If you want to most-closely mirror the puppetlabs version, the cron (mount, host, ...) modules should go in vendor_modules.  If they're going to stay in modules, something needs to get puppet-agent to *look* there -- something the puppetlabs code does not seem to do.

Can anyone point to *any* debian-12-bookworm Puppet installation that can do 'cron' (mount, host, etc.) resources?

I might, of course, be missing something...  Regards to all,


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